three ways in which gymnosperms are different from pteridophytes

. What is the alternative means for transport of substances in animals without a circulatory system? According to the duration of the protection how do these types of immunization differ? To which phase of the plasmodium life cycle do the typical chills and fever of malaria correspond? What are the two big groups into which this kingdom is divided? 971. What are the five human digestive secretions? 1760. 1769. Which are the structures that are part of the nervous system? After the end of this process what are the ploidies of the new cells? How are bacteria classified according to their need for oxygen? What are some examples of phenotypical characteristics that present two or more varieties and of phenotypical features that do not vary? What is polygenic inheritance? 329. Gymnosperms were the first seed plants and they bear their ovules and seeds exposed. 1027. What are the main degenerative diseases of the nervous system? 1293. What is the basic morphology of a protozoan cell? 1790. How many germ layers originate the body of platyhelminthes? What is the typical shape of a population growth curve? What are the characteristic signs of diabetes insipidus? What respectively are zygotic meiosis, gametic meiosis and sporic meiosis? 1338. 634. 1353. The Difference between Gymnosperms and Angiosperms 44. And in the RNA? What are the endocrine glands involved in the menstrual cycle? What are the respective functions of the macronucleus and of the micronucleus in the paramecium? 1591. Why is the plant life cycle known as alternation of generations? Is transpiration the only way through which leaves lose water? Do these animals have heart and respiratory pigments? What about the top level? Compared to platyhelminthes which physiological problem have the cylindrical body of nematodes brought? What are the major terrestrial biomes? 152. Which are the nucleotides portions that bind in the formation of nucleic acids? 1209. What are some human diseases caused by bacteria and what are their respective modes of transmission? What are the main available vaccines against poliomyelitis? 1010. 701. Gymnosperms (Seed Producing Plants: Conifers, Cycads, Ginkgo) 984. Is there a larval stage in echinoderms? 1801. 878. 1492. Using examples of invertebrate nervous systems how can the process of evolutionary cephalization be described? What are monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides? How is the nervous system characterized in beings of the phylum Annelida? What are the endocrine glands that regulate sexual activity in males? What are the cells that produce the myelin sheath? How does the female gamete protect itself from the entrance of more gametes after the entrance of the first sperm cell? Although modern studies have . 451. What is the official name of pyruvic acid? Without saturation of transport proteins and under the same concentration gradient how can the speed of simple diffusion be compared to the speed of facilitated diffusion? Which are the main positive ions found in living beings? What is factor VIII? What are some respiratory pigments and in which animal groups can each of them be found? What is the special route that lipids follow during digestion? What are some biological examples in which lysosomic enzymes play a fundamental role? 177. Of what units are nucleic acids constituted? 1319. Why can the amnion also be considered an adaptation to terrestrial life? How does the pancreatic juice resume the digestion of carbohydrates? What are the four main types of anemia? Are birds rare in polar regions? 1734. How does the intensity of simple diffusion vary in relation to the concentration gradient of the moved substance? What is the typical shape of poriferans? What are the main function of chloroplasts? 571. What are the three main types of gene interactions? To where do these molecules migrate? What are the three structures shared by every chordate that characterize the group? What are the main prophylactic measures against hookworm disease? 1780. What is the valve that separates the right ventricle from the pulmonary artery? How are animals classified according to the germ layers present in their embryonic development? The first three groups (above) will be covered rather superficially. Do protozoans have a cellular nucleus? What is the molecular formula of glucose? 941. 1508. Why do mitochondria of sperm cells concentrate in the base of the flagellum? 121. What are the main human blood group systems? What is the enzyme that catalyzes this reaction? 1470. 1802. What is the type of circulatory system present in arthropods? What is the type of reproduction that occurs in roundworms? What is the genetic cause of that deficiency? Concerning their respective intermediate hosts how different are Taenia solium and Taenia saginata? How during gastrulation are the first two germ layers formed? What is the disease caused by iron deficiency? 956. 71. 95. What are retroviruses? 752. 1635. How does consecutive protein production occur in translation? 1600. What are the target organs upon which insulin and glucagon act? 261. How can the hypothesis that asserts that chloroplasts as well as mitochondria were primitive prokaryotes that associated in mutualism with primitive anaerobic eukaryotic cells be corroborated? In general what is the cause of the aneuploidies? What are the main functions of fruits? 