Here at Creatingbutterflies we provide families with practical solutions to real life problems for everything parenting, scouting, dual language, and enjoying time outdoors. To find the area of the leaf, trace the leaf on a piece of graph paper. You can also combine this with #2, 4, and 12. Explore Endangered Animals 20 minutes. Make greeting cards for the elderly Depending on your state, the schools, and your meeting preference, you may or may not be able to meet in person at this time. Minimal impact campsite is a big part of the Junior Eco Camper badge and involves setting up a campsite that changes the environment as little as possible. While on your hike, bring along some salt dough. Luckily, this kindness-based activity can be done both virtually or in person, indoors or outdoors. Our girls love it. need last minute idea for a junior ( 4th graders) girlscout meeting!! An example: PAWS Brownie Pets shares stories of adoptable pets and explores pet care, animal shelters, and the emotions involved in the pet adoption experience. (It can also be easily adapted to Daisies) - here are some additional Thanksgiving ideas. *This post contains affiliate links. , Welcome to the club. Somewhere in the dim, dark past the Troop meeting plan was created; preopening 10 minutes, opening 5 minutes, instruction 20 [] Navigation SITE INDEX With your girl scouts, discover more about space by finding your age if you lived another planet using the Space Sciences Planet Ages website through Girl Scouts. Mom is an educator and dad is a firefighter/paramedic. As your troop arrives for the camping trip, provide the girls a checklist for setting up camp using the minimal impact camping tips found on page 5 of the Eco Camper packet. Mary "Hi! We have kept our girls at around 18 for the moment. Ceremony a special way to celebrate an important event, experience, or feeling. 15 Fun Meeting Ideas for Your Scouts Extended cookie sale, cookie booths and cookie walkabouts can take the enthusiasm of scouting out of your girls. Introduce a well-loved Girl Scout tradition as you open your first meeting! What meals will your prepare? Cadettes and Seniors in third troop. To find the height of the object (such as a tall tree or building), simply multiply the girls height by the length of the objects shadow. My Top 7 Troop Meeting Activities 1) Steal the Bacon This was one of the best games to play during a troop meeting! Leave No Trace Activities 15 minutes. Recipe found in the Outdoor Art Explorer Junior packet on page 5. Finally the Animal Habitats badge worked well at the end for us. Setting up Your Campsite 20 minutes. 4th May 2023. While you do not need to complete each journey in the set, the journey concepts do build and go more in depth with each progressive level. |. Pick one region where endangered animals live. The Outdoor journey badges are separate Junior Girl Scout badges but they do overlap in multiple areas. Be sure to add information about using the garden and caring for the herbs. Create nature inspired art using circular symmetry. Be sure to have a bucket of water near by and keep your fire only as big as you need. Make sure to call your local shelter ahead to see what their rules and hours are. You may even find that one of your Junior Girl Scouts is an expert. Check out these ideas: Make your own journals Make macrame bracelets for the Jeweler badge Make ice cream in a bag DIY Spa Make seed bomb swaps Do a free patch program on Lewis & Clark (note: You'll need computer access) We have often been stressed and looked for last minute Daisy meeting ideas. Depending on your state, the schools, and your meeting preference, you may or may not be able to meet in person at this time. that would make this part of meeting last about 45 minutes. These help to contain the fire and keep your scouts safe too. Make a meal plan for your camping trip. If your pinky finger is below the horizon, the sun will set very soon.,,,, Junior Girl Scout Leaders can extends their scouts new exploration and leadership skills to the outdoors. I think its great that they learn all of this stuff! That's why we put together this resources for new and seasoned leaders who are trying to juggle work-life, home-life, and leading. Do you have one checking account or multiple? Allow your scouts time to research the endangered habitat to learn more about why it is in danger? Even though the Junior Outdoor Journey is a bit different than the other journeys available, the scouts will still explore a few key concepts and vocabulary on their way to earning the rewards. This can be paired with a trip to speak with a first responder, which is actually the second requirement for the first aid badge. You can find these in rivers, tree branches, lightning, plants, and clouds. During your campfire be sure to share girl scout songs, a story about Juliette Gordon Low the founder of Girl Scouts, and share special Girl Scout traditions from the past. And/or a badge they can earn? So the water sources and food sources in the area are also part of the animals habitat. We have plenty of fun activities to do inside or out: Bake a cake to share or make cupcakes for the girls to decorate. Observe from a distance and try to keep noises down so as not to scare away the animals who live here. While the badges are not a set like some of the other Junior Girl Scout Journeys, they should be displayed together. What will you need to bring? While speaking with a first responder, be sure to talk about how to handle urgent first aid issues such as allergies, asthma, snakebites, and poison. Resorts World Arena with Olly Murs. Leave No Trace is a big part of scouting. To earn this badge, your Junior Girl Scouts will need to plan and prepare for their adventure, gather all the necessary gear, set a goal to allow them to train, and go on their outdoor climbing or snow adventure. Consider watching a short film about community impact. Let us take a bit of the stress out of last minute meeting planning. Multi-Level Troops - Girl Scouts Its Very Helpful to have an assistant leader for each age level to oversea the girls so the leader can bounce around. