weston, ma town meeting 2023

How do I dispose of my trash, recyclables and yard waste? Weston Town Hall Happenings for June 30, 2023 - Weston, CT Dispose of sensitive documents and tech in a safe way! Please note that it was 10 pm at this point and we are down to 360ish voters. It is Our Part Time summer staff link is live on our website as well- we're to hire Summer Camp Counselors, Pool/Pond Monitors & Lifeguards & more! https://vimeo.com/837210170. Town Election: Saturday, May 6 at Town Hall for All Precincts Webelections and Town affairs, to meet at the Town Hall at 11 Town House Road in said Town, on Saturday, the sixth day of May, 2023, to act on Article 1 of this warrant for which polls In the spring there are grade level field days that utilize our campus fields. Weston is one of the fifty-five projects selected for funding under this funding cycle, which over their lifetime will cost-effectively reduce 2,760 tons of NOx emissions and almost 126,000 tons of GHGs from environmental justice communities and other areas of Connecticut that bear a disproportionate share of air pollution. As you enter the firehouse side of the lot the charger is conveniently located in the first two parking spots. Please click here for more information. And finally, the Opening Note . Weston Public LibraryPaper Shredding and Computer Recycling on Saturday, May 6The Friends of the Weston Library will be holding a shred day fundraiser in the Hurlbutt Elementary School parking lot. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> While you wait, use our newly installed sidewalks to walk to Weston Center and do a little shopping. If a virtual inspection is preferred, a data mailer will follow when an inspection is not granted and the virtual option can be arranged at that time. Weston Summer Concert Series on the Town Green, 5th July 20237:00 pm - 8:30 pm The complex system will cost $4.5M to purchase and install. Weston Art & Innovation Center, 27th July 20231:30 pm - 3:30 pm Visit our website for more information:https://www.westonct.gov/about-us/town-hall/municipal-job-openings, Message from the Weston Assessor's Office The 2023 Revaluation is upon us and inspections have been happening since March 2023. See here for more information about our pedestrian safety projects. Please email[emailprotected]if you are interested. The Meeting starts on time at 7 pm, and you need to check in to get your magic wand before that. Stay tuned. https://www.westonct.gov/our-community/organizations-services/ukraine-sister-city-siversk, https://www.westonct.gov/government/municipal-departments/public-works, Volkswagen Corporation (VW) emissions cheating scandal, https://www.westonct.gov/government/municipal-departments/public-works/infrastructure-projects/pedestrian-safety-projects, https://www.westonct.gov/about-us/town-hall/municipal-job-openings, https://www.westonct.gov/government/boards-commissions/elected/board-of-selectmen, Click here for this month's Youth & Family Social Services Newsletter, Install 2 Dual-Port, Level 2 Chargers on Outdoor Pedestals, Location: Public Works, 78 Old Hyde Road, Weston. 2023 Annual Town Meeting | Weston, MA Web2023 Annual Town Meeting. Please click here for more information. 2023 Annual Town Meeting | Lexington, MA 2 0 obj Download . This project creates approximately 5,500 linear feet of new sidewalk, within the Town Center and along School Road. You do. Upcoming Town Meeting & Town Election Dates. The purpose of this project is to provide a safe and inviting pedestrian environment in and around the Weston Town Center, which includes Town Schools, Municipal Buildings, the Town Library and other destinations. Driveway aprons will be repaved as needed. All ages, all stages are welcome! You yourself have a very important role as a Weston registered voter: Show up and Vote! It is something that we all can do to decrease anxiety amongst staff and students as well as the parents who expressed these concerns. Cookies? Kick back and enjoy some popcorn, sing and dance along, or color while you watch. 9th July 20231:00 pm - 3:00 pm https://vimeo.com/820579482, Parks and RecreationParks and Recreation's Spring Afterschool programs, Swim lessons and Summer Camp registration is ongoing-WebTrac Splash Many camps and programs are filling quickly! How do I receive emergency notifications? 1 million from FY 2022-2023 State Budget. How do I get involved with Town Government? Agenda. An information meeting was held on March 6th. Bring them in a cookie because its a long day. Why on earth bother to vote in this election? I got my ballot in the mail, but will not be sending it in. 3 yf7 VYeS*hMvMyuLI2fYn9js!yo!~hu]>}7B!l^.w&]LfD='LMF"7j Ah yes. endobj a new weekly social hour hosted by CCYM and intended for families & friends of all ages. As Weston's only marginally-news media source, think of it as a subscription. You doNOTneed to have a young child or be an official member of First Parish to attend these gatherings! Hey Leslie Glynn (candidate for Planning Board), what are you thinking? Weston High School auditorium, 444 Wellesley Street, Monday, May 8 at 7 pm. Politics & PieWeston League of Women Voters Brings State Legislators to TownMeet State Senator Ceci Maher and State Representative Anne Hughes at a special annual event, Politics and Pie, sponsored by the Weston League of Women Voters and held at the Weston Public Library (56 Norfield Road;westonpubliclibrary.org) on Sunday, May 7 from 11:30-12:30. 