international table tennis rules pdf

This was initiated in order to increase the speed of games and allow spectators to watch more games during a tournament. Official Message to Table Tennis Manufacturers and National Associations from International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) to be distributed to table tennis players. table called Table Tennis Table which is divided by a net called TT Net. A point is lost if: If the ball hits the opponent without touching the table prior, that is a point lost for not hitting the table. 2.7.1 The ball, having been served or returned, shall be struck so that it passes over or around the net assembly and touches the opponents court, either directly or after touching the net assembly. Tournament Calendar - International Table Tennis Federation Victas VJ > 07 Limber, Regular, Stiff, Sticky Extra Review and comparison. 2.1.6 For doubles, each court shall be divided into 2 equal half-courts by a white centre line, 0.12 in wide, running parallel with the side lines; the centre line shall be regarded as part of each right half-court. 2.02.04 The bottom of the net, along its whole length, shall be as close as possible to the playing surface and the ends of the net shall be as close as possible to the supporting posts. 2.01.03 The playing surface may be of any material and shall yield a uniform bounce of about 23cm when a standard ball is dropped on to it from a height of 30cm. x[[~`^ The laws of Table Tennis. A let serve occurs on a serve that hits the net, but still goes over to the opponent's side. This rule was implemented so that the doubles team receiving the ball does not have any confusion as to who is going to hit the ball. 2.02 The net assembly 7. Table Tennis - Spectator Etiquette by Greg Letts, Guide. to establish and enforce the Constitution, the Laws of Table Tennis, the Regulations for International Competitions, the Regulations for World, Olympic and Paralympic Title Competitions, the Anti-Doping Rules, the Code of Ethics, the Anti-Harassment Policy and Procedures, the ITTF if in service the ball, in passing over or around the net assembly, touches it, provided the service is otherwise good or the ball is obstructed by the receiver or his partner; 3 0 obj Games are played to 11 points and must be won by two points. Table 2.6.4 From the start of service until it is struck, the ball shall be above the level of the playing surface and behind the servers end line, and it shall not be hidden from the receiver by the server or his doubles partner or by anything they wear or carry. 2.02.03 The top of the net, along its whole length, shall be 15.25cm above the playing surface. Includes table tennis Rules A3 Poster PDF for Printing, and simple answers to frequently asked questions. 2.09.02 Play may be interrupted Download the Rules of the Game in PDF or ZIP, Download the Complete ITTF Regulations Handbook in PDF or ZIP, New Service Rule (as of 1 September 2002), and New Rules for 11-point system (as of 1 September 2001). Bibliography: 1. This number will vary depending on the style of tournament or competition and how many players are competing in that event. Contents include: Table, Net, Ball, Racket, Definitions, Good serve, Good return, Order of play, Let, Point, Game, Match, Choice of serving, receiving and ends, Out of order of serving, receiving and ends, and Expedite system. %PDF-1.7 2.05.06 The free hand is the hand not carrying the racket. Eastern Creek NSW 2766 This PDF defines the new rules (including ITTFs Firm Position as of 1 January 2009) regarding VOC-free glue, the illegality of any types of additives such as Boosters, Tuners and the like, the minimum friction level for long-pimples rubbers, and the 4mm thickness for rubbers. 2.05.03 A let is a rally of which the result is not scored. (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(hs); This rule was made to reflect the new shortness of the games. This PDF defines the new rules (including ITTF's Firm Position as of 1 January 2009) regarding VOC-free glue, the illegality of any types of additives such as Boosters, Tuners . 2.5.7 A player strikes the ball if he touches it in play with his racket, held in the hand, or with his racket hand below the wrist. 2. World Parkinson Coalition and ITTF Foundation Join Forces to Empower Parkinson's Community, Governing Board Meets at ITTF Foundation Headquarters: A Milestone for Strategic Development, World Refugee Day Hope Away from Home Part 2: The Stories of Ava, Negar and Arezoo, Maria Christoforaki's Inspiring Journey: Empowered by #TableTennisUnited Fund, World Refugee Day: Hope Away from Home part 1 The story of Francois Bulambo, Special Olympics and ITTF Foundation Sign MOU at World Games Berlin 2023. The ball can also be hit around the net for a point as long as it still touches the opponents side of the table, however this is highly skilled. 9. PDF Table Tennis - Special Olympics World Games 3. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. 2.10.01 Unless the rally is a let, a player shall score a point Note that it starts at section 2.0, since section one is related to the ITTF constitution. Handbook 2021. 2.4.8 At the start of a match and whenever he changes his racket during a match a player shall show his opponent and the umpire the racket he is about to use and shall allow them to examine it. Updated Feb 2018. 2.05.14 The ball shall be regarded as passing over or around the net assembly if it passes anywhere other than between the net and the net post or between the net and the playing surface. 