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Last Minute Girl Scout Meeting Ideas Badge booklets and Resources to help Leaders save time! Zoom Burn Out? 7 Fun Last-Minute Ideas to Celebrate Girl Scout Week See more ideas about girl scouts, girl scout activities, girl scout badges. When you take a snack break, play the Leave No Trace game with your troop. Brownies and Juniors in one troop. Little kids can see and circle a picture. The Outdoor Junior Girl Scout Journey requires the girls to earn the three different Junior Girl Scout badges and complete a Take Action Project. Create a list of minimal impact recipes and cooking strategies for your Girl Scout service unit. Pinterest is full of fun scavenger hunt ideas in the woods, on trails, on the beach, and in the mountains. At the time of this writing, theres an excellent program on Netflix from Headspace, and there are dozens of videos on YouTube that are kid-friendly for mindfulness and meditation. Change). The first two goals focus on earn the Junior Animal Habitats badge, the next two goals main focus is the Junior Camper badge and the final two goals are the focus of the Eco Camper badge. Then time how long it takes to walk the distance. Keep a list of the animals that you see and their special features that allow them to live here. Head out on your trip and have some nighttime fun! Formally open the meeting. Disclosure: Use Resources Wisely is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Trash Your Trash dispose of waste properly which may include packing up your trash and carrying it out. "My recommendation would be to teach the Girl Scout quiet sign and the 'I'm a Girl Scout Daisy' or 'Brownie Smile Song,' so when the girls get restless you can stop and sing the song," shares Julie Fuqua, a troop leader from . Updated January 2022 *This post contains affiliate links. This can include plants budding or losing leaves, animals making nests or migrating, or the clouds in the sky. Here are some ideas that can bring back the fun in Girl Scout meetings: Dont miss out on new ideas. The girls may see this in pineapples, cut open apples or bananas, sunflowers, and pinecones. First Six Meetings: Girl Scout Juniors A step-by-step guide for the first six meetings of your Junior Troop Objective: The goal of your first six Junior meetings is to renew old friendships and to forge new ones as returning girls and adults welcome new members. We have 22 Daisy and Brownie girls. Tickets. Object Height = (Girls Height x Objects Shadow) / Girls Shadow. I also work with the Seniors and do camping skills. *This post contains affiliate links. Check them out! After reading much about it online, I decided [], Here is how we finished up the Girl Scout Junior Amuse Journey so we could get started on our Bronze Award. Learn all about the baby animal homes and how animal parents care for their children. Look at the key or legend to discover landmarks and the scale to determine the length of the hike. We love helping our children and other scouts keep learning more about their world and themselves. The measurement should be taken about 4.5ft from the ground, which is a little shorter than most of your girl scouts. Next year, when the Daisies bridge to Brownies, we will be one big troop again meeting at the same time. As your girls find awe-inspiring nature items, they can make an impression in the salt dough without needing to take the nature item with them. But I have awesome older girls that are great leaders.. Community a group of people living in the same general area, share a common background or interest, or have a common history or goal. Updated October 2022 You can incorporate this with the Junior Geocacher badge requirements by creating planet based geocaches to place along your hike. Spanish and English Family Names Easy Readers, Spanish and English School Supplies Easy Reader, Dual Language Early Kindergarten Beginning Letter Sound Bundle, Spanish and English Beginning Letter Sound Places in my School, Spanish and English Beginning Letter Sound Position Words. Need ways to recharge the Girl Scouts in your troop? Sing a few songs together as you enjoy your special campfire treats and views of the nighttime sky. Traditional Bridging Ceremony - Brownies to Juniors, Girl Scout Gold Award Ideas - Ecology, Nature & Wildlife Conservation, Gold Key Ceremony For Cadettes Bridging To Senior Girl Scouts, Mission Sisterhood Journey in a Day for Seniors, Clean up at the after-Easter sales and make. 18 Ideas to get the most out of Scouts with limited time from Leaders This will allow the scouts to follow the leave no trace principles while capturing the beauty of nature. I've gotten lots of great ideas for my troop