2023 Annual Town Election | Weston, MA One of Weston's preeminent events, don't miss out. Special Town Meeting - September 13, 2022, 7 p.m. at }/S#yO @xPA{2]z 9SyJBC2_^x Or don't. Its a privilege and a right I choose to exercise. This is second consecutive budget that has passed overwhelmingly and has been well under 0.5% increase. For additional information, visit Silver Hill's website athttps://silverhillhospital.org/NCUAor call the Town of Weston's Human Services Department at 203-222-2663. 1 0 obj %PDF-1.7 Hmmm. I also want to thank the Board of Finance who, when they met to set the mill rate, decided that the increase in taxes will be even lower due to the projected increase in collections. Youth and Family Services Please register for the Social Services monthly newsletter! Weston Town Hall Happenings for June 30, 2023. Weston Town Green, 6th July 20231:30 pm - 3:30 pm Meetings - Agendas and Minutes - Weston Public Schools The addition of approximately 2,000 linear feet of 5-foot wide sidewalk extending from School Road around Revson Field and connecting to Lords Highway. This summer the planned opening date isJune 24 for swimming. ), so come as you are and bring some treats to share apple juice, a bottle of wine, cheese & crackers (whether Goldfish-shaped or otherwise). Weston Art & Innovation Center, Movie TBDhttps://westonowl.com/2023/01/05/weston-public-library-thursday-afternoon-film-club-january-2023/, Thursday Night Social Hour with First Parish Church. Web2021 Annual Town Meeting. Please call 203-222-2696 or email[emailprotected]. You can request an application from the Tax Collectors office. ARPA Update: Wood Hill Road Emergency Access-wayAt the May 4 Board of Selectmen meeting, the board unanimously approved that the BOS refer the project to the P&Z for a section 8-24 request for an emergency only access to Wood Hill Road. Seriously, if you are planning to use the excuse of I dont even know whos running for office to not vote, please note first of all the major eye roll here in Owl executive offices. Thanks to the entire Board of Education and Town of Weston staff and leadership who worked so hard to create this budget. All three Weston Select Board members are also culpable in undermining the will of the voters by not implementing the citizens petition which passed at our last Town Meeting, calling for a 5 member Select Board. For more information about Positive Directions please check out their website athttps://www.positivedirections.org/, Weston SocialServices 203-222-2663[emailprotected], The Community Connectivity Sidewalk Project UpdateThis project calls for the construction of approximately 5,500 linear feet of new sidewalk, varying in material type including concrete, bituminous concrete, and stone dust within the Town Center and along School Road. I always vote. Registration required. I will also say that regardless of who nominated Tom Palmer, he is an excellent candidate who I know personally and went to my alma mater (go cats) so must be an excellent human being. % 377 North Avenue, Weston, https://westonowl.com/2023/05/24/guided-labyrinth-walk-may-27-with-united-methodist/, https://westonowl.com/2023/01/05/weston-public-library-thursday-afternoon-film-club-january-2023/. The virtual meeting may be accessed via Zoom:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87660879337. Yikes. This is a casual drop-in time for folks to hang out and enjoy each others company its like Fellowship Hour outside, but with wine and cheese! 1) $3,300,000 for Memorial Pool Rehabilitation, 2) $85,000 for Pickleball Court Design Fees, FY 2023 CPA Projects & Town Meeting Articles, FY 2022 CPA Projects & Town Meeting Articles, FY 2020 CPA Projects & Town Meeting Articles, FY 2019 CPA Projects & Town Meeting Articles, FY 2018 CPA Projects & Town Meeting Articles, FY 2017 CPA Projects & Town Meeting Articles, FY 2016 CPA Projects & Town Meeting Articles, FY 2015 CPA Projects & Town Meeting Articles, FY 2014 CPA Projects & Town Meeting Articles, FY 2013 CPA Projects & Town Meeting Articles. The podcast alternates between Westport First Selectwoman Jen Tooker (calledWestport Whats Happening) and Weston First Selectwoman Sam Nestor as part of a public service program that offers perspectives from each town every Monday. Opening Note This 4th of July I am grateful for living in this peaceful and generous town. In addition, if you wish to use the tennis courts or track during the day, and a class of students is outside using these facilities, I would ask that you come back when our students are inside or after school. |U*d(&QMmX__hd$6`C KThqbZ7P2 Dear Adam Newman (candidate for School Committee), how about