oklahoma state mechanical engineering degree plan

Description: Relevant fluid properties; standard atmospheres; mathematical models of flows about bodies. WebAddress: 201 Advanced Technology Research Center, Stillwater, OK 74078. Mechanical Engineering - Fire Protection Systems Option; Mechanical Engineering - Petroleum Option; College of Engineering, Architecture Description: Modern theory of corrosion and its applications in preventing or controlling corrosion damage economically and safely in service. Description: Nature has developed processes, techniques, and materials that function optimally from the nanoscale to the macroscale. Description: Application of modern multivariable control and estimation techniques to aerospace flight vehicles. Description: Two-semester design project with team format. An emphasis will be placed on new research areas and exposure to methods for controlling and probing microstructures. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or permission of instructor; MAE5313. Same course as CHE5263. The direct to Ph.D. program requires a minimum of 90 credit hours beyond the Bachelor of Science degree consisting of 48-54 hours of formal coursework, 6 hours of Preliminary Examination credit and 30-36 hours of dissertation research credit. Inviscid, incompressible flow, flow over airfoils, flow over finite wings, 3D flow; Compressible flow; Basic thermodynamic and dynamic equations. Gaussian random vectors, estimation in linear and Gaussian models, state estimation, the Kalman filter, prediction and smoothing. Static and dynamic aircraft stability and control. Recent developments. Description: Design of power transmission systems, including belts, chains and gears. In this selection, no one area may be unduly emphasized at the expense of another. Aerodynamic stability derivatives. Program Description: A student studying for a master's degree who elects to write a thesis must enroll in this course. Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in ENSC3313 and MAE3153. Description: Study and investigation under the supervision of a member of the faculty along lines of interest well advanced of and supported by the 5000-series courses. Prerequisites: Grades of "C" or higher in ENSC2113 and ENSC2213 and (ENSC2123 and ENSC2143 and MAE3333 or concurrency). Prerequisites: Grades of "C" or higher in ENSC3313. Differential and integral formulation of basic rheological models. Design and analysis of complete aircraft engine systems and individual components of the aircraft engine. Description: This course covers the use of renewable and non-renewable energy sources in power production. Data analysis, quality control and statistical hypothesis testing will be covered. Description: Fundamentals and simulation of micro flows including governing equation, slip models, shear- and pressure-driven micro flows. Prerequisites: Graduate standing in MAE and consent of student's adviser. Oral presentations, progress reports, and a professional log book documenting personal activity and contributions. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of instructor; MATH2233 and ENSC2123. Associate Professors:Aaron Alexander, PhD (adjunct); Christian Bach, PhD; He Bai, PhD; Frank W. Chambers, PhD, PE (emeritus);Jay C. Hanan, PhD; Kaan Kalkan, PhD; James M. Manimala; Khaled A. Sallam, PhD; Omer San, PhD; Arvind Santhanakrishnan, PhD; Shuodao Wang, PhD; Yujiang "Mike" Xiang, PhD Contact hours: Lecture: 3 Contact: 4 Other: 1. The finite element analysis method is introduced. MAE5013 Physiological System Analysis for Engineers. Description: Input output and state space representations of linear discrete-time systems. Description: Introduction to precision manufacturing, design principle of precision machine tools and source of errors, diamond turning and milling, grinding, polishing and lapping, sensors for precision manufacturing, precision manufacturing applications. This program is accredited by Analysis of continuous fiber, short-fiber, and woven-fiber polymer matrix composites. The School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering offers programs leading to the degree of Master of Science and Master of Engineering in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. It is geoscience terminology and refers to the estimation of the state of a physical system given a model and measurements. Boundary layers. Drag polars. Numerical methods for solutions will be covered. Professors:Afshin J. Ghajar, PhD, PE (emeritus); James K. Good, PhD, PE (emeritus); Geir Hareland, PhD, PE (adjunct); Lawrence L. Hoberock, PhD, PE (emeritus); David G. Lilley, PhD, DSc, PE (emeritus); Richard L. Lowery, PhD, PE (emeritus); Christopher E. Price, PhD, PE (emeritus); Gary E. Young, PhD, PE (emeritus); Larry D. Zirkle, PhD, PE (emeritus) Description: Application of advanced experimental mechanics techniques to investigate and characterize response of solid materials. Design, build, test and evaluation of chemical rocket components. MAE5923 Guidance and Control of Aerospace Vehicles. The coursework is specifically sequenced and interrelated to provide design experience at each level, leading to progressively more complex, open-ended problems. Description: This course will provide students with the basic knowledge necessary to conduct biomechanics investigations, design implants and prosthetics, and interact with other medical professionals. Prerequisites: MAE3233 or equivalent and graduate standing or consent of instructor. June 1, 2023. The School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Oklahoma State University is dedicated to graduating mechanical and aerospace engineers who: The student outcomes for students graduating from the mechanical and aerospace engineering BS programs are: Because mechanical engineering is perhaps the broadest of all engineering disciplines, the program provides not only excellent grounding in all engineering fundamentals, but also allows some flexibility in selecting controlled technical electives to suit the students interests. Same course as MSE5693. Introduction to robot mobility, l.e., path planning, trajectory generation, and trajectory tracking. Lecturers:Alyssa Avery, PhD (research assistant professor); Gus Azevedo, PhD (research assistant professor); Joseph P. Connor, Jr. (adjunct assistant professor);Ronald D. Delahoussaye, PhD (emeritus); Ben Loh, PhD (research assistant professor); Ehsan Moallem, PhD (adjunct assistant professor); Laura Southard (teaching associate professor) WebMechanical Engineering Option Program Student Learning Outcomes Catalog Course Descriptions Contact Chemistry, Physics and Engineering Sciences Complex, Room 226 2800 W. Gore Blvd. Design experience for stability and control in aeronautical and astronautical vehicles. Topics include safety, patent law, product liability, report writing, and scheduling. Prerequisites: Grades of "C" or higher in MATH2233 and MAE3293. Analysis techniques including classical analytical methods, matrix methods and numerical methods. Design and control of precision machines and instruments, dimensional and surface metrology, scanning probe microscopy, ultra-precision machining and grinding, and precision assembly. More advanced topics and projects will be chosen from interfacial crack growth, subsonic and intersonic dynamic fracture, rate- and state-dependent friction laws, fracture and friction at the small scales (nanomechanics), and finite-element analysis using commercial packages. Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or higher in MAE4342. Controllability, observability, state estimation, and parameter identification. Priority enrollment is given to Aerospace Engineering majors. Same course as ECEN 6463. They deal with everything mechanical and energy-consuming, whether small or large, simple or complexfrom fuel cells to nuclear power plants, gas turbine engines to interplanetary space vehicles, artificial limbs to life support systems, robotic manipulators to complex automatic packaging machines, precision instruments to construction machinery, household appliances to mass transit systems, heating and air-conditioning systems to off-shore drilling platforms, and powered home and garden appliances to vehicles of all types. Our graduates will be recognized leaders with exemplary careers to the greater benefit of society. Find a Major/Program an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies. Representation of system models using transfer functions, block diagrams and state variable forms. Description: Application of linear algebra, numerical methods, statistics, and computer methods in the design, analysis, and simulation of mechanical, thermal, and fluid systems. Research Professor and Director, New Product Development Center: Robert M. Taylor, PhD, 2022-2023 - Oklahoma State University | All Rights Reserved, Toggle Art, Graphic Design and Art History, Toggle Communication Sciences and Disorders, Toggle Gender, Womens and Sexuality Studies, Toggle Geology (Boone Pickens School of Geology), Toggle Media and Strategic Communications, Toggle Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Toggle Plant Biology, Ecology, and Evolution, Toggle College of Education and Human Sciences, Toggle Human Development and Family Science, Toggle School of Community Health Sciences, Counseling and Counseling Psychology, Toggle School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Aviation, Toggle School of Kinesiology, Applied Health and Recreation, Toggle School of Teaching, Learning and Educational Sciences, Toggle College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology, Toggle