theory of reinforcement is also known as

Therefore, they may be less useful for specific treatment planning or to identify specific activity categories that might be inversely related to substance use. Magidson JF, Robustelli BL, Seitz-Brown CJ, & Whisman MA (2016). Further, opioid users who reported greater hedonic response to the substance-free pleasant images were less likely to consume alcohol at the 12-month follow-up. Behavioral economic indices such as delay discounting and substance demand have been extensively studied and specific quantitative methods for deriving indices have been thoroughly explicated (Bickel & Yi, 2008; Hursh & Silberberg, 2008; Koffarnus, Franck, Stein, & Bickel, 2015; Reimers, Maylor, Stewart, & Chater, 2009). The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The common use of smart phones to access bank information may help remedy this issue and allow participants to look up expenditures, although not everyone may have access to this information or may utilize cash to purchase substances. List II Decreased substance use following increases in alternative behaviors: A preliminary investigation, Applying behavioral theories of choice to substance use in a sample of psychiatric outpatients. It may follow because of some mechanical connection or because of the mediation of another organism; but conditioning takes place presumably because of the temporal relation only, expressed in terms of the order and proximity of response and reinforcement. REET Level 1 - 23rd July 2022 (S1) (Hindi-English-Sanskrit), Crack CTET + State TET + PRT + TGT + PGT with, Copyright 2014-2022 Testbook Edu Solutions Pvt. The exam for Primary & Upper Primary Teachers was conducted from 25th Feb to 1st March 2023.This is in reference to the 2022 recruitment cycle of REET. Significance of a behavioral economic index of reward value in predicting drinking problem resolution. Wiki Binge drinking, tobacco, and illicit drug use and involvement in college athletics: A survey of students at 140 American colleges. Thus, the goal of current study is to 1) elucidate the nature of the relation between substance misuse and substance-free reinforcement and 2) to provide a critical review of available measurement approaches; and 3) to provide recommendations for self-report measurement of substance-free reinforcement in human clinical and naturalistic studies. Wheel-running attenuates intravenous cocaine self-administration in rats: Sex differences, Toward the future of psychiatric diagnosis: the seven pillars of RDoC. The second paper used the RPI to explore the role of reward in comorbidity of posttraumatic stress and alcohol use (Acuff, Luciano, et al., 2018). Accessibility In an important population-level extension of this work, systematic efforts to increase afterschool and evening alternatives for teens resulted in substantial decreases in adolescent substance misuse in Iceland (Kristjansson et al., 2016; Kristjansson, James, Allegrante, Sigfusdottir, & Helgason, 2010). Choose the correct answer from the options given below: Programme learning is based on the principle of: Several important moderators have been examined in the relationship between alternative reinforcement and substance use, including gender and family substance use history. Reinforcement Theory of Motivation - Explained - The Business Professor Mindfulness buffers the effects of cue-induced craving on alcohol demand in college drinkers. The reward positivity: From basic research on reward to a biomarker for depression. He returned to Harvard in 1948 as a professor, and was the Edgar Pierce Professor of . List I Audrain-McGovern JE, Rodriguez D, Rodgers K, & Cuevas J (2010). & Wertheimer, M. FOIA Establishing this stability is a research priority, considering that it may be an inexpensive measurement method paralleling electrophysiological measurement of event-related potentials (e.g., P3). The EROS, developed first, is a 10-item Likert scale specifically assessing self-observed environmental reward. Other factors, such as frustration tolerance (Harrington, 2011), may impact accomplishment aspects of reinforcement, in addition to recovery potential, but have not been adequately examined. Both scales were developed to measure response-contingent positive reinforcement (i.e., the increase in frequency of a behavior due to the presentation of a reinforcer), a concept central to depression research and treatment (Boswell et al., 2017). Daughters SB, Magidson JF, Anand D, Seitz-Brown CJ, Chen Y, & Baker S (2018). [Eds.] Alcohol-related and alcohol-free activity participation and enjoyment among college students: A behavioral theories of choice analysis. (B) A programme launched by Rehabilitation Council of India for its staff It is also notable that increases in engagement in substance-free activities was associated with increases in abstinence from drug use during