1169. What are secondary roots? 1442. Is it possible to perform investigation of natural paternity, maternity or brotherhood and sisterhood using the ABO blood typing? 962. When the carbon dioxide concentration is increased indefinitely is photosynthesis also increased indefinitely? 1006. 872. 1511. 1824. How many of the same proteins are made at the same time by each ribosome in the translation of one mRNA molecule? What is the system that permits movement and fixation to echinoderms? 1643. What are the three main types of viral hepatitis? 1276. 1342. Gymnosperms belong to kingdom 'Plantae ' and sub-kingdom 'Embryophyta'. 1541. What are the typical components of a closed circulatory system? 57. How do fecundation and zygote formation occur in these plants? Why, even though they have an open circulatory system, can flying insects like flies beat their wings with great speed? 1467. What are the six criteria used to build a complete evolutionary branch of vertebrates? In the F2 generation of a hybridization for a given trait conditioned by a pair of alleles T and t, according to Mendels first law what are the genotypes of each phenotypical form? What is the evolutionary origin of the internal membranous organelles of the cell? What is their function? 1381. Listen to article The key difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms is how their seeds are developed. 1400. How do mineral salts participate in enzymatic activity? What is the life cycle of the schistosome? How do plants classify according to their photoperiodism-based flowering? 697. 480. How has the position of the stomata changed in some plants to prevent excessive water loss by transpiration? 391. What and how many are the pulmonary veins? 1315. 1589. 1012. 1809. 360. What are the practical applications of anticoagulants, like heparin, in Medicine? Which is the type of gamete produced by a heterozygous individual? 83. How does the presence of exoskeleton explain the general small size of arthropods? How are mutagenic agents related to cancer incidence in a population? 1619. How do placental mammals reproduce? 42. What is the part of the vascular system that performs exchange of gases and other substances with the tissues? From the zygote, pluricellular organisms are formed by serial mitosis. 1798. 1182. 757. What is meant by heterogeneous RNA? 188. 407. 144. How is urea formed in the human body? 1745. Of which substance are microfilaments made? 1354. Are nematodes diploblastic or triploblastic animals? How are the gymnosperm seeds formed? In which period of meiosis does this event occur? 387. 1343. What is the life cycle of the hookworms? 206. Is transportation of gases in tracheophytes made through the vascular tissues? 472. 647. 1030. What are the main human diseases caused by fungi? 1258. 789. 800. 995. In which structures and cellular processes do microtubules participate? 1488. How are the symmetry and the nervous system characterized in echinoderms? How can the binding of two amino acids for the peptide formation be described? Exclusively analyzing this feature could it be said that molluscs are evolutionarily proximal to nematodes or to annelids? What about whale fins compared to fish fins? What is the typical shape of poriferans? 1268. 1025. Are mollusc metameric beings? 1427. 943. How does it compare to the other main hypotheses? Which are the plant tissues responsible for the supporting of the plant? What is the function of the vitellus in the vertebrate egg? 1228. What are the phytoplankton and the zooplankton? What are the main endocrine glands of the human body? 1660. 651. What is the difference between self pollination and cross pollination? Which is the cell organelle that is specialized in aerobic respiration? How do antibodies work to neutralize antigens? How is the nervous system of molluscs organized? 296. 1171. 458. Concerning volition of the individual how can the reactions of the nervous system be classified? Lacking this specialized system distinguishes bryophytes from Pteridophytes. What are the functions of the osseous tissue? How do plants control the opening and the closing of the stomata? What are some examples of movement created by the contraction of sarcomeres of the muscle cells? 1406. What is meant by saturation or unsaturation of oils and fats? 1247. 961. What is the function of the antidiuretic hormone? Concerning tissue complexity how different are cnidarians from poriferans? 350. 1115. Where can they be found and which type of plant growth do they promote? What are some functions of the cartilages in the human body? 1046. How do these structures participate in the plant transpiration? What are pleura, pericardium and peritoneum? What are the main substances transferred from the mother to the fetus through the placenta? 1242. How does mitosis participate in the growth of pluricellular organisms? 1141. What is the difference between respiration by diffusion and cutaneous respiration? What is the formula to determinate such number? Where is it produced and what is the function of enterogastrone in the digestive process? What are the different types of gas exchange that occur in animals? 1179. 581. What's the Difference Between Angiosperms and Gymnosperms? 1810. 1532. 583. Is that method efficient or rudimentary? 297. What is the ploidy of each of these nuclei? 730. 678. What are the main phases and clinical manifestations of schistosomiasis? 