CEAT Dean's Office and CEAT Online Learning, Toggle Civil and Environmental Engineering, Toggle Construction Engineering Technology, Toggle Division of Engineering Technology, Toggle Electrical and Computer Engineering, Toggle Fire and Emergency Management Program, Toggle Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology, Toggle Industrial Engineering and Management, Toggle Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Toggle Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Toggle Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Toggle Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Toggle Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Toggle School of Global Studies and Partnerships, Toggle Hospitality and Tourism Management, Toggle Management Science and Information Systems, Toggle School of Marketing and International Business, Special Academic Services, Programs and Facilities, Alumni Association, OSU Foundation, OSU Tulsa, Agricultural Education, Communications, and Leadership (AECL), Construction Engineering Technology (CET), Fire and Emergency Management Program (FEMP), Foundations of Education and Psychology (FDEP), Global Studies (GS) (Global Studies & Partnerships), Ethical Leadership, Undergraduate Certificate, Undergraduate Research (UR), Undergraduate Certificate, University Studies: Multidisciplinary Studies, BUS, American Studies: American Indian Studies, BA, American Studies: American Indian Studies, BS, American Studies: Business Essentials, BA, American Studies: Business Essentials, BS, Truth and Reconciliation in the Americas (TRRA), Minor, Chemistry (Approved by the American Chemical Society), BS, Chemistry: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS, Communication Sciences and Disorders (CDIS), Minor, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Undergraduate Certificate, Applied Computer Programming (APCP), Minor, Economics (Arts and Sciences) (ECAS), Minor, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Undergraduate Certificate, Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies (GWS), Minor, Environmental Studies, Undergraduate Certificate, Geographic Information Systems, Certificate, Geospatial Information Technologies (GSIT), Minor, Geology (Boone Pickens School of Geology), Geology: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS, Ancient and Medieval Studies (AAMS), Minor, Biology: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS, Zoology: Ecology and Conservation Biology, BS, Zoology: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS, Professional Spanish, Undergraduate Certificate, Mathematics: Actuarial and Financial Mathematics, BS, Mathematics: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS, Strategic Communication: Advertising and Public Relations, BA, Strategic Communication: Advertising and Public Relations, BS, Strategic Communication: Entertainment Media, BA, Strategic Communication: Entertainment Media, BS, Strategic Communication: Social Media, BA, Strategic Communication: Social Media, BS, Microbiology/Cell & Molecular Biology, BS, Microbiology/Cell & Molecular Biology: Medical Laboratory Science, BS, Microbiology/Cell & Molecular Biology: Pre-Medical Professional, BS, Multidisciplinary Studies: Business Essentials, BA, Multidisciplinary Studies: Business Essentials, BS, Music Composition and Theory (MUCT), Minor, Music Education: Instrumental/Vocal Certification, BM, Philosophy: Ethics and Business Essentials, BA, Physics: Secondary Teacher Certification, BS, Plant Biology: Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, BS, Plant Biology: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, BS, Plant Biology: Pre-Law Environmental Policy, BS, Intelligence and Security Analysis (INSA), Minor, Political Science: Practical Politics - Campaigning, Lobbying and Policymaking, BA, Political Science: Practical Politics - Campaigning, Lobbying and Policymaking, BS, Psychology: Pre-Occupational Therapy, BS, Criminology and Criminal Justice (CRCJ), Minor, Sociology: Criminology and Criminal Justice, BA, Sociology: Criminology and Criminal Justice, BS, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Fashion Design & Production, BS, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Fashion Merchandising, BS, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Interior Design, BS, Fashion Design and Production (FDP), Minor, Fashion Design, Undergraduate Certificate, Fashion Design: Digital Product Creation, UCRT, Product Development for Apparel, Undergraduate Certificate, Family Financial Planning, Undergraduate Certificate, Human Development and Family Science: Child and Family Services, BS, Human Development and Family Science: Early Childhood Education, BS, Human Development and Family Science: Family & Consumer Sciences