a trial of contingency management for methadone-maintained cocaine abusers (Rogers et al., 2008). Further, change in ASDE from baseline to the 6-month follow-up after receipt of a brief intervention predicted drinking outcomes among college students (Murphy et al., 2015). Reinforcement:Reinforcementas a term refers to the psychological process of motivating a person. (July/August, 2002). (A) Study Websites for Automated Young Active Minds New York: Appleton Century Crofts. (C) Pre-operational stage The time allocation approach might be especially appealing for behavioral addictions that require engagement in a single activity, rather than using a substance simultaneously within the context of other activities. Lets ACT is a brief behavioral activation treatment delivered in six sessions over two weeks (approximately 4.5 hours of contact time). (C) Reduction Bickel WK, Johnson MW, Koffarnus MN, MacKillop J, & Murphy JG (2014). (D) Astigmatism Acuff SF, Soltis KE, Dennhardt AA, Borsari B, Martens MP, & Murphy JG (2017). Meshesha, Pickover, Teeters, and Murphy (2017) presented a series of pleasant images to college students reporting opioid misuse or controls (no past year drug use), who were asked to rate them on a scale of 0 to 10. The effect of a behavioral activation treatment for substance use on post-treatment abstinence: a randomized controlled trial, Choice in a variable environment: every reinforcer counts, Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Every reinforcer counts: Reinforcer magnitude and local preference. Higgins ST, Bickel WK, & Hughes JR (1994). Tucker JA, Cheong JW, Chandler SD, Lambert BH, Kwok H, & Pietrzak B (2016). This is also the case among trials focused on smoking cessation: smokers who increased substance-free reinforcement (using the PES) during a smoking cessation trial were twice as likely to quit smoking at the end of treatment (Audrain-McGovern et al., 2009; Schnoll et al., 2016). Using behavioral theories of choice to predict drinking outcomes following a brief intervention. For example, one study found that choices to consume alcohol were inversely related to the amount of alternative reinforcer (i.e., money) available (Vuchinich & Tucker, 1983). Bartholow BD, Lust SA, & Tragesser SL (2010). Ltd.: All rights reserved, MPTET Varg 3 Previous Year Question Paper, Jean Piaget a well-known psychologist of ______in origin. Predicting drug use: Application of behavioral theories of choice. Behavioral theories of choice, such as behavioral economics, are molar theories of behavior that consider reinforcement in the context of the environment and posit that the allocation of resources to an activity (response rate) is related to the reinforcing properties of a given stimulus relative to the other available stimuli (Herrnstein, 1974). (II) Two reviews have examined substance-free reinforcement and substance misuse within the context of human studies. Further, many students and young adults do not have a steady income and therefore do not have funds available to allocate to a savings or a large number of discretionary activities. In this study, there was no difference between LETS Act or SC in EROS scores from pre to posttreatment. Frequency multiplied by enjoyment, separated by substance-relatedness; substance-related divided by total reinforcement, Alcohol-Savings Discretionary Expenditure, Alcohol expenditure divided by total expenditure. Similarly, the reinforcement ratio is significantly associated with alcohol-related problems for women, but not men (Skidmore et al., 2014). Reinforcement surveys are self-report behavioral inventories of two widely accepted parameters of reinforcement: the amount of time spent engaged in the activity and the subjective enjoyment of the experience. According to Skinner, the future of humanity depended on abandoning the concepts of individual freedom and dignity and engineering the human environment so that behavior was controlled systematically and to desirable ends rather than haphazardly. Research on other potential moderating variables is sparse. Miller MB, Leffingwell TR, Claborn K, Meier E, Walters S, & Neighbors C (2013). (2006) asked college student drinkers to provide information about recent evening activities that either included drinking or were substance-free. (E) Strabismus Studies included in the systematic review met the following criteria: (i) published, peer-reviewed original reports examining humans; (ii) alcohol/substance use as a primary quality in the population of interest; (iii) use of behavioral or self-report measurement technique that purposefully examines substance-free reinforcement as defined by frequency, frequency and enjoyment, or behavioral or monetary resource allocation in the real world, or specifically assesses reward experience; and (iv) studies that were reported in English. Social learning theory, introduced by psychologist Albert Bandura, proposed that learning occurs through observation, imitation, and modeling and is influenced by factors such as attention, motivation, attitudes, and emotions. After screening, 104 articles were selected for full-text review. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Holmes GR, Sakano Y, Cautela J, & Holmes GL (1991). If I make more money, I'm more likely to want to work hard. Alcohol family history moderates the association between evening substance-free reinforcement and alcohol problems, Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology. Further, these measures may serve as useful tools during the process of treatment of substance use and addiction. 44,300. What is the reinforcement theory of motivation? - TechTarget Predicting natural resolution of alcohol-related problems: A prospective behavioral economic analysis. Reinforcement surveys in particular provide information about enjoyment, which could assist therapists in identifying activities that are enjoyable, yet are infrequently engaged in, as activities to bolster against continued substance use (Magidson et al., 2011; Meyers et al., 2011; Murphy, Skidmore, et al., 2012). Retrieved December 12, 2007, from: Future So Bright? Young adult smoking: What factors differentiate ex-smokers, smoking cessation treatment seekers and nontreatment seekers? That is, as withdrawal symptoms begin to develop, an individual may take drugs to avoid experiencing . Subsequent analyses extended these findings cross-sectionally to new populations, such as substance-using psychiatric outpatients (Correia & Carey, 1999), and to other outcomes, such as with measures of substance use quantity and related negative consequences (Correia, Carey, & Borsari, 2002), demonstrating the generalizability of the reinforcement surveys. Quantifying reinforcement value and demand for psychoactive substances in humans. Brown RA, Abrantes AM, Minami H, Read JP, Marcus BH, Jakicic JM, Stuart GL (2014). Moeller SJ, Beebe-Wang N, Woicik PA, Konova AB, Maloney T, & Goldstein RZ (2013). If an infant shows any of these signs is likely suffering from a mental disorder, Infection during pregnancy can lead to mental retardation, An individual underlying potential for acquiring skills is known as. Another measurement approach attempts to measure hedonic response to pleasant images by combining Likert scale measurement with behavioral paradigms modeled after electrophysiology research. The Reinforcement Theory of Motivation - Harappa (I) These three studies measured time allocation by asking students to estimate the total number of hours spent in various activities during a typical week in the past month. Burrhus Frederick Skinner: The contingencies of a life. Pictures were taken from the International Affective Picture System (Lang, Bradley, & Cuthbert, 1997) and were images of money, nature, and fireworks. stimulus-response theory, idea that learning and behaviour can be explained by interactions between stimuli and the responses they evoke. These studies suggest that that ASDE provides a valid index of measuring the relative value of alcohol versus delayed alternative rewards in middle class community samples and college samples but may need to be modified for samples that do not regularly allocate money to savings, such as with low SES samples. Reimers S, Maylor EA, Stewart N, & Chater N (2009). Indeed, our review highlighted a number of moderators (e.g., family history of problematic substance use; gender) that have been examined with reinforcement surveys, but no moderation analyses exist with any of the other measures of reinforcement or reward. (III) Although it sounds like a simple idea, it was not always the "go-to" method for teaching. aDepartment of Psychology, University of Memphis, 400 Innovation Dr., Memphis, TN, 38152, United States, bDepartment of Psychology, Auburn University, 226 Thach Hall, Auburn, AL, 36849, United States. Socioeconomic disparities in adolescent substance use: Role of enjoyable alternative substance-free activities. The national implementation of Contingency Management (CM) in the Department of Veterans Affairs: Attendance at CM sessions and substance use outcomes. (2018) reported a significant association between time spent exercising and both RPI subscales, and time spent in academics and the RPI total. The frequency and enjoyment ratings also have limitations; frequency does not adequately assess total duration of engagement, and self-reported enjoyment may differ between individuals. Individuals, especially heavy drinkers, may not be able to recall exactly how much they have spent on alcohol or drugs. A final study examined factors that might predict time devoted to academic activities (Acuff et al., 2017) among the context of heavy drinking college students and found that future valuation variables predicted time devoted to academics among