Theyre also known as plant kingdom amphibians.. The following are the general characteristics of plant kingdom: Give its name. depending on the type of pigment possessed and the type of stored food. How are the male and female gametophytes of pteridophytes and It is the scientific study of all of the species of the animal kingdom as a whole, including humans. They are most commonly known for the development of a more specialized seed that forms inside the ovary of a flower, surrounded by a protective fruit. 2. Kingdom Plantae has mainly 5 groups, i.e., Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, and Angiosperms. Roots are adventitious in pteridophytes while they arise from the radicle (tap root) in gymnosperms. Tube cell and a generative cell is present in male gametophyte, which divides and form two male gametes. 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What is heterospory? Gymnosperms are non-flowering plants, whereas angiosperms are flowering plants. For example, potatoes, carrots, radish. The organs of the sporophyte possess well-differentiated vascular tissues. (i) Thallophytic: The plant body is thallus i.e. Why do you think so? It bears two types of sex antheridia and archegonia, antheridia is the male sex organ and archegonia is the female sex organ. Bryophytes are found in wet, humid, and shady environments. (iii) Wood from tropical tree fern is used in building material as they resist termite decay. Roots of some gymnosperms have a fungal or algal association. Only those questions which are very vital from the examination point of view are drafted in this PDF. 19. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. When the capsule ripens its dehiscence takes place and spores are liberated by winds. The antheridia and archegonia are located in the prothallus in ferns. 4. Meiosis takes place at the time of its germination. Also, check CBSE Class 11 Biology Important Questions for other chapters: CBSE Class 11 Biology Important Questions. What are the two main classes of bryophytes? Gymnosperms Examples, Characteristics & Types - The well-developed tap root system is present. In pteridophytes, roots are usually adventitious in nature 2. These are the most primitive plants. The plants of group Pteridophytes are called vascular cryptogam. The angiosperms are hardwoods while the Gymnosperms are softwoods. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Roots of some gymnosperms have a fungal or algal association for example- Pinus has a fungal association to form mycorrhiza which helps ii absorptions of water and minerals. 3. List common modes of reproduction in Algae? Angiosperms vs Gymnosperms | Illinois Extension | UIUC Ans: Gymnosperms like conifers have needle-shaped Ieaves to reduce surface area, thick cuticle and sunken stomata to reduce water loss therefore, the leaves in gymnosperms are adapted to withstand xerophytes conditions. How are the male and female gametophytes of pteridophytes and gymnosperms different from each other? Can I rely on the Important Questions for CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 3 - the Plant Kingdom? Give some important features of dicots? Seeds are born on structures called cones. Plant body structure is not clearly characterized. Pteridophytes are a group of primitive land plants belongs to Cryptogams. And these important questions are created following the recent CBSE guidelines. 11. With the help of studying from this material resource, the students will be benefitted abundantly. Gymnosperms, like conifers and ginko biloba, appeared during the Paleozoic Era and reproduced by dispersing "naked seeds" not imbedded in flowers or fruit. (v) Plants surviving in dry conditions are Xerophytes; plants living in water are hydrophytes; those living in moderate conditions are mesophytes. Your email address will not be published. Both the type of vascular tissues xylem and phloem are present. Male gametes of gymnosperms are generally non-motile(multi-flagellated, motile sperms are present only in cycads and ginkgos). 20. Ans: Stamens and pistils are the two reproductive parts of a flower. (iii) They have a well-developed vascular system but their xylem lacks a vessel and the phloem is without a companion cell. Ans: Laminaria is used for fodder for poultry birds. Microsporophyll is represented by a broad, sterile head. Study the difficult biological terms by jotting them down on paper. And they constitute around 80 % of all the known green plants. Each pistil is made of three parts- ovary, style and stigma. 1. One or two prothalial cell, stalk cell, tube cell and a body cell, which further divides into two male gametes. A microsporophyll or stamen consists of a filament and an anther. Angiosperm sporophylls are aggregated to create flowers. The Moss plant is a gametophyte. They are also used in medicines, perfumes, varnishes, and essential oils. Write two important characteristics of gymnosperms? 2. It is also used as packaging material for the transhipment of living material. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Gymnosperms Gymnosperms are a group of primitive seed-producing plants of Spermatophytes (Phanerogams). Ans: The fruiting body of gymnosperms consisting of both micro and megasporophyll are called cones. M ale gametes are flagellated. Table 2 Comparison of the yoga-based exercise (G1) and control (G2) What are its four classes? The bryophytes are divided into two types: liverworts and mosses. 13. In sporophyte, tap root system gets lost and roots are always adventitious. Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 11. Liverwort and mosses are the two main classes of bryophytes. Gymnosperms have some unique characteristics that make them distinguishable from other plants. Characteristics of Gymnosperms. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Botany, Difference, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Haploid gametophytes produce haploid gametes. A diploid state is found only in the form of a zygote or zygospores. Ulothrix, Cladophora, Chara, Spirogyra, and Ulva, for example. Example Monocotyledones- grass, maize, rice and; dicotyledons- gram, pea, sunflower. Gymnospems are Seed producing non-flowering plants whose seeds are enclosed. Conifers and pines are examples of gymnosperms. The important characteristics of gymnosperms are: 12. Stamens and pistils are the two reproductive parts of a flower. 19. It is Zostera which thrives in shallow waters. Flowering plants occur in most environments. What are the differences between them? Algae, fungus, and lichens range in size from unicellular to enormous. Flowering ornamental, fruits, and all vegetables and hence called as flowering plants. (x) Gymnosperms possess exposed or naked seeds. : The plant body is thallus i.e. Precision Gymnastics and Tumbling Class descriptions Hence, it is essential for amphibians to breed. The sporophyte of moss gets differentiated into- foot, seta and capsule. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. An antheridium is not found. 4. Plants called pteridophytes, like ferns, reproduce by spores, but they have acquired a circulatory system and are hence regarded as more sophisticated than bryophytes. It is converted into a zygospore. They include: They bear naked seeds that are not enclosed in an ovary . Give regular tests like mock tests and class tests which will help you to stay updated about your own performance. Seeds develop on the megasporophyll and fruits are never formed. Finally, Mann-Whitney U-test was used to compare the groups (G1 and G2) by the percent- age changes in the variables: pain (VAS), fatigue (VAS), sleep disturbance, grip strength, levels of urea . 20. They are eukaryotic, multicellular, and autotrophic creatures. Water is notrequired. Ans: The differences between gymnosperms and pteridophytes are listed below: 18. Pteridophytes don't produce cones, flowers, or fruit, unlike these seed plants. There is great diversity in both form and arrangement of leaves. The thallophytes, bryophytes, and pteridophytes have naked embryos termed spores instead of outward flowers or seeds. (iv) Lycopodium, Selaginella and Equisetum are some of the members of Pteridophytes. Red, brown and green algae differ from each other as: There are three types of life cycle found in green algae: The dominant phase is haploid. What are the identifying features of angiosperms flowering plants. Tabulate differences between pteridophyte and gymnosperms monique is waiting for your help. This process is called pollination. Flowers have developed from the divergent gymnosperms, which account for 80% of all plants on the planet. Ovules are present inside the ovary part of the carpel; these are attached to the placenta. Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms: Comparison | Plants - Biology Discussion Male gametophytes of gymnosperms develop through endosporic distal germination of pollen. (ii) Their plant body is divided into- root, stem and leaves. An ovule is covered by one or two thin integuments of narrow miropyle. Return to Biology Question. Usually four microsporangia or pollen sacs. Spore is the beginning of gametophytic generation. They produce seeds in the same way that angiosperms do, but they are not enclosed within the fruit. Ans: The similarities in sexual reproduction of moss and fern are: (i) Oogamous mode of sexual reproduction involves fertilization of non-motile female gametes or eggs through motile male gamete/sperm. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. 13. Plant embryos in seeds have structures, called cotyledons. Why some bryophytes are called liverworts. 8. Which group of plants is regarded as the first terrestrial plant? Each pistil is made of three parts- ovary, style and stigma. Some of them even appear like small trees. These were the first trees on the planet; after plants developed vascular systems, they could grow as tall as fern trees. These ovules are not covered by any ovary wall therefore, remain exposed. Flowering plants belong to the angiosperms. Seeds are used instead of spores to propagate these plants, which is an improvement over the pteridophyte model because seeds last considerably longer than spores. Varies from two (Pinus) to several hundred in Cycas. Justify. 