Education, BS, Nutritional Sciences: Human Nutrition/Pre-Medical Sciences, BS, Nutritional Sciences: Public Health Nutrition, BS, School of Community Health Sciences, Counseling and Counseling Psychology, School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Aviation, Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aerospace Security (AAAS), Minor, Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aerospace Security, BS, Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aviation Management (AAAM), Minor, Aerospace Administration and Operations: Aviation Management, BS, Aerospace Administration and Operations: Professional Pilot (AAPP), Minor, Aerospace Administration and Operations: Professional Pilot, BS, Aerospace Administration and Operations: Technical Service Management, BS, Learning and Motivation, Undergraduate Certificate, School of Kinesiology, Applied Health and Recreation, Applied Exercise Science: Pre-Professional, BS, Applied Exercise Science: Sport and Coaching Science, BS, Applied Exercise Science: Strength and Conditioning, BS, Recreation and Athletic Management: Recreation Management, BS, Recreation Management and Recreational Therapy (RMRT), Minor, Sports and Coaching Science (SPCS), Minor, School of Teaching, Learning and Educational Sciences, Public School Support Specialist for Children At-Risk (PSSC), Minor, Secondary Education: Foreign Language, BS, College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology, CEAT Dean's Office and CEAT Online Learning, Chemical Engineering: Biomedical/Biochemical, BSCH, Construction Engineering Technology: Building, BSET, Construction Engineering Technology: Heavy, BSET, /engineering-architecture-technology/engineering-technology/minors/, Mechatronic Engineering Technology for EET Students (EETM), Minor, Mechatronic Engineering Technology for MET Students (METM), Minor, Computer Engineering: Software Engineering, BSCP, Electrical Engineering Technology: Computer, BSET, Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology, Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology, BSET, Safety and Exposure Sciences (SAES), Minor, Data Analytics for Engineers (DAEN), Minor, Industrial Engineering and Management, BSIE, Mechanical Engineering: Fire Protection Systems, BSME, Mechanical Engineering: Pre-Medical, BSME, Architectural Design Studies: Design Management and Leadership, BS, Architectural Design Studies: Design Thinking and Communication, BS, Architectural Design Studies: Design, Culture and Urban Studies, BS, Architectural Engineering: Construction Project Management, BEN, Architectural Engineering: Structures, BEN, Architectural Studies: Architecture and Entrepreneurship (ASAE), Minor, Architectural Studies: Design (ASDS), Minor, Architectural Studies: History and Theory (ASHT), Minor, Agricultural Communications: Agribusiness Double Major, BSAG, Agricultural Communications: Animal Science Double Major, BSAG, Agribusiness: Accounting Double Major, BSAG, Agribusiness: Agricultural Communications Double Major, BSAG, Agribusiness: Community and Regional Analysis, BSAG, Agribusiness: Crop and Soil Sciences, BSAG, Agribusiness: Farm and Ranch Management, BSAG, Agribusiness: Pre-Veterinary Business Management, BSAG, Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (AEAB), Minor, Agricultural Real Estate Appraisal (AREA), Minor, Environmental Economics, Politics and Policy (EEPP), Minor, Agricultural Education: Animal Agriculture, BSAG, Agricultural Education: Multidisciplinary, BSAG, Agricultural Leadership: Extension Education, BSAG, Agricultural Leadership: International Studies, BSAG, Animal Science: Pre-Veterinary/Pre-Medical, BSAG, Animal Science: Production and Operations, BSAG, Equine Enterprise Management, Undergraduate Certificate, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Biotechnology, BSAG, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Pre-Medical or Pre-Veterinary Science, BSAG, Biosystems Engineering: Bioprocessing & Food Processing, BSBE, Biosystems Engineering: Biosystems Engineering, BSBE, Biosystems Engineering: Environmental and Natural Resources, BSBE, Biosystems Engineering: Machine Systems & Agricultural Engineering, BSBE, Biosystems Engineering: Pre-Medical, BSBE, Entomology: Insect Biology and Ecology, BSAG, Entomology: Pre-Veterinary and Pre-Medical, BSAG, Environmental Science: Environmental Policy, BSAG, Environmental Science: Natural Resources, BSAG, Environmental Science: Water Resources, BSAG, Horticulture: Horticultural Business, BSAG, Horticulture: Horticultural Food Safety, BSAG, Horticulture: Horticultural Science, BSAG, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology (FAEC), Minor, Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Fisheries & Aquatic Ecology, BSAG, Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Forest