heavy drinkers, demonstrating the utility of these measures in capturing the experience of reinforcement among other activities, as well. Murphy JG, Dennhardt AA, Martens MP, Yurasek AM, Skidmore JR, MacKillop J, & Mcdevitt-Murphy ME (2015). Andrabi N, Khoddam R, & Leventhal AM (2017). (A) Coursera Understanding How Reinforcement Works | Psychology Today Indeed, observable and measurable changes in behaviour typically result from controlled changes in an individuals environment that allow for novel responses to preexisting stimuli. Skinner developed a special apparatus known as skinners box. This theory, in management, can also be referred to as operant conditioning or the law of . Relationships between binge drinking and substance-free reinforcement in a sample of college students: A preliminary investigation. Although initial findings are encouraging, it is important to utilize this measure among other populations. Carvalho JP, Gawrysiak MJ, Hellmuth JC, McNulty JK, Magidson JF, Lejuez CW, & Hopko DR (2011). Substance-free reinforcement and reward are important theoretical constructs in understanding the etiology and maintenance of substance addiction, and a variety of measures have been designed for this specific purpose. Another limitation of this method is that not all of these activities are mutually exclusive. Substance addiction entails the repeated use of a drug of abuse despite deleterious health and social consequences. Summary of Self-Report Measures of Reward and Reinforcement. First, they may provide indices of problem severity that are not redundant with existing severity assessment approaches, which typically focus on quantity and frequency of drinking and the associated problems (Tucker et al., 2016, 2002). In the seminal rat park experiments, Alexander and colleagues manipulated availability of activities (e.g., running wheel) and social companions (e.g., other rats in the same cage) and found that rats in the enriched condition self-administered significantly less morphine (Alexander et al., 1981). Correia CJ, Carey KB, & Borsari B (2002). The time allocation measure provides a quantifiable index that can be displayed in the form of a figure to create conversation about current activity engagement and its influence on choices to engage in substance use (Murphy et al., 2012). The studies demonstrating a mediational effect of substance-free reinforcement in the relationship between risk factors (i.e., conduct problems and SES) and substance problems also did not find differential results based on gender (Andrabi, Khoddam, et al., 2017; Khoddam et al., 2018; Lee et al., 2018). Gender may also influence intervention effects: one study demonstrated that women with a smaller reinforcement ratio at baseline were more likely to report lower drinking 6-months later, an effect that was not present for men (Murphy, Correia, Colby, & Vuchinich, 2005) However, other studies have not found the moderation effect by gender (Skidmore & Murphy, 2010). For example, time spent in academic, athletic, religious, and service-related activities is associated with lower rates of substance use and binge drinking among college students (Fenzel, 2005; Meshesha et al., 2015; Vaughan, Corbin, & Fromme, 2009; Wechsler, Davenport, Dowdall, Grossman, & Zanakos, 1997). (C) Study Website for Actual Learning Further, removing substance-free reinforcers from the environment can increase drug self-administration (Ginsburg & Lamb, 2018), while increasing environmental enrichment can reduce self-administration, and even prevent activation of reward neural circuitry associated with drug use in the presence of the drug (Solinas, Chauvet, Thiriet, El Rawas, & Jaber, 2008). It is an ecologically valid and objective measure of actual resource allocation to alcohol relative to an easily quantifiable, and delayed, alternative reward. The search yielded four studies utilizing time allocation as a measure of reinforcement and substance use in a sample of college students. Using crowdsourcing to examine behavioral economic measures of alcohol value and proportionate alcohol reinforcement. Further, recent efforts to standardize measurement methods for other theoretically relevant etiological variables (Kwako, Momenan, Litten, Koob, & Goldman, 2015), such as executive functioning, negative emotionality, and incentive salience of the addictive behavior, highlight the important of these variables and may prove fruitful in understanding addiction. The search terms were used in conjunction with substance use keywords (substance use, or alcohol, or alcoholic, or heavy drinking, or marijuana, or THC, or cigarettes, or smoking, or nicotine, or tobacco, or cocaine, or crack, or methamphetamine, or opioids, or opiates, or heroin). This persistent use is thought to be due to the reinforcing effects of the drug, which maintain consistent efforts to obtain additional drug