948. What is the covering membrane of the vacuoles called? Annelid Identity card. Most gymnosperms lack vessels in the xylem (wood). 1669. 1081. Angiosperms have a triploid vascular tissue, flat leaves in numerous shapes and hardwood stems. Spruce needles are attached individually, another distinguishing factor. What is this ATP synthesis called? What is the main transformation presented by the glomerular filtrate in comparison to the blood? What is the nitrogen waste in amphibian larvae and in the adult animal? 826. DOC TOPIC #11: GYMNOSPERMS - Florida State University What is the difference between analogous and homologous organs? 209. 1483. Concerning their size and basic morphology how and why do the male and the female gametes differentiate from each other? 986. What are the modes of transmission, main signs and symptoms and treatments of hepatitis C? 543. 611. 805. Gymnosperms do not produce flowers, barring a few exceptions. Which is the analogous molecule in humans? Do plants have tissue organization and specialized organs? 631. 920. 1568. 474. What do facilitated diffusion and active transport have in common? How do contraceptive pills generally work? Which is the type of muscle tissue that moves the bones? 939. What is the lasting form in pteridophytes, the gametophyte or the sporophyte? What is the structure of the central nervous system that regulates pulmonary respiration? 1351. 482. female and male strobili are located on different plants. Where can these epithelia be found in the human body? 1484. What is an example of negative feeback of the homeostatic regulation? 1728. 1556. What are enzymes? How are platelets formed? What is the function of the plant cell wall? How can it be compared to bryophytes? Where in the body is the thyroid gland located? 913. What is the generic function of leukocytes? 430. What is the average incubation period of Chagas disease? What is the valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus called? 548. In sickle cell anemia, a hereditary disease, there is substitution of one amino acid by another in one of the four polypeptide chains of hemoglobin. Why do ribosomes move along mRNA during translation? Under which conditions do aerobic cells carry out fermentation? What is its main function? 1817. What is the basic structure of a virus? How different is the amphibian heart from the fish heart? Which is the other animal phylum that contains creatures with analogous organs? What is the germ layer from which the coeloms originate? What are the events that mark the beginning and the end of the first interphase period? What is its function? 688. Gymnosperms - Types, Importance, Features and Characteristics of What are their respective functions? 1138. 109. An hypothesis for the extinction of the dinosaurs is that the earth had been hit by a gigantic meteor that caused the death of those big reptiles. 50. How many cells are made after meiosis I and meiosis II? Which are the beings that form the kingdom Fungi? What is the physiological explanation for this archaic method? 243. How is the ovulation date estimated with the control of the woman's body temperature? What is its biological function? How does the photoperiodism affect the flowering of some plants? What is an anticodon? How is the cooling of organs and tissues for medical transplants associated with the effect of temperature upon enzymatic reactions? How can this phenomenon be explained? 47. 1597. 1700. What are heterochromatin and euchromatin? What is the type of symmetry found in chordates? What are the organs that form the human respiratory system? 37. What is myoglobin? Difference # Pteridophytes: 1. What are some examples of parasitism? 159. Why does the ingestion of alcohol increase diuresis? 313. Conifers and pines are examples of gymnosperms. 632. 241. 664. You can explore the education material from the What is its function? 620. How does the hypophysis- corpus luteum negative feedback work? How are molluscs characterized according to examples of representing beings, basic morphology, type of symmetry, germ layers and coelom, digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, excretory system, nervous system and types of reproduction? 1367. Is this blood arterial or venous? What is their function? What is the difference between simple and facilitated diffusion? What are universal donors and universal recipients concerning the ABO blood system? What is the ploidy of these gamete-forming cells? What happens in the cell in this period? 198. What are chylomicrons? 1166. What are the destinations of the archenteron and of the blastopore? 1764. 1540. 1174. 1274. What is the tympanum? 1629. What are the forces that make water to flow within the xylem from the roots to the leaves? 823. How has the importance of the brain evolved from fishes to reptiles? How do embryos of placental mammals excrete nitrogen wastes? What is the main enzyme that participates in it? 3) Neither have root. 1756. What is the endocrine function of the placenta? What are the main biological functions in which chlorine ions participate? Where are their cell bodies situated? 1719. 898. Why does bark often die and break naturally? 1385. Is the esophagus a muscular organ? What is the stage of the cardiac cycle during which the ventricles are filled? 1388. 