Ecology & Management, BSAG, Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Rangeland Ecology & Management, BSAG, Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Wildlife Biology & Preveterinary Science, BSAG, Natural Resource Ecology & Management: Wildlife Ecology & Management, BSAG, Natural Resource Ecology and Management (NREM), Minor, Rangeland Ecology and Management (REM), Minor, Plant and Soil Sciences: Agronomic Business, BSAG, Plant and Soil Sciences: Crop Production and Management, BSAG, Plant and Soil Sciences: Plant Biotechnology and Improvement, BSAG, Plant and Soil Sciences: Soil and Water Resources, BSAG, School of Global Studies and Partnerships, Economics: Business Economics and Quantitative Studies, BSBA, Finance: Commercial Bank Management Option, BSBA, Hospitality and Tourism Management: Beverage Management, BSBA, Hospitality and Tourism Management: Event Management, BSBA, Hospitality Business Administration (HOSB), Minor, Property and Real Estate Management, Undergraduate Certificate, Travel and Tourism Management, Undergraduate Certificate, Management: Business Sustainability, BSBA, Management: Human Resource Management, BSBA, Sustainable Business Management, Undergraduate Certificate, Management Science and Information Systems, Management Information Systems (MIS), Minor, Management Information Systems: Data Science, BSBA, Management Information Systems: Information Assurance, BSBA, Accounting, Systems, and Auditing, Undergraduate Certificate, Accounting: External Reporting, Control, and Auditing, BSBA, Accounting: Internal Reporting, Control and Auditing, BSBA, School of Marketing and International Business, Marketing: Marketing Communications Management, BSBA, Marketing: Marketing Research and Analytics, BSBA, Marketing: Professional Selling and Sales Management, BSBA, Sales and Service Excellence, Undergraduate Certificate, Agricultural Education, Communications, and Leadership, PhD, Applied Educational Studies: Aviation and Space Education, EdD, Business Administration: Entrepreneurship, PhD, Business Administration: Executive Research, PhD, Business Administration: Hospitality and Tourism Management, PhD, Business Administration: Management Science and Information Systems, PhD, Curriculum Studies: College Curriculum and Teaching, PhD, Curriculum Studies: Curriculum and Leadership, PhD, Curriculum Studies: International and Peace Curriculum, PhD, Education: Educational Administration, EdS, Education: Language, Literacy and Culture, PhD, Education: Learning, Design and Technology, PhD, Education: Social Foundations of Education, PhD, Education: Workforce and Adult Education, PhD, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies: Educational Administration, PhD, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies: Higher Education, PhD, Educational Psychology: Educational Psychology, PhD, Educational Psychology: Research, Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics, PhD, Fire and Emergency Management Administration, PhD, Health, Leisure and Human Performance: Health and Human Performance, PhD, Health, Leisure and Human Performance: Leisure Studies, PhD, Human Development and Family Science, PhD, Human Sciences: Human Development and Family Science, PhD, Industrial Engineering and Management, PhD, Language, Literacy, and Culture Education, EdS, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, PhD, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Unmanned Aerial Systems, PhD, Microbiology, Cell and Molecular Biology, PhD, Natural Resource Ecology and Management, PhD, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology, PhD, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Forest Resources, PhD, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Rangeland Ecology and Management, PhD, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Wildlife Ecology and Management, PhD, Business Analytics and Data Science, GCRT, Comparative and International Education, GCRT, Educational and Psychological Measurement, GCRT, Effective Teaching in Elementary Schools, GCRT, Effective Teaching in Secondary Schools, GCRT, Engineering and Technology Management, GCRT, Environmental Science with Regulatory Certifications, GCRT, Forensic Arson, Explosives, Firearms, and Toolmarks Investigation, GCRT, Health Care Administration: Finance, GCRT, Health Care Administration: Global Health, GCRT, Integrative Design of Building Envelope, GCRT, International Disaster and Emergency Management, GCRT, Public Health in Rural and Underserved Communities, GCRT, Statistical Methods and Analyses in Educational and Behavioral Sciences, GCRT, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, GCRT, Accounting: Data Analytics & Systems, MS, Accounting: Financial Reporting & Auditing, MS, Agricultural Education