doses even when the behavioral or monetary response cost is high. The stereotype of a bespectacled experimenter in a white lab coat, engaged in shaping behavior through the operant conditioning of lab rats or pigeons in contraptions known as Skinner boxes comes directly from Skinners immeasurably influential research. The time allocation method is straightforward and face valid, is consistent with behavioral economic theory, and has the potential to be very precise if an ecological momentary assessment approach is utilized. Efficacy of web-based personalized normative feedback: a two-year randomized controlled trial. The measures could be further enhanced by explicitly inquiring about various primary categories of reward (e.g., substance-related, physical activity, work, social activity, leisure activities/hobbies). (B) Display Also known as: S-R theory, stimulus-response view. (D) Operant Conditioning Theory (E) Positive Behaviour The basic premise of the theory of reinforcement is both simple and intuitive: An individual's behavior is a function of the consequences of that behavior. Correia and colleagues (Correia, Carey, Simons, & Borsari, 2003; Correia, Simons, Carey, & Borsari, 1998) first modified reinforcement surveys for a series of studies designed to assess the relationship between alcohol use and the amount of reinforcement derived from both substance-related and substance-free activities. (D) Study Webs for Action Learning of Attentive Minds Overall, however, these reinforcement-based interventions are promising, but knowledge of the ideal approaches for increasing substance-free reinforcement, and the extent to which is acts as a mechanisms of behavior change, is limited by the absence of a uniform and valid measurement approach. Both an initial pilot study (Murphy, Skidmore, et al., 2012) and a randomized controlled trial (Murphy, Dennhardt, et al., 2012) demonstrated that the addition of the behavioral economic supplement to an established brief intervention lead to decreases in alcohol use and, in the case of the controlled trial, outperforms a brief intervention supplemented with relaxation training. That is, many people watch TV or hang out with friends at the same time they are engaging in drinking or drug use. Higgins ST, Heil SH, & Lussier JP (2004). Murphy JG, Skidmore JR, Dennhardt AA, Martens MP, Borsari B, Barnett NP, & Colby SM (2012). The design and findings of this study are consistent with previous research using electroencephalography (EEG) to understand reward response (Lubman et al., 2009), suggesting that this may be a feasible way to capture reward experience without the cost of EEG equipment, although this has not been adequately studied. (C) Gestalt Learning Theory A preliminary, randomized trial of aerobic exercise for alcohol dependence, Convergent and discriminant validation by the multitrait-multimethod matrix. Finally, Lee et al. (1980). (D) Slang language Using behavioral economics to predict opioid use during prescription opioid dependence treatment, Discrete-trial choice in pigeons: Effects of reinforcer magnitude, Solinas, Chauvet, Thiriet, El Rawas, & Jaber, 2008, Kristjansson, James, Allegrante, Sigfusdottir, & Helgason, 2010, Boswell, Iles, Gallagher, & Farchione, 2017, Carey, Carey, Henson, Maisto, & DeMartini, 2011, Petry, Alessi, Olmstead, Rash, & Zajac, 2017, DePhilippis, Petry, Bonn-Miller, Rosenbach, & McKay, 2018, Kwako, Momenan, Litten, Koob, & Goldman, 2015, Acuff, Soltis, Dennhardt, Berlin, & Murphy, 2018, Magidson, Robustelli, Seitz-Brown, & Whisman, 2016, Murphy, Barnett, Goldstein, & Colby, 2007, Lewinsohn, Sullivan, & Grosscup, Sally, 1980, Holmes, Heckel, Chestnut, Harris, & Cautela, 1987, Van Etten, Higgins, Budney, and Badger (1998), Audrain-McGovern, Rodriguez, Rodgers, & Cuevas, 2010, Murphy, MacKillop, Skidmore, & Pederson, 2009, Voss, Soltis, Dennhardt, Martens, & Murphy, 2018, Murphy, Correia, Colby, & Vuchinich, 2005, Joyner, Acuff, Meshesha, Patrick, & Murphy, 2018, Bickel, Johnson, Koffarnus, MacKillop, & Murphy, 2014, Tucker, Vuchinich, Black, & Rippens, 2006, Wechsler, Davenport, Dowdall, Grossman, & Zanakos, 1997, Meshesha, Utzelmann, Dennhardt, & Murphy, 2018, Meshesha, Pickover, Teeters, and Murphy (2017), Eisenhower, Mathiowetz, & Morganstein, 1991, MacPherson, Collado, Ninnemann, & Hoffman, 2017, Levinson, Speed, Infantolino, & Hajcak, 2017, Petit, Kornreich, Dan, Verbanck, & Campanella, 2014, Hochster, Block-Lerner, Marks, & Erblich, 2018,, Randomized Controlled Trial of Behavioral Activation Smoking Cessation Treatment for Smokers with Elevated Depressive Symptoms, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, The pleasant events schedule: Studies on reliability, validity, and scale intercorrelation. (D) MIT (Massachussetts) Offline learning Subsequent studies using both qualitative and quantitative approaches to measurement development could