140. What is the incubation period of an infection? Why is it not correct to assert that DNA self- replicates? What are stomata? What type of agent causes SARS? 1403. 667. Eukaryotes have cells with a delimited nucleus. How does the substrate concentration affect the speed of enzymatic reactions? How does evolution solved those problems? What is the relationship between the concept of reproductive isolation and the concept of species? Which are the two most efficient colors for photosynthesis? 245. 929. Different plant groups - Unacademy 989. 1565. Why does the removal of the coleoptile extremity disallow plant growth? 448. Sponge identity card. 1199. 881. What are the modes of transmission, main signs and symptoms and treatments of hepatitis B? What are some diseases or genetic abnormalities caused by dominant genes? Were pteridophytes always less abundant than phanerogamic plants? What is the importance of that structure in the menstrual cycle? Which is that hormone? Can the heat capacity of water be considered small or large? Where in mitochondria does the process called respiratory chain occur? What is the function of the immune system? What are plankton, nekton and benthos? 1129. How can the visual deficiencies known as myopia and hypermetropia be optically explained? 1775. What is the acrosome of the sperm cell? Do all animals have a circulatory system? 562. Us, Sign What is the way of life of sponges? According to the function of the transmitted neural impulse which are the types of neurons? What are the main theoretical models that try to explain the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex? What are the biological functions of this structure? What is the form that reproduces asexually? 1386. How does biological diversity relate to the characteristics of the abiotic factors of an ecosystem? 1579. What is the modern darwinist theory that incorporates these bodies of knowledge? 1774. What are the other names of this process? What are the types of digestion and of digestive system of platyhelminthes? What is the criterion used in that classification? In pteridophytes, ambium is absent, in pteridophytes and the primary growth is seen in most of the pteridophytes. 166. 659. Is ABO blood compatibility enough for the safety of blood transfusion? 1002. What are the two types of circulatory systems? Why are lysosomes known as the cleaners of the cell waste? What is meant by mutualist exploration of cellulose digestion, a phenomenon that occurs in some mammals and insects? What is the phenomenon of apical dominance in plants? In general what are the reagents and products of fermentation? What are hexoses? 707. What amount of catalyst is consumed in the reaction it catalyzes? 837. 473. 1684. Why can it be said that each glucose molecule runs the Krebs cycle twice? 557. Is there dominance in multiple alleles? How is the disease transmitted? What are the hormones that promote the release of the female gamete from the follicle and at which day of the menstrual cycle does this phenomenon happen? How have prokaryotic cells given origin to aerobic eukaryotic cells and to photosynthetic aerobic eukaryotic cells? What are the elements that form the middle ear? What is the name given to conditions in which the own immune system of the individual is the agent of diseases? Under which forms is the Trypanosoma cruzi found in its hosts? What are the cells that form the cartilaginous tissue? 785. What is the first polar body? Are there living beings without cells? 1607. How is the finding of ribosomes inside mitochondria and chloroplasts explained? What are the parathyroids? What are the three main cell types that form the osseous tissue? 1710. In the hybridization of 2 genes (4 different alleles, 2 of each pair) how does epistasis affect the proportion of phenotypical forms in the F2 generation? What are their respective functions? Is crossing over important for the diversity of biological evolution? They have a different structure, tracheids, which perform the same function as xylem. 1022. Does the suction force facilitate or make difficult the entrance of water into the cell? After pollination how does fecundation occur in angiosperms? 1362. 607. 1535. 1778. How does synaptic transmission between neurons take place? Which animals make cutaneous respiration? 702. What are the main cells of which poriferans are made? Besides the skin what are the other coverings of the body? How is the early diagnosis of genetic diseases usually done? What is the vascular cambium? 1099. Which is the chordate class considered an evidence of the transition of the vertebrates from the aquatic to the dry land environment? Also included with gymnosperms are many ornamental shrubs, such as varieties of Chamaecyparis (false cypress), American arborvitae, the maidenhair tree, Ginkgo biloba, and the least typical of the gymnosperms, the cycads. 1704. What is the relation between secretion of parathormone and the calcium blood level? 288. What are the four initial stages of the embryonic development? 1044. 1243. 873. Why after the passage of animals from the aquatic to the terrestrial habitat does the abandonment of the ammoniotelic excretion occur? 863. Which are the more abundant ribosomes in secretory cells - the free cytoplasmic ribosomes or those associated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum? 432. Besides vertebrates two invertebrate phyla contain species that make pulmonary respiration. 1050. What is meant by concentration gradient? 