there. Moreover, they will discover more about animal habitats and how to protect these habitats today. By clicking "Accept," you consent to the use of ALL cookies. We have plenty of fun activities to do inside or out: Your email address will not be published. is not affiliated with, endorsed by or a licensee of Girl Scouts of the USA. Thank-You!! Be Careful with Fire have a plan for building a campfire, including keeping the campfire small, using sticks from the ground, and putting out your fire, Respect Wildlife observe from a distance and be sure to clean up all food you bring so wildlife dont learn to depend on humans, Be Kind to Other Visitors use a quiet voice and share the trails with others. Play GS Traditions Bingo. October 24, 2022 Did time get away from you and now you need an easy last minute craft for Girl Scout Founder's Day? Gather simple craft supplies like colorful paper or card stock, envelopes, and stamps. We will present both methods below for Girl Scout Leaders and their troops to choose the best way to meet the Girl Scout Junior Outdoor journey requirements. Choosing a Take Action Project for the Junior Outdoor Journey can be fairly simple and accomplished during your camping trip, especially when camping with younger girl scouts. I set out the agenda and the girls have to plan the meetings.. Add these to a binder for new leaders. Then, the week of Halloween, we went there for a party with the residents. I would suggest have one major fall product manager and one major cookie manager, to work with level managers. What I Want You toKnow. Buy a kids candle making kit and save sanity. Seems to work best when there is a leader over each level or two levels. We have a parent who helps with our money, others who help with groups, and still others who help with field trips. The troop will discover their Journey as they are introduced to Girl Scout Brownie Leadership Journeys. Next fall, I will be a leader who shows up to help at meetings and go on field trips, but that is all. This is one of the most practical last-minute Girl Scout meeting ideas. Indoors, outdoors, socially distanced, or via Zoom, this activity is fun, invigorating, and works every time. Next the scouts learn to use a GPS receiver by either locating or hiding objects using GPS coordinates. Taking a few minutes to discover how to become calm and centered can be one of the most useful last-minute Girl Scout meeting ideas for kids, teens, and adults alike. Your scouts could explore their photos to see which examples of symmetry they have captured. Depending on what your girls want to try on their trip, you can add in a few additional badges when planning. You can hand these out to the girls as they complete each step or have one ceremony where you hand out all four badges at the same time. Then create a special digital or print photo collage of all the girls photos to share with their family and friends to build Girl Scouting excitement. Know Before You Go plan ahead and prepare everything you need, including having a plan to pack everything when you leave. For our troop, we found earning Camper badge while earning the Eco Camper badge to be helpful since there is so much overlap. To earn this Junior Girl Scout Badge, simply plan and prepare for your hike, gather all your gear, set your goal, and then go on your hike. And sometimes events are for everyone and sometimes just certain patrols. Your email address will not be published. You can also ensure that you have the proper safety items for building a campfire. Creative Story Orbs Are a Fun Girl Scout Activity The girls can either search for the boxes together or individually. Working with your campsite hosts to create signs to visually mark the hiking trails so that future hikers can easily follow the trails without fear of getting lost. The girls can then determine if their water bottles will hold enough water and how they will bring along extra water for their camping trip. It also extends to the outdoor journey for cadettes, seniors, and ambassadors. On the years were all the same we worked on the official badges & the years were split we worked on completing the Journies with a lot of pre-planning to make the time lines of the different levels line up. We meet several times a month for meetings but also for other activities. (LogOut/ What a comprehensive overview of the Outdoor Junior Journey. Build a campfire with your scouts. ONe Monday is Daisy through Junior and the next Monday is Cadette through ambassador. These fees help support the cost of this blog and offset many of our scouting adventures. You will need to learn about digital cameras or photography from an expert, but with so many people having phone cameras, this shouldnt be too hard. If you are completing the Outdoor Junior Journey at a campout, adding in Junior Geogracher, Outdoor Art Creator and Space Investigator Junior badges are fairly easy since they can fit into already planned activities and extra time here and there. The square knot is great for joining two different ropes that are the same thickness, while a clove hitch helps to fasten a rope to a tree or post. We meet twice a month-elementary girls 4:30-5:45 and middle/high school girls 5:30-7 with a 15 minute overlap when all are together for an opening/closing ceremony, announcements and reminders. Scouting for Girls. What would you have tried differently? This helps to protect the plants and animals, but also keeps the water sources in the area clean as well. Explore your surroundings by looking for examples of symmetry, including bilateral symmetry which means the two halves are the same on both sides. You can do this two ways either have each of the girls write an entire story. For this badge begin by teaching your Junior Girl Scouts how to tell time using the sun and their hands. Use shadows to help estimate the height of tall objects in nature. Kapers are a big thing, and I try to match up the younger kids with the older ones to get stuff done. Junior meetings | Troop Leader Juniors plan an overnight camping trip, including items to bring, activities to enjoy, and meals to prepare. What worked well for you? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This post may contain affiliate links. These fees help support the cost of this blog and offset many of our scouting adventures. (LogOut/ I am looking at having a multi leveled troop in the fall. Girl Scout Leader 411 from Regular tag rules apply. We met an extra day a month. The Junior Eco Camper badge focuses on camping while leaving minimal impact on the environment. Often times people forget when we set up camp that we are intruding on the local wildlife around us. Easy and Last-Minute Ideas for Girl Scout* Meetings - Pinterest They will need to measure their own height, the length of their shadow, and the length of the objects shadow to determine the height. View a Library Badge Booklets in our Shop Resources for Leaders We're passionate about helping leaders - because we're leaders. Check with the campground hosts on their protocol for handling the invasive species. Tinder thin materials that burns as soon as it is lit, usually includes small twigs, leaves, and small pieces of wood. Ask the girls to bring in something to donate. I found a brownie safety badge I need a junior safety badge they can earn. Create a Leave No Trace Printable Poster for each troop in your Girl Scout service unit. Your email address will not be published. PDF Brownie GS: First Six Meetings - Girl Scouts EVERY WEDNESDAY GET AN ADDITIONAL 15% OFF ON PATCHES. Your troop learns different ways to prepare a campsite with minimal impact to the environment. Sorry I didn't see this back in the fall, but for future use, Halloween was Juliette Low's birthday which makes it an easy Girl Scout meeting. Your girls will apply the Leave No Trace principles. Pick an activity that works where you live and go for it! The scouts will be able to determine how much uphill and downhill hiking they will do on this trail. Like you, we usually do every other week. Ask the girl scouts to list as many wild animals near their home as they can. We planned out camping trip a few weeks before our actually trip. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. April 6, 2016 Burned Out After Cookie Sales? We did a parade, gave them the cards and signs, and sang the song. We like to bring along hydration packs with at least 2 liters of water per person, sunscreen and a hat for sun protection, a snack, the trail map, and a whistle at a minimum. They loved it, and so did our girls. The girls will need to create a portable first aid kit, which is a must have in their hiking packs when going on a camping trip. Opening Activity 5 minutes. I am glad we have programs like to help prepare the leaders of tomorrow. Then play the leave no trace game Eco Friend or Eco Foe found in the Girl Scout Volunteer Toolkit or Surface Hopscotch found on page 9 in the Eco Camper packet. Same goes for the journey award badges. They dont understand multi level troops or sister troops. 5 Girl Scout Bridging Poems; Bridging to Cadette ceremony; Mission Sisterhood Journey in a Day for Seniors; Camp Songs: The Milk Song; Gold Key Ceremony For Cadettes Bridging To Senior Girl Scouts; 10 Ways to Earn the Make the World a Better Place Daisy Petal; Girl Scout Gold Award Ideas - Mental Health; 9 Last-Minute Meetings for Junior Girl . I especially appreciate the emphasis on taking care of the environment. and our troop just keeps getting bigger and bigger., I have Daisy and Brownies. Cooking 30 minutes. Here are some ideas that can bring back the fun in Girl Scout meetings: Scrapbook the good times. Being in a shelter can be a terrifying experience for an animal. To do this at meetings we start together to officially start the meeting, but then seperate by level for the reading of the Jouney stories. 10 outstanding Junior Girl Scout Meeting Ideas so anyone may not ought to explore any further . Nick Rayns LCR, University of East Anglia (UEA) Norwich, England, United Kingdom. If your girls can handle a full weekend of Girl Scouts, you may plan to start early in the evening on Friday and continue through the afternoon on Sunday to include the entire Take Action Project or additional badge work. We have one overall leader, me, who coordinates and does the paperwork. However, ceremonies and celebrations are such an important part of Girl Scouts and journeys. October 23, 2021 Here is a fun and socially distant last minute Girl Scout Halloween meeting for your Daisy, Brownie and Junior troops. This time last year we only had seven girls so its been a big increase for us. Each Take Action Project involves the outdoors or educating people about outdoors. This should include a healthy breakfast, lunch or dinner, dessert, and your own meal, which could include a hiking snack or girl-led recipe. We plan our camping trips together. . If they can do girls can do it. PDF First Six Meetings: Girl Scout Juniors And remember, keep your fires small. Getting back into the groove doesnt always come naturally, however, and bringing last-minute Girl Scout meeting ideas to life can be a daunting task. Preparing before you go will help you to follow the Leave No Trace principles too. For many people these may include a species of bird, bat, or insect. Those leaders can organize the parents of that group to get an assistant or assistants to help with cookies, fall product, meetings, crafts, chauffeuring, planning. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Daisy Girl Scout Meeting Ideas January to May, Girl Scout Bridging Ceremonies for All Levels, Daisy Girl Scout Meeting Ideas September to December, Advice to New Girl Scout Leaders from a Veteran, How to Find Discontinued Girl Scout Badges, Get Your Free Girl Scout Meeting Planning Templates, Last Minute Girl Scout Halloween Meeting for Daisies, Brownies and Juniors, Finishing the Amuse Journey Meeting #5 and Getting Ready for the Bronze Award, Review of Our First Junior Girl Scout Meeting, 17 Free Girl Scout Brownie Safety Award Pin Resources for Leaders, Free Girl Scout Happy Camper Patch Program from Cabot Cheese, 16 Free Girl Scout Daisy Safety Award Pin Resources, 10 Free Summer Reading Programs For Kids 2023, Free Girl Scout Simply Giving Ronald McDonald House Patch. Join thousands of hosts renting their space for meetings, events, and photo shoots. The Sit-A-Can is great camping storage idea to keep critters from being able to smell or detect snacks or fruity bath products. TroopLeaderHub is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to During hikes and other active activities, they will want 2 cups per hour. Wow, this is extremely informative. Hardest part is doing things together because Daisy and Ambassadors have very different characteristics. Become a Girl Scout Become a Girl Scout. Line up your index finger with the bottom of the sun. You may try a snowshoe hike, sledding, ice skating, rock or boulder climbing, indoor rock climbing, a high ropes course, or any other adventure in the snow or climbing that the girls wish to pursue. We do this when working on badges that way were not always focusing on one group. This includes all your trash and food scraps. Your troop should decide how they want to celebrate their progress and completion of the journey. The Outdoor Junior Journey works a little differently than the other journeys. I divide up into age levels with 1 co-leader working with each group at meetings., Having come from another scouting organization, having multiple assistant leaders make it possible. This is so thorough! When we are trying to complete a journey in a day, this is often much more difficult. Baby Animal Habitats 10 minutes. We're Troop Leaders in the Northeast with a troop of 2nd Grade Brownies. Be sure to look for the moon, specific constellations using your star wheels, any planets, and the brightest stars. We had so much fun that we planned a few more journey in a day agendas for our troop. Scouting For Girls: The Place We Used To Meet Tour. Fortunately, weve compiled several creative options for your scouts get-together. Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Make macrame bracelets for the Jeweler badge, Traditional Bridging Ceremony - Brownies to Juniors, Girl Scout Gold Award Ideas - Ecology, Nature & Wildlife Conservation, Gold Key Ceremony For Cadettes Bridging To Senior Girl Scouts, Mission Sisterhood Journey in a Day for Seniors. trust me.. it can be hectic at times.. but once the girls understand how it works it works great for us.. I have 36 girls all ranging from Daisy to Ambassador. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Peerspace is the easiest way to book locations for meetings and events. Open with visiting an animal habitat while the scouts list all the animals who live here and those they actually see, listing their special adaptive features. hole punch brads (2 per girl) Start by writing a ten-line story. Book thousands of unique spaces directly from local hosts. Leave What You Find leave all plants, rocks, animals, and historical items as you found them. I know you said Girl scouts, but I do both Girl and Boy Scouts and I find that the activities the Cub Scouts do are often a LOT more engaging than what people seem to think is suitable for girls. Be sure to teach them how to do this in a way that minimally impacts the environment. Every Girl Scout journey offers opportunities to individualize and customize the journey to best meet the needs of your scouts. Badge booklets and Resources to help Leaders save time. Teach the girl scouts how to leave no trace while camping. As you create circular symmetry, look for examples of the Fibonacci Sequence. We do all ceremonies together and work on service projects together. Meghan, you are so welcome. Junior Girl Scouts are surrounding Brownie Girl Scout to form two circles. Being a parent is like being a warrior, and even more so if youre a parent volunteer. One Brownie usually takes attendance and one Jr collects dues. The majority of our girls are bridging over to Junior Girl Scouts this year so we're planning our big end of year Bridging Ceremony. Before your camping trip, you will want to plan with your Junior Girl Scouts.
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