She shared three lessons she is learning as she continues to come to the Savior. Missionary Service Blessed My Life Forever, We Are The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, A Mighty Change of Heart: I Have Nothing More to Give You, Sustaining of General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Officers, He Is Risen with Healing in His Wings: We Can Be More Than Conquerors, Then Will I Make Weak Things Become Strong, Video: You Are the Women He Foresaw, Covenants with God Strengthen, Protect, and Prepare Us for Eternal Glory, Teaching Self-Reliance to Children and Youth, The Covenant Path: The Way to Eternal Life, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency. The woman was at the well to get water. _ 3. Lessons at the Well, For the Strength of Youth, May 2022. 'The Woman At the Well Encounters Jesus' Childrens Lesson Art thou greater than our Father Thought. Whosoever shall drinketh of Several summers ago, a father and his son were out for a walk in a farmer's field in northern England. 3 Lessons from the Well | Cru Lesson 5: The Woman at the Well Description Download Jesus teaches a Samaritan woman that He is the source of living water. 1. 4 Things Christians Can Learn from The Story of the Woman at the Well. with the Samaritans. Here are four powerful moments shared between Jesus and women as recorded in the New Testament. A tired Jesus is sitting at the well, waiting for the disciples, when a woman appears. John 4: The Woman at the Well - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter This diagram helps us to see that we all have a desire to attain basic needs before moving on to achieve greater needs. Retrieved from The Woman at the Well | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at This study kit covers the talk, "Lessons at the Well" by Susan H. Porter Study kit is designed for your own personal study. Showing love by our actions is key, she wrote on March 29. Lessons at the Well | Susan H. Porter | April 2022 General Conference When he left, the people told the woman, " we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the savior of the world." Life-changing revelation came to her, revelation as profound as we find in scripture. How would you describe it? Jesus was a Jewish man. John 4:10, 1315, 2526, The woman went to the city and told many people what she had heard. Her words of faith were relayed to Naaman, who acted on her words, allowing him to be healed both physically and spiritually. Lessons from the woman at the well | Global Sisters Report And yet, despite her lifes difficulties, one of the Saviors first public declarations that He was the Messiah was to her. I have no husband. As I looked closer, I realized it was an artists rendition of the Samaritan woman with Jesus at the well. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. The Doctrine and Covenants & Church History, 2021 Spring: Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel, John 8.1-11 and Luke 7.36-50 The Power of His Forgiveness, 2 Corinthians 8-13 Ep 220 Quotes and Notes, Ep 209 | Acts 1-5, Come Follow Me 2023 (July 3-9). You may be young or feel of no importance, but you can be as salt in your family, at school, and in your community. the hour cometh, when ye shall, neither in this Lessons learned from the woman at the well lds. The psychologist Abraham Maslow wrote a paper in 1943 in which he analyzed what motivates us. From Latter-day Prophets: Wilford Woodruff, Sharing Time: Heavenly Father Prepares the Prophet, Doctrine and Covenants Scripture Pictures, Kwang-Jin and Young-Jin Cho of Pusan, Korea, Doctrine and Covenants Scripture-Story Grab Bag, The Woman at the Well, Friend, Mar. "Sir," the woman said, "you must be a prophet." From whence then has See Psalm 27:1; John 8:12; Doctrine and Covenants 88:50; see also Sharon Eubank, Christ: The Light That Shines in Darkness, Ensign or Liahona, May 2019, 7376. Thats the beginning of the Women of Faith Service Project, said President Porter, who was serving as first counselor in her stakes Relief Society presidency when it started. Jesus knew her history but still accepted her and ministered to her. Notice how the Joseph Smith Translation clarifies the meaning of this verse (see JST, John 4:24). Teaching John (Lucas and Philip): the chapter titled . He . Another important truth taught in John 4 has to do with human needs and what it means to be mortal. As she concluded her prayer, the Spirit whispered to her that God knew her pain. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. It was about noon, the hottest part of the day, and a Samaritan woman came to the well at this inconvenient time to draw water. Jesus and the woman discussed their views on worship, and the woman voiced her belief that the Messiah was coming. To all the men of God who work, 3 Easy Ways to Teach Your Little Ones the Gospel, New Testament Come Follow Me FHE Lesson Ye Shall Be Witnesses unto Me, New Testament Come Follow Me FHE Lesson He Is Risen, Lessons Learned From Book of Mormon Fathers, New Testament Come Follow Me FHE Lesson It is Finished. What Jesus is offering the Samaritan woman and all of us is this: through him, all of our innermost needs can be fulfilled. They are very appealing to me. When the Savior offered the woman living water, he was not speaking about water, rather he was inviting the woman to believe in him so that she would have all her needs met- particularly her spiritual needs. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty (John 6:35, NLT). | 10 July 2023, Come Follow Me Recap Ye Shall Be Witnesses Unto Me | 9 July 2023, Do You Have Moral Courage to Stand for Truth? The Savior invites us to use His power to be as salt, leaven, and light. Will We Cast Ourselves into the Sea to Reach Jesus? We might find Jesus waiting for us. (accessed July 5, 2023). up into everlasting life. The woman was a Samaritan from a group of people who descended from Jews and intermarried with Gentiles. The power is in [us] (see Doctrine and Covenants 58:27). What would you say to an investigator who asked you to explain why we teach that God has a physical body when John 4:24 says that God is a Spirit. Use at least two scriptures in your response. To read these five verses takes about 30 seconds. We know what we worship and 4 Incredible Lessons The Woman At The Well Can Teach All Single Women The symbol of this transformation, as Sandra Schneiders has identified it, is the abandoned water jar. John 4:67, Since the people of Judah usually had nothing to do with the Samaritans, the woman was surprised. I would like to share with you three lessons I am learning as I continue to drink from His well of living water.1. At first, the Samaritan woman did not fully understand Jesus' meaning. Dense? Lying in bed sobbing, she poured out her soul in prayer to her Heavenly Father, telling Him of her despair. Sisters, the power is in us to bring to pass much righteousness! Even in very small amounts, each affects everything around them. Designed using Unos Premium. . John 4: The Woman at the Well - LDS Scripture Teachings In the fourth chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus and the disciples take an unusual route from Judea to Galilee: they travel through Samaria. Lessons from the Woman at the Well | 22 October 2022 - LDS Daily What Are the 5 Covenants We Make in the Temple Endowment? But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. Imagine you were one of the disciples with Jesus during the events told in John 4. Premium Powerups . Sometimes a Jew would even travel a day or two out of his way to avoid Samaria. Lessons from the Woman at the Well | 22 October 2022 | LDS Daily Explore . mountain nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Like her, we can choose to turn to the Savior today for the strength and healing that will enable us to fulfill all that we were sent here to do.. John 4:2830, 3942. I'm a woman of Samaria? His blood sacrifice on the cross is for all our sins so that we can all have a new life through His goodness and grace. In every aspect of Christ's ministry on earth and in heaven, women have held a prominent role as witnesses and receivers of His divinity and grace. 0 coins. She is married to Paul Olson, which includes the blessing of two children and four grandchildren. But her conversion was not in the dramatic fashion of Alma the Younger or Saul on the road to Damascus. How much light does it take to pierce the darkness in a room? Sports. "Come, Follow Me" FHE: Living Water - LDS Living The Savior was alone at the well because he sent his disciples away to obtain food. On Dec. 9, 2021, President Porter wrote about the faith and devotion of her great-grandmother, who sailed from England to America to gather with the Saints in Utah. Jesus and the Woman at the Well - Jesus Film Project Sister Porter shared three lessons she is learning since following that counsel: 1) our past and present do not determine our future; 2) we have power to do good; and 3) even small acts of goodness are significant. John 4:6-7 Image Ironically, while the High Priest and Sanhedrin rejected Jesus as the Messiah, the outcast Samaritans recognized him and accepted him for who he truly was, the Lord and Savior of the world. One small ray. Clearly, women hold a significant and sacred role in the eyes of our Savior and in His ministry. (see especially vv.2830, 3942).