1440. In the short term what will happen to the levels above and below a population of secondary consumers of a numeric pyramid if a large number of individuals from this population dies? 216. How is the chromosome region where the centromere is located called? 1018. Since the visual images are projected in an inverted manner on the retina why don't we see things upside down? Why is blood important for larger animals? How does the pulmonary ventilation affect the carbon dioxide concentration in blood? What are the main features of fishes associated to the habitat where they live? What is the main risk factor for skin cancer? How does this membrane participate in the energetic metabolism of the embryo? 409. How many respectively are the genotypical and phenotypical forms? Does every amino acid have a central carbon? 103. What is the structural formula of glycerol? How does this threshold relate to the all-or-nothing rule of the neural transmission? Why is rubella during gestation a threat to the fetus? What are the colors (of the electromagnetic spectrum) absorbed by plants? 1162. 1125. How do calcium ions participate in muscle contraction? Why are antivenoms an example of passive immunization? What is the mathematical expression of the genetic equilibrium for genes with two alleles? 819. 149. How is it produced and what is the function of gastrin in the digestive process? 992. From the lumen to the external surface what are the tissues that form the digestive tube wall? How is the large size of some cephalopods related to the type of circulatory system they present? Evolutionarily protochordates may be intermediate animals between invertebrates and vertebrates. In chemical terms how is the neuronal repolarization achieved? 1329. 164. Why is the use of condoms not just a contraceptive method but also a health protection behavior? How can the excretory system of annelids be described? 1525. 538. Can two normal individuals of the same species with sexual reproduction have identical genomes and identical karyotypes? What is a Barr body? Which other phylum of the animal kingdom present species with exoskeleton? 999. Pteridophytes' plant bodies are divided into true roots, stems, and leaves. 1172. How different is the growth according to the biotic potential of a viral population from the growth according to the biotic potential of a bacterial population? What are the two types of fermentation? What is direct development? Why is it important for chromosomes to be condensed during mitosis and decondensed during interphase? What are the hormones produced by the testicles and the ovaries? 494. Since pepsin is a gastric enzyme does it have an acid or basic optimum pH? 1253. Which is the type of gamete (for a given trait) produced by a dominant homozygous individual? 537. 904. What are its main constituents in animal cells? 1449. Is pollution always caused by humans? Jun 8, 2022 26.2B: Life Cycle of a Conifer 26.3: Angiosperms Boundless (now LumenLearning) Boundless Gymnosperms are a diverse group of plants the protect their seeds with cones and do not produce flowers or fruits. What are the modes of transmission, main signs and symptoms and treatments of hepatitis A? What are branchiae? What are the main human diseases caused by platyhelminthes? 1077. How to find the number of pair of alleles involved in polygenic inheritance using the number of phenotypical forms of the trait they condition? 1014. What is interphase? Why is pH regulation important for living beings? 1495. What is the advantage of that innovation? 1240. What is an example of a situation in which the neuron cell body is located in a part of the body and its axonal terminal portion is in another distant part of the body? Where is that molecule located in photosynthetic cells? 670. How does that material act in viral reproduction? How does the sodium- potassium pump present in the cell membrane work? 1611. 853. What is the importance of the R group (variable radical) in an amino acid molecule? 690. Does glycolysis occur within the mitochondria? 525. 1191. 267. How are amino acids brought to the cellular site where translation takes place? Concerning reproduction what is the function of the testicles? Why is cannibalism an inharmonious intraspecific ecological interaction? 1631. What is the destination of the heme groups after the destruction of hemoglobin molecules? What is the contraceptive mechanism of the IUD? What are the most important organic molecules for living beings? How does the excretory system of nematodes work? Why can it be said that a recessive allele can remain hidden in the phenotype of an individual and revealed only when manifested in homozygosity in the offspring? What happens in the cell in this period? 1321. 1668. 370. 1633. What is the basic morphology of these organelles and in which cells can they be found? 1339. Which ambiental harms can it cause? They do not bear fruit. 1032. What are the extraembryonic membranes present in vertebrates? Into which type of energy is the light used in photosynthesis transformed? 1052. 1639. Does ploidy reduction occur in mitosis? 1150. 1057. Can a food chain present quaternary consumers without having secondary or tertiary consumers? What are the chemical substances produced by water photolysis?

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three ways in which gymnosperms are different from pteridophytes