The paper concluded that electricity is the bedrock of socioeconomic development of any nation hence priority must be set for its full privatization and commercialization as it did to the natiaonal telecommunication carier, NITEL, so than Nigerians can grow and develop like other nations such as Malaysia, Indonesia and India, which have almost same characteristics like Nigeria. Both primary and secondary sources were employed in sourcing data. This could lead to increased cost of production, unemployment, reduced efficiency, poor planning, wastage of material, loss of man hours, discomfort of personnel, poor quality products/services. Also the results from the data analysis indicated that significant relationship exist between training and development and job satisfaction (r value (0.3338) is greater than p value (0.0307)). Thus, this study attempts to explore the roles, functions and performance of effective personnel management in a developed organization. Productivity is. Its greatest achievements between 1945 and 1965 were its adaptation to new market and technology. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether different facets of job satisfaction exist and if yes, then their existence determine employees' total job satisfaction in Pakistani public and private sector organizations, and whether cultural dimension Power distance moderates between 'job satisfaction facets' and 'total job satisfaction'. To perform up to the expectations of the workplace, an employee requires mental, emotional and physical strength. This study is limited to Unilever Nig Plc in Lagos. It is a well known fact that training and development enhances worker performance and productivity in organizations (G.A Cole, 2002). The study examines the effect of manpower training on employees' performance in organizations using OPIC as a focal point of study. Unilever is a public liability company quoted on the Nigeria Stock Exchange since 1973 with Nigerians currently having 49% of equity holdings. stream Training has a vital role in bridging the gap that exists between knowledge and skills required for the job and employee's own calibre. 1 INTRODUCTION The objective of this study is the impact of training and development of employees and its effects on the performance of an enterprise or organization. << /Annots [ 94 0 R 96 0 R 98 0 R ] /Contents 80 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 73 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F1 81 0 R /F2 87 0 R >> >> /Tabs /S /TrimBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Type /Page >> All these factors are important but the most significant factor is the human factor. no longer supports Internet Explorer. Employee retention: do training and development, job satisfaction and job performance matter? The findings indicated that training and development were positively correlated and claimed statistically significant relationship with employee performance and productivity. Analyze performance metrics It can be challenging to address inadequate performance without first recognizing where gaps exist in your organizational workflow. Imperatively, it has a plus to Nigeria economy and the lives of Nigerians. This study examine the manpower training and development and staff performance and retention and in Federal College of Education, Technical (F.C.E.T) Akoka Lagos. According to Hamblim (1970) evaluation is any attempt to obtain information (feedback) on the effects of training programme and to assess the value of the training in the light of that information. NCBA&E-Lahore, Pakistan, The limited effects of internal career concerns on self-initiative work style, The Effects of Motivation on Employee Performance: A Strategic Human Resource Management Approach, To Explore the Impact of Knowledge Hiding towards Entrepreneurial Intentions : An Empirical Study of Software Industry, Quality Management Practices and Their Impact on Organization Performance Sahar F. Abu-Jarour, Conflict Management and Employee Turnover in Selected Private Universities in Anambra State, A proposed Framework for the recruitment of Temporary Foreign Labour (TFL) for the Clothing and Textile industry in Mauritius. MANPOWER PLANNING: Is the estimation of quantity & quality of employees on organization or a Nation requires at a particular time in the future. The questionnaires contained Likert items which were mainly on the five factors under investigation power/energy, motivation, training, technology and participative leadership. << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 17 >> startxref Assessing the Impact of In-service Training Programmes on Basic School Teachers of China in the Kassena Nankana West District of Ghana, Does Effectiveness of Training Program Influenced Teachers' Job Performance? Abstract Poor job design and staff training breed poor employee performance respectively, while the reverse is usually the case when jobs are well (re)designed and staffs are well (re)trained. THE IMPACT OF MANPOWER TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ON OGRANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE (A CASE STUDY OF UNILEVER NIGERIA PLC.). endobj %PDF-1.7 85 0 obj 0000044805 00000 n Similarly there is also good relationship between off-the-job-training and employee performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.354 (r= 0.354) and significance value less than 0.001. And this problem could also pose a threat to labour turnover. 