some M&Ms? The Town has recently been awarded an additional $484,500 grant to provide a total of $884,200 under the StatesCommunity Connectivity Program Grant Programto cover 100% of the construction cost. Listen to the podcast about the 2023 revaluation here:https://vimeo.com/807322949, Land Mobile Radio Project Moves ForwardA presentation was given to a joint Board of Selectman and Board of Finance Meeting on April 19. The Tax Collector is currently accepting applications for the Abatement, Deferment and Freeze programs through May 15, 2023 for the upcoming Grand List year. How do I dispose of my trash, recyclables and yard waste? They will be taking photos as well as requesting an interior inspection be done at the time of their visit. All work on School Road will start after the end of the school year to prevent any disruption. The areas of Town being inspected will be posted and updated throughout the entire collection process. We're excited to have added Field Hockey Camp to our programs as well as Fairfield County's premier Ultimate Frisbee camps for this summer; come and join the fastest growing sport in the country! N(>QbU f'??P6C4KHtDGsedA 27fCa`*Qn[FHhFikT;.l^!>1E?! ?9YXo(t"-KDN!COlF oL9h%1o,AA0I5RaE/~7"'9Gd5b\*5kg*(ywO_Bb.A(EAO0Ae]]FDju& ]'5N93U#{_YVUlJ See the information table at the July 4th festivities and be a part of this private / public partnership. How do I get involved with Town Government? Conservation Commission January 3, 2023, 7:30 PM @ online meeting see posted agenda for public participation instructions More Details Planning Board Site Visit Withlower charging rates (.30 kWh) and no idle time feeswe encourage everyone with an EV to come by and charge up! Every 2 weeks, we will discuss projects, programs and activities in our town in a brief five minute interview. Weston Town Green, 13th July 20231:30 pm - 3:30 pm O`. gYp {I_fP%;6 cvD)|w w>%&c Public Information Meeting - May 9, 2023 at 6pm via ZoomWeston Center Intersection and Pedestrian Safety Improvements(LOTCIP Project L157-001)The Town of Weston (the Town) will conduct a Virtual Public Information Meeting regarding the upcoming Weston Center Intersection and Pedestrian Safety Improvements project on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM. A Message from School Second of all, please check out the League of Women Voters Candidate Night recording here. EV Charger Update The Town, using American Rescue Plan Act funding, installed a new Electric Vehicle charger in the parking lot at Town Hall. . The new mill rate is 33.06, only a 0.27% increase from the previous year. If approved by the P&Z construction will begin and be completed this summer. 3 0 obj Welcome to June 30ths Town Hall Government and Politics. Yes, we all know that there is not one single contested position this year, but voting is important to show your support, or non-support for these volunteers. Weston Art & Innovation Center, 19th July 20237:00 pm - 8:30 pm Whats Next in Westonfeatures First Selectwoman Sam Nestor and special guests. From: Town of Weston. This page lists School Committee meetings scheduled for 20232024 School Year. The Town was responsible for engineering of the project, including all costs associated with design. Board of Selectmen Meetings Please feel free to attend BOS hybrid meetings where you can watch in person at the Town Hall Meeting Room or you can still Zoom into the meetings, which are always posted on the Town website. And while Massachusetts has recently upheld your right to be a jerk (true story), how about we try polite discourse with an occasional sarcastic bombshell (seeing Lamson Park gear from other space aka Disneyland Weston remains a favorite). More Information and the Zoom meeting link can also be found on the Town website:www.westonct.gov. Annual Town Meeting will be held on Monday, May 8th, 2023 in the Auditorium and Gymnasium at Weston High School. From The Tax CollectorStarting April 7, the Tax Collectors office will be closed on Fridays.The Tax Collectors office will also be closed on Tuesday May 9th. Web2023 Annual Town Meeting; 2023 Annual Town Election; 2022 Annual Town Meeting ; 2022 September Special Town Meeting; 2022 Annual Town Election; 2021 Annual Find a description and process on the Town Meeting Procedure web page and the Guide to Town Meeting Procedure (PDF). *.tYi0`@"w4n);nY74`|nUC]Y;Wh@? A 9S=aXy&$N]Gfr_u!v+WF_nhKrm{NS UG]l+VxUk-#~S^Bc4;GtJJmr47XLZeyb T($TxD&r7^=z2if//JV!QEvFMFj}0l:bPOD;,wq8) ( ;wZRBRvJ'Kn1::/NX~XYM,Gt;E|ME$qlu"hH(z1W?Q[ j avZ>at~ipX#vZK$-OvZEdecJY^aST0hx>r&. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. https://www.westonct.gov/about-us/advanced-components/list-detail-pages/news-lis, https://www.westonct.gov/government/municipal-departments/communications-, https://www.westonct.gov/government/municipal-departments/public-works/infrastructure-projects/pedestrian-safety-projects, Community Connectivity Program Grant Program, Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program. 