and Leadership, MS, Business Administration: Business Sustainability, MBA, Business Administration: Data Science, MBA, Business Administration: Energy Business, MBA, Business Administration: Entrepreneurship, MBA, Business Administration: Finance Investment Banking, MBA, Business Administration: Global Marketing, MBA, Business Administration: Hospitality and Tourism Management, MBA, Business Administration: Human Resource Management, MBA, Business Administration: Information Assurance, MBA, Business Administration: Marketing Analytics, MBA, Business Administration: Nonprofit Management, MBA, Business Analytics and Data Science: Advanced Data Science, MS, Business Analytics and Data Science: Cybersecurity Analytics, MS, Business Analytics and Data Science: Health Analytics, MS, Business Analytics and Data Science: Marketing Analytics, MS, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Apparel Design and Production, MS, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Digital Design, MS, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Interior Design, MS, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Merchandising, MS, Design, Housing & Merchandising: Retail Merchandising Leadership, MS, Educational Leadership Studies: College Student Development, MS, Educational Leadership Studies: Higher Education, MS, Educational Leadership Studies: School Administration, MS, Educational Leadership Studies: Workforce and Adult Education, MS, Educational Psychology: Educational Psychology, MS, Educational Psychology: Research, Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics, MS, Educational Psychology: School Psychometrics, MS, Educational Technology: Educational Technology, MS, Educational Technology: School Library Media, MS, Engineering and Technology Management, MS, Engineering Technology: Fire Safety and Explosion Protection, MS, Engineering Technology: Mechatronics & Robotics, MS, English: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, MA, Entomology and Plant Pathology: Entomology, MS, Entomology and Plant Pathology: Plant Pathology, MS, Environmental Science: Environmental Management Professional Science Masters, MS, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, MS, Fire and Emergency Management Administration, MS, Forensic Sciences: Arson, Explosives, Firearms and Toolmarks Investigation, MS, Forensic Sciences: Forensic Document Examination, MS, Forensic Sciences: Forensic Science Administration, MS, General Agriculture: Agricultural Leadership, MAG, Health and Human Performance: Applied Exercise Science, MS, Health and Human Performance: Health Promotion, MS, Health and Human Performance: Physical Education, MS, Human Development and Family Science: Aging Sciences, MS, Human Development and Family Science: Applied Human Services, MS, Human Development and Family Science: Developmental and Family Sciences, MS, Human Development and Family Science: Early Childhood Education, MS, Human Development and Family Science: Marriage and Family Therapy, MS, Industrial Engineering and Management, MS, Industrial Engineering and Management: Operations Research and Analytics, MS, Industrial Engineering and Management: Supply Chain and Logistics, MS, Management Information Systems: Big Data Analytics, MS, Management Information Systems: Cybersecurity, MS, Management Information Systems: Health Analytics, MS, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, MEN, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Unmanned Aerial Systems, MS, Microbiology, Cell and Molecular Biology, MS, Natural Resource Ecology and Management, MS, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology, MS, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Forest Resources, MS, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Rangeland Ecology and Management, MS, Natural Resource Ecology and Management: Wildlife Ecology and Management, MS, Nutritional Sciences: Dietetics Practice, MS, Nutritional Sciences: Dietetics Research, MS, Peace, Conflict, and Security Studies, MA, Public Health: Rural and Underserved Populations, MPH, Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Curriculum and Leadership Studies, MS, Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Gifted and Talented Education, MS, Teaching, Learning and Leadership: K-12 Ed, MS, Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Mathematics/Science Education, MS, Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Reading and Literacy, MS, Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Special Education, MS, Teaching, Learning and Leadership: Workforce and Adult Education, MS, CollegeofEngineering,ArchitectureandTechnology, Mechanical Engineering: Pre-Medical, BSME.

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oklahoma state mechanical engineering degree plan