79 0 obj The major objectives of the study were to determine the effects of training and professional development on skills retention; identify the impact of rewards system on employee retention and analyzes the association between job satisfaction and retaining employees. Primary data was collected by use of structured questionnaire. iii. Nearly 40% of the employees in Reliance Petroleum were drawn from the public sector. Find out whether training and development scheme have positive impact on the performance and productivity of works. The Kendall Wallis ranked test was used in ranking the 3 firms, according to their performance. To sustain such environment the manufacturing system needs to be ergonomically designed so that it is responsive to changes. He stressed on the development of human resources and because of his initiatives, training had taken a front seat in the national economy. 3 No. The very few organizations that give thought to this very important aspect of staffing function do so with lack of seriousness, all round attention and continuity. The management should expedite action to address the issue of improper placement during the recruitment process; this will help boost employee morale and improved the organizational performance. The human resources (manpower) is considered the most critical to any organizational survival with adequate supply of materials and financial resources that utilizes these available resources to bring about the desired goals. It has to be refined through training to get the best out of it. The population of the survey constituted the management and non-management staff of Ghana Revenue Authority in the Greater Accra Region. Tel: performance of a specific role. ERPN: Start-Up & Small Business Finance (Sub-Topic), International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, Training And Development: Pre-Requisite For Employee's Efficiency for National Growth and Sustainability, Assessing the Impact of Training Design and Development on Employees' Performance Insurance Sector in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Business Process Improvement Practices: Does Human Resource Management really changed by implementing BPI principles in multi-national organization, Factors That Influence the Turnover Intentions of Employees in the Tourism Sector in Zimbabwe, Impact of HR Practices on Performance of Teachers in Colleges of Azad Kashmir, Role of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in the Lean Quality Strategy (LQS) Implementation: A Case Study of Bank, An Empirical Analysis of Recruitment and Selection Practices in the Public Sector, Measuring Employees' Job Satisfaction as Moderated by Cultural Dimension Power Distance in Public and Private Sectors' Pakistani Organizations Author's Details, International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, Nov-2020 ISSN (2226-8235) Vol-9, Issue 11, Managerial Practices on Performance of SME s In Ghana : A Case Study of Three ( 3 ) Major Cities, Impact of Workload and Inflexible Organizational Environment on the Employee Turnover in Private Sector of Pakistan, Role of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in the Lean Quality Strategy (LQS) Implementation: A Case Study of Bank Author's Details: (1, HRM Practices and Employee Performance in Public Sector Organizations in Pakistan: An Empirical study Author's Details: (1, An Empirical Investigation of HRM Practices of Pakistani-Owned Smes in the UK, Impact of HRM Practices on Job Satisfaction, Evidence from Private Universities of Pakistan, HRM Practices and Employee Performance in Public Sector Organizations in Pakistan: An Empirical study, Human Resource Management Practices in Private Commercial Banking Sector: (A Study on Khulna City, Bangladesh, The Role of Motivation in an Efficacious Team Building of Organization, Impact of Individual Career Planning On Employee Career Development : A Study of Banking Sector of Karachi, The Impact of Training and Development on Staff Performance in Tertiary Educational Institutions in Sierra Leone, Effective Performance Management Systems and Employee Productivity: Evidence from Multichoice Company, Nigeria, International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, Nov-2019 ISSN (2226-8235) Vol-8, Issue 11, Health Workers and Response to Changes in Technology in Nigeria: The Role of Competence Management, Impact of People Equity on SME Performance: Evidence from Garment Sector of Pakistan, A Review of New Leadership Theories and Its Components, Effects of Conflict Management Strategies on Organizational Performance: A Case of the National Empowerment Network of People Living With Hiv/Aids in Kenya, Internal Corporate Social Responsibility: A key tool for Competitiveness in the Retail Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) sector in Masvingo, Zimbabwe, FORMULA AND INTERPRETATION OF REGRESSION ANALYSIS, International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, Jan-2020 ISSN (2226-8235) Vol-9, Issue 1, Impact of Individual Career Planning On Employee Career Development: A Study of Banking Sector of Karachi. Chapter four deals strictly with data presentation, analysis and interpretation to enhance understanding of the research study. (Flippo, 1993) intense that training is not a choice for any organization that it may skip or keep rather it's an essential requirement. Unilever Nigeria Plc started as a soap manufacturing Company, and it today one of the oldest surviving manufacturing organizations of Nigeria. stream The researcher employed a survey research. Business Process Improvement Strategies aligned with strategic objectives provide a strong platform for organizations to deal in the best way regarding HR activities. Training with development as a function of human resource management is concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings. The aim of this research undertakes studies to provide answers to some of the basic issues related to the use of leather manufacturing machine tools. Later on, most of the PSEs realized the need and importance of training their employees for better and improved results. The regression results suggest that gender, education, push and pull factors significantly influence turnover intentions of employees in the tourism sector. The work smart ergonomics is that to maximize productivity by minimizing the potential for work related injuries in both existing and new workspaces. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. The need for improved productivity has become universally accepted and that it depends on efficient and effective training is not less apparent. The key objective of HRM is to increase employee performance and improve organizational performance through investment in HR (Craft, 2000). THE EFFECT OF HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING ON THE PERFORMANCE OF GOVERNMENT ESTABLISHMENTS (A CASE STUDY OF MINISTRY OF FINANCE). Strategic HRM has significantly changed the way of organizations deal with their human capital by adopting such processes which could increase the process efficiency, employee job satisfaction and give a comprehensive structure for HR department Over the years, it has been accepted by all goal-oriented organizations, to have the best human capital or HR, they must have structured process improvement strategies to be implemented. The study, therefore, aims to understand the impact of HR practices on the implementation of LQS. PDF Manpower Training and Development on Employee Morale and Organizational Sample of this study was consisted of 100 teachers from four colleges of two districts of AJ&K. PDF EFFECTS OF MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT ON ORGANIZATIONAL - EA Journals endobj 12 0 obj The statistical tools were aligned with the objective of the research. Researc Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to evaluate recruitment and selection practices in the public sector in Ghana. Developed and developing countries in the world have placed emphases on manpower development as instrument geared towards improving employees' performance by devoting necessary organisation. 11 0 obj These methods cost additional time and energy, thus increasing the cost of training increases too. It is in light of this that the researcher intend to look into the factors militating against the industry in achieving its set objectives, by this, the study will look into the manpower base and quality of staff of Unilever Nig Plc and assess their suitability with the aim of developing training programmes to enhance their performance since the progress of an organization is a function of the quality of those directing its affairs. ABSTRACT In recent, industrial environment is extremely competitive, complex and dynamic. endobj PERFORMANCE: these are the measurable outcomes accomplishment valued by the work done. This study will be valuable as a reference material for, Dangote Flour Mills Kano's human resources management consultants, who will. endobj 3 0 obj and employees' organizational commitment in the workplace" (Kay, 2007). The growth and development of SMEs are predominantly dependent on the efficient managerial practices of SMEs and subsequently the need to examine its influence on the performance of SMEs as well. 0000002956 00000 n Because of these reasons training has become an integral part of human resource development in special libraries. ? Chikason Plastic performed best with a value of 2.7 followed by Fino Plastic and Citizens Metal can at 2.1 and 1.2 respectively. Literature provides the strong evidence to lay a platform which provides the most authenticated and authorized practices that have been adopted by successful organizations. of human resource management in both Nigeria and abroad. Results of the study showed that there are high positive correlations between the constructs of recruitment and selection processes, selection decision and public sector, IJMSBR Open Access Journal, Prof Dr Anwar Chishti. 8 0 obj For example, money may be scarce and difficult to come but once you get it, you must have good people around to manage it otherwise a huge amount can disappear into thin air and this can spell down for the organization in question. In the same vein, land may be expensive and the location may be fraught with problems. Measures like gender mix, effective managerial/administrative control, staffing and staff appraisal, on/off-the-job trainings and effective/regular training development, training the trainers, job enrichment and modification, organizational support and justice, job autonomy, among others, are the requisites for employee performance. The Impact of Training and Development on Employee Productivity in the 21st Century, Association of Training Satisfaction with Employee Development aspect of Job Satisfaction, The Impact of Training on Employees Performance: The Case of Banking Sector in Lesotho, The Effect Of Employee Development On Performance Of Public Sector Organisations In Ghana: Evidence from Controller and Accountant Generals Department, Accra, A Study on Employee Welfare Measures and the Level of Employee's Satisfaction with Reference to Bojaraj Textiles Mills, Theni, Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction of Agri Warehouse Employees, Industrial and Commercial Training Emerald Article: An integrated model of training effectiveness and satisfaction with employee development interventions, The Effect of Training on Employee Performance. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine Manpower Training and Development, Staff Performance and Retention in Federal College of Education, Technical (FCET) Akoka Lagos State, Nigeria. 