likely produce a survey that is 1) updated and 2) sufficiently comprehensive in terms of the number of items and reinforcement parameters assessed without placing an undue burden on participants. This led to the urban legend, occasionally heard to this day, that Skinner experimented on his daughter or raised her in a box and that she grew up embittered and maladjusted, all of which are false. The EROS and RPI have several strengths, including that the measures are very brief, possess strong psychometric properties, can be useful for treatment planning, and have shown associations with treatment response. Thus, future research should extend the validity of each of these measures by comparing with indices of reinforcement and reward derived from neuroimaging and electrophysiological techniques. Blended Learning Another significant limitation is that these indices include a predetermined list of activities, and do not allow for the ideographic identification of potentially rewarding activities. ICF framework for classification of health and disability related domains is given by: Match List I with List II This article was most recently revised and updated by, Addiction Research & Theory, 20 (6), 456-465. Audrain-McGovern JE, Rodriguez D, Epstein LH, Rodgers K, Cuevas J, & Wileyto EP (2009). Worley MJ, Shoptaw SJ, Bickel WK, & Ling W (2015). In both a sample of young adult smokers (MacPherson, Collado, Ninnemann, & Hoffman, 2017) and a sample of adult smokers (Macpherson et al., 2011), there were no significant differences in environmental reward in the behavioral activation treatment condition versus the treatment as usual condition. The very idea of mind was dismissed as a pre-scientific superstition, not amenable to empirical investigation. DePhilippis D, Petry NM, Bonn-Miller MO, Rosenbach SB, & McKay JR (2018). Thistheoryrefers to the learning process where learning takes place through rewarding a certain behaviour or withholding reward for undesirable behaviour. Other biological (i.e., eye tracking; Marks, Pike, Stoops, & Rush, 2015) and behavioral (i.e., choice tasks; Moeller et al., 2013) techniques for assessing attention, motivation, and reward have also been linked to substance use. the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health. An official website of the United States government. Similarly, among cocaine users, intravenous cocaine administration is a potent reinforcer when a monetary alternative is not available; however, as the value of the monetary alternative increases, cocaine self-administration decreases (Higgins, Bickel, & Hughes, 1994). We omitted manuscripts that did not use one of the previously defined measurement methods or that did not directly measure substance use or misuse. Responsiveness to drug cues and natural rewards in opiate addiction associations with later heroin use. In the first study (Daughters et al., 2008), 44 individuals receiving inpatient services for illicit drug use (also reporting depression) were randomized to either treatment as usual (TAU) or TAU with the supplemental LETS Act sessions. Choose the correct answer from the options given below : Equal educational opportunity means : Given that time is a finite and zero sum resource for all, the amount of time allocated to one activity relative to others or expressed as a proportion of total time in a week or day is an intuitive and objective measure of reinforcing value (Baum & Rachlin, 1969; Herrnstein, 1970). Insight into how organisms respond to various stimuli, which may occur through conscious or subconscious processing, is valuable in addressing behaviour-related phenomena and in guiding learning of new behaviours. Solinas M, Chauvet C, Thiriet N, El Rawas R, & Jaber M (2008). Both concepts are variations of important factors of reinforcement commonly studied in basic research, namely reinforcement magnitude (i.e., strength of the reinforcer; Davison & Baum, 2003; Young, 1981) and frequency (i.e., rate of reward receipt; Davison & Baum, 2000; Schneider, 1973) Reinforcement surveys have been used in the assessment and treatment of a wide range of disorders, including depression (Lejuez, Hopko, & Hopko, 2001), anxiety (Bouman & Luteijn, 1986), Alzheimers disease (Amspoker et al., 2017) and substance use (Daughters et al., 2018). Research suggests that these two facets of reinforcement (i.e., enjoyment and frequency) may be divergent (Magidson, Robustelli, Seitz-Brown, & Whisman, 2016; Murphy, Barnett, Goldstein, & Colby, 2007), although both are theoretically relevant to understanding choice behavior. (B) Concrete operational stage The search yielded 32 studies using reinforcement surveys (Pleasant Events Schedule and Adolescent Reinforcement Survey Schedule) to assess substance-related and substance-free reinforcement.

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theory of reinforcement is also known as