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PARIS, July 03, 2023--Regulatory News: In accordance with the authorization given by the ordinary shareholders general meeting on May 26, 2023 to trade on its shares and pursuant to applicable law on share repurchase, TotalEnergies SE (LEI: 529900S21EQ1BO4ESM68) (Paris:TTE) (LSE:TTE) (NYSE:TTE) declares the following purchases of its own shares (FR0000120271) on June 26, 2023: 25 Cheap Dividend Stocks With Safe Yields for 2023, NYSE - Nasdaq Real-time price. afficher des publicits et des contenus personnaliss en fonction de vos profils de centres dintrt; mesurer lefficacit des publicits et contenus personnaliss; et. Si vous ne souhaitez pas que nos partenaires et nousmmes utilisions des cookies et vos donnes personnelles pour ces motifs supplmentaires, cliquez sur Refuser tout. TotalEnergies SE (TTE) Latest Stock News & Headlines - Yahoo Finance TotalEnergies SE (TTE) Company Profile & Facts - Yahoo Finance Une diversification qui a du sens : les turbines en mer comportent de nombreuses similitudes avec les plateformes ptrolires. authenticate users, apply security measures, and prevent spam and abuse, and, display personalised ads and content based on interest profiles, measure the effectiveness of personalised ads and content, and, develop and improve our products and services. PARIS, July 03, 2023--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regulatory News: In accordance with the authorization given by the ordinary shareholders general meeting on May 26, 2023 to trade on its shares and pursuant to applicable law on share repurchase, TotalEnergies SE (LEI: 529900S21EQ1BO4ESM68) (Paris:TTE) (LSE:TTE) (NYSE:TTE) declares the following purchases of its own shares (FR0000120271) on June 26, 2023: Daily weighted average purchase price of shares (EUR/share), In accordance with Article 5(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (the Market Abuse Regulation) a full breakdown of the individual trades are disclosed on the TotalEnergies website: PARIS, June 19, 2023-- TotalEnergies (Paris:TTE) (LSE:TTE) (NYSE:TTE) is actively responding to a call from its aviation customers to increase production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). If you do not want us and our partners to use cookies and personal data for these additional purposes, click 'Reject all'. Nous, Yahoo, faisons partie de la famille de marques Yahoo. View source version on, TotalEnergies Contacts Media Relations:+33 (0)1 47 44 46 99l l @TotalEnergiesPR Investor Relations:+33 (0)1 47 44 46 46 l, Crazy Things Which Can Only Exist In Dubai,, Dcouvrez comment nous utilisons vos donnes personnelles dans notre Politique de confidentialit et notre Politique relative aux cookies. mesurer votre utilisation de nos sites et applications. These indicators are meant to facilitate the analysis of the financial performance of TotalEnergies and the comparison of income between periods. Wenn Sie Ihre Auswahl anpassen mchten, klicken Sie auf Datenschutzeinstellungen verwalten. Bei der Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps verwenden wir, unsere Websites und Apps fr Sie bereitzustellen, Nutzer zu authentifizieren, Sicherheitsmanahmen anzuwenden und Spam und Missbrauch zu verhindern, und, Ihre Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps zu messen, personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte auf der Grundlage von Interessenprofilen anzuzeigen, die Effektivitt von personalisierten Anzeigen und Inhalten zu messen, sowie, unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln und zu verbessern. TotalEnergies SE (TTE) Stock Price, News, Quote & History - Yahoo Finance Main elements impacting the quarter aggregates. TotalEnergies SE (TTE) stock price, news, quote & history - Yahoo Finance TTE - TotalEnergies SE NYSE - NYSE Delayed price. Currency in USD TotalEnergies SE 2, place Jean Millier La DEfense 6. TotalEnergies : une nouvelle station de recharge sur l'A8 - Yahoo Finance Twenty-six Ugandans on Tuesday sued French oil giant TotalEnergies in Paris for reparations over alleged human rights violations at its massive megaprojects in the country, as climate protesters. PARIS, April 18, 2023--Regulatory News: TotalEnergies SE (Paris:TTE) (LSE:TTE) (NYSE:TTE): Dans le cadre de l'autorisation consentie par l'Assemble gnrale ordinaire du 26 mai 2023 pour oprer sur ses actions et conformment la rglementation relative aux rachats d'actions, TotalEnergies SE (LEI : 529900S21EQ1BO4ESM68) (Paris:TTE) (LSE:TTE) (NYSE:TTE . TTE | TotalEnergies SE Stock Price & News - WSJ afficher des publicits et des contenus personnaliss en fonction de vos profils de centres dintrt; mesurer lefficacit des publicits et contenus personnaliss; et. If you do not want us and our partners to use cookies and personal data for these additional purposes, click 'Reject all'. Such forward-looking statements included in this document are based on economic data, estimates and assumptions prepared in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment and considered to be reasonable by TotalEnergies as of the date of this document. dvelopper et amliorer nos produits et services. Active in nearly 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations to contribute to the well-being of people. At the same . TOTA.F - TotalEnergies SE - Yahoo Finance Si vous souhaitez personnaliser vos choix, cliquez sur Grer les paramtres de confidentialit. Find out more about how we use your personal data in our privacy policy and cookie policy. Dcouvrez comment nous utilisons vos donnes personnelles dans notre Politique de confidentialit et notre Politique relative aux cookies. Actual results could vary significantly from estimates based on the application of these sensitivities. This document may contain forward-looking information and statements that are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. TotalEnergies SE (TTE) Options Chain - Yahoo Finance TTE - TotalEnergies SE NYSE - NYSE Delayed Price. INEOS and TotalEnergies Further Integrate their - Yahoo Finance You can change your choices at any time by clicking on the 'Privacy & cookie settings' or 'Privacy dashboard' links on our sites and apps. Business Wire. __________________________1 Restated for production related to TotalEnergies stake in Novatek. TTE.PA - TotalEnergies SE - Yahoo Finance Vous pouvez modifier vos choix tout moment en cliquant sur les liens Paramtres de confidentialit et des cookies ou Tableau de bord sur la confidentialit prsents sur nos sites et dans nos applications. Si vous souhaitez personnaliser vos choix, cliquez sur Grer les paramtres de confidentialit. Lorsque vous utilisez nos sites et applications, nous utilisons des, authentifier les utilisateurs, appliquer des mesures de scurit, empcher les spams et les abus; et. . Sales in $ / Sales in volume for consolidated affiliates. Nous, Yahoo, faisons partie de la famille de marques Yahoo. TTE.PA - TotalEnergies SE - Yahoo Finance Find the latest TotalEnergies SE (TOTA.F) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. TotalEnergies SE (TTE) Options Chain - Yahoo Finance The terms "TotalEnergies", "TotalEnergies company" or "Company" in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities that are directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. The projects under development have a combined total size of 208 megawatt peak (MWp). Estimated impact on adjusted net operating income, Estimated impact on cash flow from operations, Variable cost margin, European refining (VCM). Vous pouvez modifier vos choix tout moment en cliquant sur les liens Paramtres de confidentialit et des cookies ou Tableau de bord sur la confidentialit prsents sur nos sites et dans nos applications. In addition to IFRS measures, certain alternative performance indicators are presented, such as performance indicators excluding certain adjustment items (i.e., special items, inventory valuation effect and effect of changes in fair value) -adjusted net operating income, adjusted net income). @TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies TotalEnergies. View source version on, Epic Things Which You Can Only See In Dubai, TotalEnergies SE (TTE) Stock Price, News, Quote & History - Yahoo Finance TTE - TotalEnergies SE NYSE - NYSE Delayed Price. Additionally, certain financial information is based on estimates particularly in the assessment of the recoverable value of assets and potential impairments of assets relating thereto. Si vous ne souhaitez pas que nos partenaires et nousmmes utilisions des cookies et vos donnes personnelles pour ces motifs supplmentaires, cliquez sur Refuser tout. You can change your choices at any time by clicking on the 'Privacy & cookie settings' or 'Privacy dashboard' links on our sites and apps. PARIS, April 18, 2023-- TotalEnergies SE (Paris:TTE) (LSE:TTE) (NYSE:TTE): Si vous souhaitez personnaliser vos choix, cliquez sur Grer les paramtres de confidentialit. Ce vendredi 30 juin 2023, TotalEnergies a inaugur, en partenariat avec Vinci Autoroutes, l'aire d'autoroute de la Cte d'Azur, anciennement aire des Brguires Sud.Celle-ci est dsormais quipe de bornes de recharge haute puissance pour les vhicules lectriques, dlivrant une puissance pouvant atteindre 300 kW. authenticate users, apply security measures, and prevent spam and abuse, and, display personalised ads and content based on interest profiles, measure the effectiveness of personalised ads and content, and, develop and improve our products and services. The data presented in this document is based on TotalEnergies internal preliminary reporting and is not audited. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future, and may evolve or be modified with a significant difference between the actual results and those initially estimated, due to the uncertainties notably related to the economic, financial, competitive and regulatory environment, or due to the occurrence of risk factors, such as, notably, the price fluctuations in crude oil and natural gas, the evolution of the demand and price of petroleum products, the changes in production results and reserves estimates, the ability to achieve cost reductions and operating efficiencies without unduly disrupting business operations, changes in laws and regulations including those related to the environment and climate, currency fluctuations, as well as economic and political developments, changes in market conditions, loss of market share and changes in consumer preferences, or pandemics such as the COVID-19 pandemic. TotalEnergies SE Sponsored ADR (TTE) Gains But Lags - Yahoo Finance These forward-looking statements are not historical data and should not be interpreted as assurances that the perspectives, objectives or goals announced will be achieved. dvelopper et amliorer nos produits et services. This document may also contain statements regarding the perspectives, objectives, areas of improvement and goals of TotalEnergies, including with respect to climate change and carbon neutrality (net zero emissions). Lorsque vous utilisez nos sites et applications, nous utilisons des, authentifier les utilisateurs, appliquer des mesures de scurit, empcher les spams et les abus; et. Klicken Sie auf Alle ablehnen, wenn Sie nicht mchten, dass wir und unsere Partner Cookies und personenbezogene Daten fr diese zustzlichen Zwecke verwenden. TotalEnergies SE (TTE.PA) Cours des actions, actualits, cotations et historique - Yahoo Finance TTE.PA - TotalEnergies SE Paris - Paris Prix diffr. Le gros du portefeuille se trouve aux Etats-Unis (4 GW), au Royaume-Uni (4 . dvelopper et amliorer nos produits et services. Si vous ne souhaitez pas que nos partenaires et nousmmes utilisions des cookies et vos donnes personnelles pour ces motifs supplmentaires, cliquez sur Refuser tout. TotalEnergies SE (TTE) stock historical prices & data - Yahoo Finance For TotalEnergies, this exchange of interests supports the integration between its petrochemical sites at Feyzin, near Lyon, and Carling in eastern France, while INEOS strengthens its ope. Currency in EUR 53.63 +0.13 (+0.24%) At close:. Sensitivities are revised once per year upon publication of the previous years fourth quarter results. dvelopper et amliorer nos produits et services. The terms "TotalEnergies", "TotalEnergies company" and "Company" in this document are used to designate TotalEnergies SE and the consolidated entities directly or indirectly controlled by TotalEnergies SE. Energy giants TotalEnergies and Shell on Sunday defended activities linked to Russia after a critical report into their trading in natural gas despite the war in Ukraine. The information on risk factors that could have a significant adverse effect on TotalEnergies business, financial condition, including its operating income and cash flow, reputation, outlook or the value of financial instruments issued by TotalEnergies is provided in the most recent version of the Universal Registration Document which is filed by TotalEnergies SE with the French Autorit des Marchs Financiers and the annual report on Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). Currency in USD 58.09 +0.07 (+0.12%) At close: 04:00PM EDT. The campaign group Global Witness said TotalEnergies was the third-biggest player in Russian liquified natural gas (LNG) last year and Shell the fourth, behind two Russian companies.The report focussed on Britain's Shell . TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. TotalEnergies SE: Disclosure of Transactions in Own Shares - Yahoo Finance

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