1 0 obj no longer supports Internet Explorer. It has further become necessary in view of advancement in modern world to invest in training and development. PDF The Impact of Training and Development on Employees Performance in The The study concluded that the Lagos State local government's nature of work is mainly rendering services to the public, the need for continuous training and development of its human resources is crucial and vital, taking into consideration the rapid technological advancement. KIU Journal of Social Sciences, Oyetola Oniwide, Samuel Laryea, Samson Akinola, Didibhuku Thwala, Mandy Sibiya, Amusan Lekan, Elvis Attakora-amaniampong, Tunji-Olayeni Patience, Science and Education Development Institute, Muritala Oke, Stephen O Ogunlana, Pantaleo Rwelamila, Dr. Murat AKYUZ, Susan Dauda, Dr. Musa Zakari, Adeniji Sesan, Suleiman O . THE IMPACT OF MANPOWER TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ON, EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE IN AN ORGANIZATION: A STUDY OF, The organization as a system made use of a variety of resources, including both material, and human resources, in order to attain the desired result. This paper examined the impact of manpower training and development on organizational productivity. Questionnaires proved reliable after a reliability test was carried out. ORGANIZATION: Monday, (1990) defined organization as "two or more people working together in a co-coordinated manner to achieve group result". Capturing the confidence of labour, building more power plants, staff training and motivation, monitoring of the privatization processes, transparency and accountability will check corruption, Government interference and recruitment by patronage. Determine the impact of training and development cost on employees' performance of Dangote Flour MillsKano. This study specifically explores the alignment issues of strategies in the HR process of a well-known Bank. About 52% of revenues are generated in the food sector. The target population comprised employees from the ministries in Nandi county totaling 240, the sample size of 144 employees were selected using stratified random sampling. Keywords: Manpower Training, Staff Performance, Retention, Training and development. The basic and fundamental purpose of this study is to explore important yet unexplored matters of Human Resource Management practices in MCB Bank, Pakistan. stream This over abundant human resource needs to be converted to asset. Impact of Manpower Training and Development on Organizational - Iiste Manpower training and development constitute one of the major cardinal areas of personnel management which no organization can afford to toy with. 0000003314 00000 n It will also evaluate aspects of the recruitment, selection and training process, which bear strong relevance to corporate image, productivity efficiency and morals. This is in this regard that training is essential for effective learning at reasonable cost. The study therefore recommends the need for organizations to make training of employees a regular activity as training gives an organization competitive advantage over other organizations that are not favourably disposed to it. This is achieved through several key functions of HRM including planning for the quantities and qualities of required employees, acquiring services of employees, developing them, motivating them and making . Keywords: Environment, Ergonomic, Machine, Work. 0000023472 00000 n The purpose, importance and some methods of employee training and development, as well as factors affecting training were discussed. The former basically involved questionnaire and interview, while various written library materials constituted the latter sources. Today, the tremendous emphasis placed on manpower training is derived from the current 76 0 obj Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University. the retain is the lack of employee training that hampers the performance of the employees at a massive scale. Impact of training on employees performance: A case study of Bahir Dar However, its application to public sector has received little attention. It relates to series of activities which an enterprise would embark upon to improve its managerial capacity. The Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis revealed that there is a high association between the implementation of effective skills retention strategies and curbing staff turnover for the organisation. Manpower training is therefore aimed at ensuring that the right person is available for the right job at the right time. The objectives of the study were to identify the types of training and development given to employees in an organization, to find out if the training and development has any positive effect on the performance of workers, and also to identify the problems of effective manpower training and development in Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design and the study population comprised all the academic staff of the Federal College of Education, Technical (FCET) Lagos State. The need of employee's retention has encouraged the employers to pay attention towards employee's development through training in order to keep them motivated. ? <> This study was aimed at identifying the major factors that influence the turnover intentions of employees in the tourism sector in Zimbabwe. One of the highlighted reasons is not incorporating the HR practices to the implementation of LQS. <> This study is aimed to determine the impact of Human Resource practices on the performance of college teachers in two districts of Azad Jammu & Kashmir. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, The 4th International Conference on Business, African Journal of Management and Business Research, European Journal of Business and Management, International Journal of Economics and Management, Journal of Education and Human Development, Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Journal ISSN: 2310-0079, AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON THE IMPACT OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE, ANALYSIS OF ERGONOMICS (A Study Conducted in Puducherry State of Specific Industry, Emotional Intelligence and Work Orientation of Software Employees, Human Resource Development and Organizational Performance in the Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited, Bonny, Manpower Training and Employee Performance in Public Organizations: A Study of Ogun State Property and Investment Corporation (Opic), Manpower Development and Employee Service Delivery : A Study of Enugu State Local Government Service Commission, EFFECTS OF JOB DESIGN AND STAFF TRAINING ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN NIGERIA, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: A TOOL FOR EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN THE DISTRICT ASSEMBLIES IN GHANA, Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Kuwait Chapter) 40 AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SKILLS- RETENTION STRATEGIES IN CURBING STAFF TURNOVER: A CASE OF A HEALTH CARE ORGANISATION IN ZIMBABWE, SPECIAL LIBRARY PROFESSIONALS SATISFACTION ON ORGANIZATIONAL TRAINING FACILITIES: AN INDIAN PERSPECTIVE, Determinants of Job Satisfaction in Higher Education Sector: Empirical Insights from Malaysia, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN PUBLIC SECTOR UNDERTAKING-A STUDY, Human Resource Management Practices and Employee retention in Nigeria's Manufacturing industries, AN EXPLORATORY STUDY ON THE SKILL DEVELOPMENT PARADOX AND EMPLOYABILITY IN INDIA DUE TO DEPLETING MANUFACTURING SECTOR, A Study on Marketing Strategies and Performance of the Self-Help Groups in Tamil Nadu, A Comparative Analysis of the Factors Effecting the Employee Motivation and Employee Performance in Pakistan, Employee perceived training effectiveness relationship to employee attitudes. The study therefore, recommends that organization should prioritize training for their staffs. The findings and suggestions made are therefore intended to aid in the impact of manpower training and development on organization performance Particularly in Unilever Nigeria Plc. 0000001431 00000 n manpower training and development on some employees at Dangote Flour Mills Kano, Due to the fact that it will make a large contribution to the already extensive, body of literature on the subject matter that is now accessible, the significance, of this study will be huge. Talented employees see this as an opportunity and are moving away from PSEs in search of high paid jobs in private and multinational companies, which lead to scarcity of trained manpower. %klZR?U uJ-@*i'+ykS&':)j h[V |7P?kCd.zJ[%KJ\@+MJ#~tTiTQ*V\u+~uSuNZJ)1,P+=QG'H'NfUQ|~u4VQQkK@tE'F}Z6Z(*Ko$h@nqR:lRvDMZmDKZwY>R? The study explored possible benefits of privatization as seconded by different scholars who argued against and for privatization. The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of manpower training and development on organization performance of Unilever Pic. Mamman, Samuel Laryea, Emmanuel Adinyira, Frank Fugar, Didibhuku Thwala, Martin Morgan Tuuli, TITUS EBENEZER KWOFIE, PhD, Naa Adjeley Ashiboe-Mensah Doamekpor, Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies (SJBMS), Aditi Agarwal, suruchi mittar, Aditi Agrawal, TITLE PAGE IMPACT OF EMPLOYEES MOTIVATION ON ORGANIZATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY. However, Chapter three focuses on methodology with particular emphasis on the study population, sampling techniques, research instrument and method of data analysis while adopting a descriptive method for data analysis. Ghana revenue authority was selected to gather data, which was acquired from answers obtained from our administered questionnaire. Due to envisage constraint, the use of questionnaire is adopted using sizeable population of employees from the firm under study. Effect of Employee Benefits on Organizational Performance, Impact of Monetary Policies on Foreign Trade in Nigeria. endobj The population size may not be true representation of employees; hence the study was also limited to the unwillingness of management to divulge strategic information in the name of confidentiality. Thus, training is a perquisite for any organization which must achieve maximum productivity through the effective and efficient performance of employees (Taiwo 2007). 77 0 obj A special Case Study of Non- Teaching Staff of Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur. Lapai Intenational Journal of Public Administration. <> Thus, the study also exposed the challenges face by the private sector in terms of power generating. Unilever considers itself the second largest consumer goods firm in the world and products numerous brands name such as foods, cleaning products and personal care items. The focus of training is the job or task. The company has made provision for assistance in fields of health, education or children welfare and portable water of hygiene as part of its social responsibility programme in the Nigeria communities. The results of this study showed that HR practices have a considerable impact on the performance of college teachers. 82 0 obj the contribution of training and development on employee performance and its impact to their competitiveness. It has also been discovered that the employees lacks the right attitude to training because they considered it as hectic and stressful. Importance of Training Training is crucial for organizational development and success. 0 Regression analysis of data gave good correlation coefficients at 0.56 for technological development and 0.52 for manpower development. EVALUATION: It is the systematic collection and assessment of information for deciding how best to utilize available training resources in order to achieve organizational goals. ABSTRACT. Ergonomics is the science of designing the work to fit the worker, rather than physically forcing the workers body to fit the job in the organisation. Power outages has negative effects on industries, public and domestic consumers for the development of the society and Nigeria as well. i. Terms of UseContact, Making Awesome Presentations: Tips and Tricks for Project Defense, Challenges of Personal Income Taxation in Ghana.