DHSC therefore intends to work with NHS Employers and NHSE to produce a range of resources on the topic of pensionable re-employment. However, they also raised concerns around changing member contribution rates in the middle of the scheme year. Members who wish to claim their 1995 Section pension before this date but want to continue building further pension benefits will be able to do so by making use of the proposal for pensionable re-employment from 1 April 2023. Overview of the changes The response received from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) noted that while the new retirement flexibilities could benefit female members by providing an opportunity for them to increase their pension benefits, because these members can only do so by working longer, more work would be necessary to address the root cause of this. PDF NHS Pension Schemes 2023/04 - pensions.gov.scot Changes to the NHS Pension Scheme to attract and retain experienced However, in developing the proposals, the department has considered the potential impacts of the new retirement flexibilities on members from this perspective, taking into consideration members salary progression, career breaks and work patterns. Following discussions with NHS England, the scheme has developed 8 PCN scenarios which capture the most common ways in which PCNs can be organised to comply with the above principles of NHS Pension Scheme administration. Following these changes, some technical updates are required to ensure that practitioners have paid the correct amount of member contributions for the 2022 to 2023 scheme year. If you receive an increase of pension, this will It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. However, it is important to note that sex and gender are 2 different concepts. NHSBSA observed that although GPs are mentioned in the consultation document, this same reduction in commitment would also need to apply to dentists, non-GP providers and ophthalmic practitioners, because these groups are treated in the same way according to scheme regulations. The guidance will include examples showing how the requirement to reduce pensionable pay can be met through an agreement between the employer and the consultant to make some PAs non-pensionable. This guidance will also contain more information on partial retirement for holders of local Clinical Excellence Awards or national Clinical Impact Awards. Download as pdf. Others commented that it was unclear how the requirement would work for GPs. They are also aimed at supporting members work-life balance and giving them a greater degree of flexibility around how they take their pension benefits. Finally, the scheme administrator also highlighted a particular issue for 1995 Section members who have a protected minimum pension age of 50. The pensionable pay cap on the contract ensures that independent providers can only pension income from staff up to the total value of the contract. 27 June 2022 Read key messages (PDF) Members of the NHS Pension Scheme pay a percentage of their pensionable pay to the scheme each month, known as a contribution rate. I agree wholeheartedly with the proposal to move the date that the yearly in-service revaluation is applied to 2015 Scheme earned pension from 1 April to 6 April, from 6 April 2023. Welcome news on NHS pension changes - British Dental Association The NHS Pension Scheme is a key part of the total reward package for NHS staff, and it is important that the pension scheme is not a barrier to the delivery of services. Furthermore, the department is working with NHSE to develop tailored guidance to help staff and employers in primary care understand the benefits of these new retirement flexibilities and how to access them. The department intends to introduce pensionable re-employment prospectively, which means that pensioner members of the 1995 Section will be able to join the 2015 Scheme for future accrual. They also highlighted the need to make relevant estimate tools or modellers easily accessible for members, so staff that can make informed decisions about partial retirement at the appropriate time. There is the alternative option of retire and return, improved by the proposal to permit pensionable re-employment. This should help to support staff and will also be of benefit to employers, as offering the same terms and conditions will encourage experienced staff to continue working if they want to claim their pension, and it could help to attract staff who have recently retired back to work. (See the 8 scenarios in the original consultation document.). Without the proposed changes these members are more likely to have a tax charge or a higher tax charge when, like in September 2022, inflation is higher than usual. The BMA asked for the second phase of contribution changes to come into effect at the start of the 2023 to 2024 scheme year. A small number of respondents asked that the move away from using whole-time equivalent earnings should be backdated and that some part-time members should receive refunds on their contributions. PCNs are led by clinical directors who may be GPs, general practice nurses, clinical pharmacists or other clinical professionals working in general practice from within the PCNs core network practices. Changes to the NHS Pension Scheme regulations have been introduced from 1 April 2023 to allow members who have retired with 1995 Section benefits the option to re-join the NHS Pension Scheme if they return to work. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. The department is also grateful to NHS England and the scheme administrator for their suggestion of a wider qualifying subcontract of GMS, PMS and APMS services which would provide independent provider access to management organisations set up to perform management and administration functions on behalf of GP practices. Access to the NHS Pension Scheme can be provided in multiple ways depending on the organisation and the type of service being delivered. When members take partial retirement, because a break in employment is not required, members can retain the same contract, but when members retire and return, they must enter a new contract. The department notes the concerns from stakeholders regarding access for employers who meet scenario 3 or 6. In relation to negative pension input amounts, defined benefit schemes are more difficult to compare against the annual allowance than defined contribution schemes. The department is grateful for the consultation responses on these proposals, and the support received underlines our rationale for introducing the changes. Govt pushes ahead with planned changes for NHS pension scheme By Sophie Smith 7/3/23 The government has confirmed that it will proceed with 'major' changes to the NHS Pension Scheme, with plans to implement pensionable re-employment and permanently remove the 16-hour rule from 1 April 2023. The then Prime Minister