2.6.2 The server shall then project the ball near vertically upwards, without imparting spin, so that it rises at least 16cm after leaving the palm of the free hand and then falls without touching anything before being struck. Official Message to Table Tennis Manufacturers and National Associations, The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) Rules of Table Tennis from Team USA. 2.05.07 A player strikes the ball if he touches it in play with his racket, held in the hand, or with his racket hand below the wrist. Unlike in one-on-one competition, the server in table tennis must hit the ball in the box diagonally from where they are serving. Whenever there is a clear failure to comply with the requirements for a correct service, no warning shall be given and the receiver shall score a point. 2.5.11 The umpire is the person appointed to control a match. The latest table tennis rules, broken down into to sections to make it easier to find and read. endobj *10% discount code is valid toward the purchase of full-price items and cannot be combined with other offers. Ping Pong Rules by Zachary McCreedy. 1004109 Leipzig, GERMANY. Required fields are marked *. The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) is the governing body for all national table tennis associations. Rules Evolution. Handbook 2021 from ITTF. This reflects a rule change made in 2001 after the Sydney Olympic Games in a reduction of the length of games from 21 down to 11. Officials from Table Tennis Canada. Rules of Table Tennis from Table Tennis Canada. We hate spam as much as you do and we respect your privacy - see our Privacy Policy. 2.1.5 The playing surface shall be divided into 2 equal courts by a vertical net running parallel with the end lines, and shall be continuous over the whole area of each court. The table must be made of Masonite; it Rules & Regulations for JCC Maccabi Games Table Tennis Competition. 2014/2015 ITTF Regulations, and USATT Rules. Anti-Harassment Policy and Procedures. 2.01.06 For doubles, each court shall be divided into 2 equal half-courts by a white centre line, 3mm wide , running parallel with the side lines; the centre line shall be regarded as part of each right half-court. The table tennis rules below are broken up into an Equipment section, which covers all the home used in a games, and a Play fachgruppe, which covers all the rules for actually playing the game. Leave a comment DLL{p4Ogwa8[q(b?z Qx`bs9 Download the Laws of Table Tennis (PDF) Download the Complete ITTF Regulations Handbook (PDF) Source: ITTF Major Table Tennis Rule Changes 3. 8. Handbook: The International Table Tennis Federation | PDF | Table For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. Club Etiquette-Do's and Don'ts from San Diego Table Tennis Association. Sharing the health benefits of table tennis on a social, mental and physical level. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Average size of a paddle is 17 cm tall and 15 cm wide which is optimal for competition. Code of Ethics. 9. if his opponent fails to make a correct service; if his opponent fails to make a correct return; if, after he has made a service or a return, the ball touches anything other than the net assembly before being struck by his opponent; if the ball passes over his court or beyond his end line without touching his court, after being struck by his opponent; if his opponent obstructs the ball; if his opponent strikes the ball twice successively; if his opponent strikes the ball with a side of the racket blade whose surface does not comply with the requirements of 2.4.3, 2.4.4 and 2.4.5; if his opponent, or anything his opponent wears or carries, moves the playing surface; if his opponent, or anything his opponent wears or carries, touches the net assembly; if his opponents free hand touches the playing surface; if a doubles opponent strikes the ball out of the sequence established by the first server and first receiver; as provided under the expedite system (2.15.2). How to Serve Legally in Table Tennis from Greg Letts, Your Guide to Table Tennis / Ping-Pong, 2.01.05 The playing surface shall be divided into 2 equal courts by a vertical net running parallel with the end lines, and shall be continuous over the whole area of each court. The Laws of Table Tennis from ITTF (International Table Tennis Federation). 2.1.2 The playing surface shall not include the vertical sides of the tabletop. ITTF Tribunal Regulations. Table Tennis Rules from Denis' Table Tennis World. World Parkinson's Table Tennis Championships, 2019 ITTF Parkinson's World Table Tennis Championships, 2021 ITTF Parkinson's World Table Tennis Championships, 2023 World Parkinson's Table Tennis Championships, 2024 World Parkinson's Table Tennis Championships. 2.3.3 The ball shall be made of celluloid or similar plastics material and shall be white or orange, and matt. Table Tennis Rules from Butterfly Online. Tepper, Glenn. 2.14.01 If a player serves or receives out of turn, play shall be interrupted by the umpire as soon as the error is discovered and shall resume with those players serving and receiving who should be server and receiver respectively at the score that has been reached, according to the sequence established at the beginning of the match and, in doubles, to the order of serving chosen by the pair having the right to serve first in the game during which the error is discovered.

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international table tennis rules pdf