18. A male cone constitutes a microsporophyll that contains micro-sporangia. The gymnosperm trees are used for timber, building construction, resin, and the manufacture of paper and board. There are autotrophic and various pigments present. Seeds are exposed or nakedbetter adaptation for land habit. Pteridophytes (Spore Producing Plants: Ferns and More) It develops into protonema which gives rise to male and female gametophytes. Differences and Similarities Flashcards | Quizlet (c) Diplohaplontic Life Cycle: It has well developed multicellular haploid and diploid phases. The significant difference between bryophytes pteridophytes gymnosperms and angiosperms are the seed-bearing capacity. It consists of 8 haploid nuclei embedded in the cytoplasm of which 3 cells lie at the micropylar end and 3 antipodal lies at the chalazal end. Gymnosperms (Nonflowering seed plants): The gymnosperms are seed producing land plants. 12. The red algae live in the deepest waters. Gymnosperms are the most primitive group of seed plants, flourished in the Devonian period of the Palaeozoic era. The members of numerous early groups of Gymnosperms (e.g.. Cycadofilicales, Bennettitales, Cordaitales) are extinct today and only their preserved remains (fossils) are known. Known as conifers, members of the division Pinophyta are among the most diverse of the gymnosperms, with some 630 living species across six families. These are not to be confused with algae that look like plants but arent, such as seaweed. Summary Comparison Chart What are Angiosperms? (vi) The sex organs which are Archegonia and antheridia are flask and globose shaped respectively. The important questions and answers are to be studied conveniently and thus they are put in a free PDF which can be used free of cost and also saved for future study. Phloem possesses sieve tubes and companion cells. (iv) Female sex organs (archegonia) are flask-shaped and have a tubular neck with a swollen basal venter. Whereas, the flowers are the reproductive entity in angiosperms. Ans. By uploading you agree to our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, and Content Guidelines. E. arvense is an interesting plant system to investigate the differential expression and relation of SPS and CHS, because it shows a developmental switch: gametophytes and rhizomes accumulate styrylpyrones as major phenolic constituents, but no flavonoids, while green sprouts (sporophytes) contain various flavonoid glycosides, but no styrylpyron. 1. 3. 9. Gymnosperm seeds are not encased in an ovule, hence they must reproduce with both male and female cones. It produces haploid spores and that spore germinates to form gametophytes. Gymnosperms are vascular plants with naked seeds. Question 5: Why are angiosperms considered better than gymnosperms? Leaf: No circinate vernation in young leaf ADVERTISEMENTS: 4. If the conditions are unfavourable, daughter cells are divided into numerous cells. (ii) Sexual Reproduction in Chlamydomonas: Flagellated, motile gametes unite to form a quadrille flagellate zygote. 3. Question 4: Which group is largest in gymnosperms? Thallophytes is the name given to the first ten phyla. 5. (iii) Most of the plants are gametophytes that develop from haploid spores. The seeds of gymnosperms are not covered that is they are naked but in Angiosperms, the seeds remain closed inside the fruit hence both of these are classified separately. Bryophytes live on land but require water to complete their life cycle. Later they generate the male gamete that fertilizes with the female gamete to give rise to a zygote. Ans: The gametophytes of bryophytes and pteridophytes differ from that of gymnosperms because the male and female gametophytes have free existence in bryophytes and pteridophytes but not in gymnosperms. Although modern studies have . 13. Once considered of the same evolutionary line, these plants were formerly placed in the single group Pteridophyta and were known as the ferns and fern allies. Ans: The gametes and spores of Phaeophyceae are Pyriform (pear-shaped). 9. Male gametes of pteridophytes are motile, bi- or multi-flagellated. 4. You can scroll down to this page and find the option Download PDF by clicking on this option. Angiosperms consist are flowering plants, while gymnosperms arenon-flowering plants. It gives rise to haploid gametes through meiosis. The roots of some angiosperms modify in order to store food. They are the first plant group with vascular tissue for the conduction of water and food materials and hence they are called as Vascular Cryptogams. Inside the capsule, single-celled spores are produced. Thallophytes are undifferentiated plants that dont have roots, stems, or leaves. Though gymnosperms evolved from pteridophytes, they are quite different from each other. Sporangium: Sporangium is dehiscent . An embryo sac is made up of - two synergids, one egg cell, three antipodal cells, and one secondary nucleus. Which algae live in the deepest water? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The female gametophyte is retained on the parent sporophyte for a variable period of time. Marchantia. Ans: Chlamydomonas is a unicellular algae. Cycads, such as Cycas, Conifers (Pinus), and other native gymnosperms, are the only native gymnosperms that survive in warmer climates. Privacy. In return for favourable conditions, the cells inside the gelatinous mass develop cilia. Flowers originated from a gymnosperm lineage some 130 million years ago, and plants were never the same after that. 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Plantae is the kingdom that encompasses all living things. And these important questions are created following the recent CBSE guidelines. Water is an essential component required for the transfer of male gametes to archegonium, where the formation of the zygote takes place after fertilisation. (ix) Ovules are exposed to receive pollen grains. Justify. (iv) Plants which survive for a year are annual, those which survive two year are biennials and those which live more than two years are perennials. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The Moss plant is a gametophyte. The wood may be manoxylic (wood is sparse with wide parenchymatous rays, large pith, and cortex) as in Cycas, or pycnoxylic (wood dense or compact with small rays, and a small amount of cortex and pith) as in Pinus. (iii) Pteridophyta: The plant body is differentiated into distinct underground stem-like rhizome bearing roots and aerial shoots with leaves. List any three characteristic features of Bryophytes. The area of vascular tissues is more than the cortex and pith. Ans: Rhizoids are slender, unicellular or multicellular hair-like structures that penetrate in moist soil and absorb water for plants. It does not store any personal data. Plant cells have stiff cell walls that protect them from hazardous elements in the environment. Algae and Bryophytes are different from each other. Point out the main differences between them? Megasporophyll is structured to form a carpel. It is covered by 1 or 2 thin integuments having a narrow micropyle. How? lower vascular plant - Encyclopedia Britannica Their leaves are net-veined, the vascular bundles are arranged in a circle or ring within the stem. Students are suggested to study the chapter conceptually. They bear two laterally attached flagella. This article will update you about the differences between pteridophytes and gymnosperms. The generative nucleus divides pollen tubes producing two male gametes. Gymnosperm- vessels are absent and pteridophyte- vessels are present.. Tabulate differences between Gymnosperm & pteridophytes, Which of the following is not in direct contact with food. Yes, these important questions and answers are prepared by the subject experts of Vedantu. : Porphyra is the red algae that are used as vegetables. Bryophytes can live on soil but are dependent on water for sexual reproduction. The seeds of gymnosperms are not covered that is they are naked but in Angiosperms, the seeds remain closed inside the fruit hence both of these are classified separately. What is the difference between bryophytes and gymnosperms? of angiosperms. Animals depending reproduction for spread. Difference Between Bryophytes and Pteridophytes, Difference Between Self-Pollination and Cross-Pollination, Difference Between Pollination and Fertilization, Difference Between Vascular and Non-Vascular Plants, Difference Between Prokaryotic Cells and Eukaryotic Cells, Difference Between Photosystem I and Photosystem II, Difference Between Parenchyma, Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma Cells, Difference Between Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable Substances, Difference Between C3, C4 and CAM pathway, Difference Between Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis, Difference Between Mixtures and Compounds, Difference Between A, B and Z DNA Double Helix Structure, Difference Between Adaptation and Evolution, Difference Between Living and Non-Living Things, Difference Between Endocrine and Exocrine Glands, Difference Between Chromosomes and Chromatid, Difference Between Surface Water and Groundwater, Difference Between Gas and Liquid Chromatography, Difference Between Local and General Anaesthesia. 12. Name the algae which are used for fodder for poultry birds. The gametes and spores of Phaeophyceae are Pyriform (pear-shaped). Theyre also known as dicots, and theyre blooming plants with cotyledons, which are pairs of leaves in the seed embryo. 8. Class 11 Biology Chapter 3 Important Questions will help the students to analyse the type of questions that will be asked in the final examination. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The process of making their own food is known as photosynthesis.
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