David Cameron announced in August 2014 the introduction of a new Family Test. Subsequent Treasury Orders will also come into force on 6 April. Pension tax remains a matter for the Chancellor but is discussed in more detail in the section of this document on changes to scheme rules to address inflation. In addition, locum GPs could pension income received from their work on the sub-contract. Such employers will still be required to apply for direction and/or determination or IP access to the scheme as they do not hold a qualifying contract. Women are more likely to have breaks in service during their career which may therefore lead to smaller pension benefit accrual. Commissioned and accepted by the government, the plan . This means that younger members, who are more likely to be members of the 2008 Section or the 2015 Scheme, will already have access to flexible retirement and would not be negatively impacted by the introduction of this option in the 1995 Section. Gender reassignment is also a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010. If the proposals for partial retirement and pensionable re-employment are not implemented, members who claim their 1995 Section benefits will be unable to accrue any further pension benefits in the 2015 Scheme. The consultation document explained that the department was proposing to introduce a package of new retirement flexibilities to the 1995 Section of the NHS Pension Scheme: These measures were designed to support patient care, by helping to boost capacity if staff choose to work for longer, in a more flexible way. enables pension savings statements to be provided to members. The respondents who disagreed or responded that they didnt know whether to agree or disagree, did so for a number of reasons. This means that for this tax year only the calculation of the pension input amount will be calculated using: The in-service revaluation to accrued pension up to 31 March 2023 will instead be applied on 6 April 2023 and for active members will be included in the closing value benefits of the 2023 to 2024 tax year (calculated on 5 April 2024). They aim to shift primary care services from reactively providing appointments to proactively caring for the people and communities they serve. If implemented, the new retirement flexibilities will allow older members to retire more flexibly, in a way that supports their work-life balance later in their career. Office for National Statistics (ONS) data on disability and employment shows that working disabled people were more likely to work part time than non-disabled people, with 32% of disabled people working part time in comparison with 21.3% of non-disabled people. A further qualifying subcontract for GMS, PMS and APMS services would allow management organisations to access the NHS Pension Scheme as an independent provider. These measures ensure NHS Pension Scheme access for non-NHS organisations can be tightly controlled by the scheme and will be applied to holders of the qualifying PCN subcontract. Because the 1995 Section closed to new members in 2008, the membership of this section is typically older. This is in addition to our work with NHS England to support NHS trusts to offer their clinicians the option to receive the employer pension contributions as extra pay where they no longer wish to continue pension saving due to pension tax. This requirement will remain in place for the 12 months after members take partial retirement, such that the partial retirement regulations are aligned across the 1995 Section, 2008 Section and 2015 Scheme. Changes to the lifetime allowance | NHS Employers The McCloud Remedy for the NHS Pension Scheme has been delayed, with a new 'go live' date of October 2023 confirmed following "continued delays in the production and release of a suite of Provision Definition Documents (PDD) from HM Treasury". What this means for the member However, the department does not believe that any considerations regarding protected characteristics are engaged by these proposed changes. The department published guidance in 2017 on the considerations for NHS employers to think through when agreeing retire and return requests. Practice staff would access the scheme as officer members. Update on NHS pension rule changes: Annual allowance inflation Similarly, the British Orthopaedic Association and UNISON both agreed that the proposals to formalise NHS Pension Scheme access for PCNs would provide a recruitment and retention boost. The BDA assumed that the requirement would operate in the same way as it does in the 2015 Scheme, whereby an increase in pensionable pay above the 90% threshold is only considered for the first 12 months after partial retirement. The 15-year NHS plan sets out measures to plug a black hole of . The majority of organisations who provided responses, agreed with the proposed amendments, including AISMA, the British Society for Haematology, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, MediFintech, the scheme administrator, the RCN, the SAB and UNISON. They will also give members the ability to build further pension in the 2015 Scheme after claiming their 1995 Section benefits. The consultation document also proposed making related changes to the 2008 Section and 2015 Scheme. NHS Pension Scheme access in IPs is restricted to staff who satisfy the wholly or mainly criteria, which means they must spend at least half of their time working on the qualifying contract. These issues are outside the scope of this consultation exercise, but the department has noted them, and will share them across government as appropriate. Updated: 5 Apr 2023 NHS pension schemes explained All you need to know about the NHS Pension Scheme - how much you pay in, how the Scheme works, and what you can expect to get back. A further 46 responses were received by email. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. The BMA explained that the situation arises as a result of public service pension reforms where, following the introduction of the 2015 Scheme, some individuals are members of both the legacy 1995/2008 Scheme and the reformed 2015 Scheme. NHS pensions: Is this the remedy it's cracked up to be? This will provide qualifying PCNs with permanent access to the NHS Pension Scheme and will allow them to offer scheme access to newly recruited staff. NHS Long Term Workforce Plan 2023 | NHS Employers During the pandemic, a decision was made to suspend the abatement rules to increase available staffing levels. Whether intended or not, a wide range of government activity has a direct or indirect impact on family. The government has confirmed that it will proceed to implement significant changes to the NHS Pension Scheme following a consultation in December 2022. These included trade unions, employers, medical accountancy firms and individuals. PDF Your NHS Pension is changing here's what it means for you - NHSBSA Staff working in or for