1) $3,300,000 for Memorial Pool Rehabilitation CPA Or don't. Every 2 weeks, we will discuss projects, programs and activities in our town in a brief five minute interview. <> All meetings are posted to the Meeting Calendar at After the project is awarded we will post the streets included in this years paving and timing. Calendar Weston, MA CivicEngage Town Meeting & Election | Weston, MA Popcorn and coloring supplies will be provided. This shameful situation is in large part due to the lack of a local newspaper. See here for the Whats Next in Weston podcasts describing the project: Part 1:https://vimeo.com/798205670Part 2:https://vimeo.com/802476770. Please click here for more information on the project. Bisceglie Scribner PondThe swimming pond at Bisceglie Scribner Park will be under renovation the week of May 8. Intersection improvements at the intersection of Weston Road (Route 57) and School Road including the addition of an exclusive northbound right turn lane on Weston Road (Route 57) for vehicles turning onto School Road. Share. I understand that running on School Road and walking on campus sidewalks is enjoyed by our residents. Wear your comfiest clothes or come dressed up inyour Encanto finest! People will be hanging out starting at 4:00 pm and will stay until 6:00 pm (or later if folks want to stick around! Enterprise Budget (PDF), Article 11 Weston Media Center Presentation (PDF), Article15 Amendments to the Town Dog Bylaws (PDF), Water System Master Plan Upgrades & Replacements webpage, December 2, 2013 Special Town Meeting Results, June 17, 2013 Special Town Meeting Results. I dislike very much your impliication that Mr. Palmer sabotaged anything. Town Meeting and Election Archive | Weston, MA To schedule an intake, please complete the form found atWestonUrgent Assessment Programor call Silver Hill Hospital admissions at 1-866-542-4455 and indicate that you are inquiring about the Weston Urgent Assessment Program. Article 6 - Approve Property Tax Deferral, Article XX of the Town Bylaws (Dog Bylaws), Rehabilitate Tennis and Basketball Courts, An Act Authorizing the Town of Weston to Grant a, request from at least 10 voters to remove an, so it may be heard and voted upon separately, for the Sale of Wines and Malt Beverages at a Food Store (as supplied by petitioners), Report of the Community Preservation Committee (PDF), FY24 Revenue Projection and Budget Summary (PDF), Appx 2- Transfers from the Reserve Fund (PDF), Appx 3 - Community Preservation Act (PDF), Article 7 - Water Enterprise Budget (PDF), Article 9 FY24 Recreation Enterprise Budget (PDF), Article 10 FY24 Brook School Apts. Weston Social ServicesWe are excited to announce our new monthly newsletter! Are you looking for some laid-back gatherings to fill your summer social calendar? Parks and Recreation 4th of July fireworkspremier parking passes are on sale now. Welcome to June 30thsTownHallHappenings. Jd7IDi0*ADmvpyz5^zqGD^95b=u]WZpa;Z.SwB7J/z:n4Lc?T&F=PYehH\u %-NCL>W-O]^K {Lw|H}1LcN53*}ya{qT8)? Dear Tom Palmer (candidate for Select Board), donuts would be nice. Pond Passes will be available for residents in a few weeks! The Board members were informed about the recommended new radio system, the Connecticut Land Mobile Radio Network (CLMRN), and its associated costs. We have completed the BID process and we are thrilled that this project will be completed this summer/fall. 1, with an additional $3.3 million awarded for municipal projects, ten of which are located in environmental justice communities. Weston - Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) You have time during your day of soccer, track, high school theatre, etc. On occasion adults unleash their dogs to run free on the fields and pavement, and we have observed cars idling along the North House playground while children are playing. Download. The Reassurance Program is a list of Weston residents who would like to be called by an employee of the Weston Social Services Dept in times of Town emergencies or inclement weather. Join us for Thursday Night Live! https://www.westonct.gov/government/municipal-departments/public-works/infrastructure-projects/pedestrian-safety-projectsand here for the most recent podcast on the project:https://vimeo.com/820579482, We are Hiring! Municipal Offices and Transfer Station Closed on Tuesday 7/4 The Transfer Station and Municipal offices will be closed on Tuesday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. And when a selectperson does not announce his decision to forgo re-election until the Town Caucus, then simultaneously nominates his hand picked successor, they are both guilty of sabotaging the rights of the voters. The anticipated construction start of this project is Summer 2024. However, it is problematic when the public ventures beyond the road and sidewalk and goes into the campus during school hours. Please note that political signs are not allowed within X distance of Town Hall where x is currently unknown to me, but known to Deb Davenport, Town Clerk Extraordinaire, and the phalanx of town election workers.

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weston, ma town meeting 2023