GP practices, such as GP providers, salaried GPs, GP locums and medical and non-medical practice staff, have previously had access to the NHS Pension Scheme. The primary purpose of an occupational pension scheme is to provide an income for a member in retirement. The changes include allowing for pensionable re-employment, partial retirement, and removing the 16 hour rule, with some changes expected as early as the 1 April 2023. Furthermore, AISMA pointed out that, while the proposals are well intentioned to address the current high rates of inflation, there was no mention of the McCloud remedy and consequently it was not possible to fully understand the benefit or otherwise of the proposals where the calculations for pension benefits and AA charges will change and need further amendment for tax purposes. Overall, the majority of all the consultation responses received were supportive of implementing the proposed changes to the pension rules regarding inflation, with one employer concluding: The proposal to move the date that the yearly in-service revaluation is applied to 2015 Scheme earned pension from 1 April to 6 April, from 6 April 2023 is welcomed. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, pension abatement had an impact on members who returned to work after retiring. Because of the interaction between their pension benefits and tax regulations, if these members partially retire before age 55 and do not take 100% of their 1995 Section benefits this would be an unauthorised payment, incurring a tax charge for both the member and the scheme administrator. Of these members, approximately 79% are female and 21% are male. Today, 30 June, NHS England has published its Long Term Workforce Plan which sets out how the NHS will address existing and future workforce challenges by recruiting and retaining thousands more staff and working in new ways to improve the experience of staff and patients. The NHS Pension Scheme requires a single point of contact for participating employers to ensure that staff who are accessing the scheme are delivering NHS services. The aim of this policy change is to ensure access to the NHS Pension Scheme, which is a valuable vehicle for retirement saving, is protected for staff working in primary care. NHS England has produced further information on PCNs, which is accessible on the website. NHSE, which leads and supports the NHS in England, noted that the new flexibilities should be introduced to modernise the rules of the NHS Pension Scheme, which at the moment may encourage members to leave service at age 60. Rishi Sunak will unveil the "most radical" reform of the NHS in its history, under plans that aim to save taxpayers 10 billion. The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) keeps the rules of the pension scheme under review to ensure it continues to help the NHS attract and retain the staff needed to deliver high quality care for patients. The BMA agreed with the proposed changes but argued that PCNs and staff working in PCNs which meet scenarios 3 and 6 should not be disadvantaged by having to apply for direction and/or determination access. If your salary plus your pension exceeded your pre-retirement earnings, your pension would be reduced pound for pound. NHS Pension Scheme | Advice guides | Royal College of Nursing How much do I contribute to my NHS pension? We have also ensured pension tax does not affect take home pay by extending the Scheme Pays facility to cover annual allowance charges of any size. . Because SC status does not exist in the 2008 Section or 2015 Scheme, the implementation of the flexibilities for SC members will not have an impact on members of the 2008 Section and 2015 Scheme, who are more likely to be younger. However, some respondents raised points in relation to other areas of policy. a co-founder of Penfold Pensions, said the changes "will not benefit younger savers or . The NHS is on life support - it's time to switch it off and start again The department has also considered the potential impact of the new retirement flexibilities on members in different age cohorts. Others indicated they were considering earlier retirement to mitigate against a breach of their lifetime allowance. NHS Employers warn urgent changes to NHS pension tax calculations The department recently confirmed that the suspension of SC status abatement would be extended to 31 March 2025. It sets out how the NHS will address existing and future workforce challenges by recruiting and retaining thousands more staff over a 15-year period, and working in new ways to improve staff experience and patient care. For the same reason, the department has considered that if the proposals are not implemented this benefit would not arise for members with disabilities. The proposals will apply to all members regardless of disability. Consequently, the department has latitude to change the application date without needing to amend the 1995 Regulations and the 2008 Regulations. If experienced staff members choose to delay their retirement by partially retiring instead, they could remain in NHS service, contributing their valuable skills and knowledge. The larger NHS trade unions and a number of NHS employers were also formally notified of the consultation. A number of respondents went beyond the template wording to comment on how the annual allowance has affected them personally. While reiterating their preference for that approach, both welcomed the proposed changes. Feedback from employers suggested that more information and guidance on the new flexibilities, including partial retirement, would be necessary for employers to be able to implement the new options smoothly and maximise the impact on retention. Of 1,099 respondents to the online survey 81% agreed with the proposals to amend scheme regulations to provide permanent NHS Pension Scheme access to PCNs and PCN sub-contracting arrangements. Moreover, to leave the pension rules regarding inflation unchanged may lead to higher tax charges for older members, who have more service in the NHS Pension Scheme and more potential to have higher pensionable earnings. For now, all our processes remain the same and there's nothing you need to do. The department notes the concerns raised by the BDA. Others asked what would happen to other pension arrangements they may have made if they have already retired and returned to work. However, as the proposals will apply to SC members regardless of sex, the department has considered that the flexibilities will not impact members beyond the ways outlined above. For example, one respondent stated that the current rules, which restrict members of the 1995 Section from building up further pension once they claim their pension, had discouraged them from claiming their benefits, as their preference would have been to claim their benefits and then continue working.
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