The Pomona ID allows you to eat in the Dining Halls across all 5Cs, enter Pomona College residence halls, and allow you en- trance into 5C social events. Best selection time in a group becomes the Group Selection Time. Housing & Residence Life 1 Campus Drive Suite 300 Holton-Hooker LLC . Joel Petty. For example, Fall 24 graduates and Spring 25 graduates will be considered the same year for Housing Selection purposes. Students are not permitted to paint individual rooms or common areas. Nearly every student chooses to live on campus all four years - and not just because we have fantastic residence halls. For students not returning the following year, the charges are de- ducted from their fees or deposit, and if the charges exceed the amount of the fees or deposit, the difference is billed to the student. It is administered by Housing and Residence Life. Coordinated outside of Housing and Residence Life. Students who are married, have children, are age 25 or older upon admission to the college are automatically granted permission to live off-campus but must still fill out an off-campus housing application. The College will not be responsible for dam- ages to computers or other personal property resulting from outages or blackouts. Residents may not attempt to force a roommate to move out of the room or prevent a new roommate from moving in. The College reserves the right of access to student rooms. First-year students are grouped into small sponsor groups with two sophomore mentors. Furniture/bedding supported by cinder blocks. At move-in, If the level of maintenance of a particular room is not adequate, or if any college-issued item needs to be fixed, students may fill out a work order online RDs are available for individual and group counseling and mediation on personal, academic, and social issues. RAs are charged with the enforcement of college policies. Claremont, CA 91711. As such, they tend to be spread out, including halls that are primarily held for incoming first years, but have extra space. Bicycles may be kept in a students own room or in a bicycle rack (or other authorized bike storage) during the academic year. Should you have any additional questions, please contact housing@pomona.eduor at 909-607-2239. If the situation is not corrected after a reasonable amount of time, the College retains the right to remove and rehome the animal. Pomona College Even if you don't have any immediate needs, please stop by and get acquainted. It is the obligation of every student living in or visiting the residence halls to not damage or allow their guests or visitors to damage any College property. A student also is considered to occupy a room if they fail to notify the Office of Housing and Residence Life by the tenth day of the semester that they do not intend to occupy the room which has been drawn or assigned. 4. When the campus is closed during Winter Break (usually mid- December through early January) the residence halls are closed and students are not permitted to stay in their rooms. The Office of Housing and Residence Life must approve all changes in room assignments. This is the only area in which non-College personnel will be permitted to solicit. ft. Proctors: Matea Zelich, Lydia Stone Mentors: Kasey Chung, Daniel Kotkosky, Julia Manese Wayne '73 and Julie Drinkward Residence Hall The Wayne '73 and Julie Drinkward Residence Hall (completed in 2015) is the newest residence hall on campus, with three floors and 131 student bed spaces. Smoking and vaping is prohibited in all Pomona College residence halls. All other air-conditioning units are prohibited and will be removed by the College. If no people are identified, the clean-up costs may be charged to those residing in the smallest identifiable space where the mess occurred. For Rent > Apartments in The Hague. This becomes the Group Selection Time (when the Group Leader selects). Pomona College isn't just a "college in a garden"--it's a primarily residential campus where you can live in residence halls nestled in that garden. Housing Accommodations reviewed and approved before Housing Selection will be placed into qualifying residential spaces. Even if you don't have any issues or immediate needs, please feel free to stop by and get acquainted! University Housing Services - Cal Poly Pomona Extended Stay and Break Housing Policies - Pomona College Residence Hall Staff - Pomona College in Claremont, California The custodial staff will discard all personal property left beyond 24 hours in common areas. Common area furniture is not to be removed from common areas (including lounges, courtyards, kitchens, academic buildings, etc.). Students will be given 24 hours to remove per- sonal items in these areas or they will be removed by Facilities without guarantee of return. No representative of the College will normally enter a room without knocking. Consistent Suite classifications rooms that share either 1) an initial entry or 2) a common room will be grouped together. Living Learning Communities (LLC) Building 2. Most of the students at Pomona College live on campus. The animal must be removed within 24 hours. Commencement is Sunday, May 15th. It may be necessary for anyone changing rooms for the second semester of the academic year to pack and store their belongings during the Winter Break so that both the old and the new room can be cleaned. Fire safety standards make it necessary to prohibit the use of cooking appliances that use heating elements. Everyone will have their own Individual Selection Time. They are used at the end of each semester to evaluate any damage which might have occurred during that time. You will work within our system to make any changes you feel are necessary. Step 2: Once received, HRL will notify students via Pomona email that they are eligibleto complete their Early Arrival, Late Departure, or Summer Housingapplication on Residence. Students are encouraged to inform a Resident Advisor, Sponsor, roommate or neighbor if they intend to be away from the hall overnight or for a weekend. Students found responsible for damage will be charged for the cost of repair and/or replacement of property and, additionally, may receive a fine for the act of vandalism itself. Because of energy usage in Southern California, especially during warmer months, campus residents should anticipate occasional power outages. Weekends: Friday, 5 p.m., until Monday, 8 a.m. Natural holiday trees are prohibited from the Residence Halls. Students will receive notice from the Office of Housing and Residence Life when these forms become available online. No furniture may be placed in the interior hallways of the residential buildings. No group needed! These charges are placed on the students bill. Home to approximately 700 students, our Residence Halls are more than just a place to sleep and store your things. Can view rooms that will be available for selection. 4,383 EUR/Month. Students stay because of the people. At the end of the academic year, charges are assessed for room damage and loss through year-end inspection and check-out procedures. Playing sports or using equipment that is considered, or could be considered, equipment inside of the Residence Hall. The Residence Hall Student Staff consists of the Resident Advisors (RAs), Head Sponsors, and Sponsors. Students are charged for excessive wall or surface damage. No student may live off-campus without the express written permission of the Office of Housing and Residence Life (see policy below). Group Leaders are the only group member that selects the final spaces during Selection. There are Sophomores that live on North Campus halls because they were pulled into a suite by a Senior or Junior. Housing Selection where students select their room spaces in order according to a priority. All other spaces within Pomona College on-campus buildings are non-smoking areas. Please note that Summer Supervisors initiate the Summer Housing application process for their student employees, (more information below). Smoking is prohibited in any area, including out- doors, if it results in second hand smoke entering a non-smoking area. As a residential college, Pomona takes great care in organizing, maintaining, and supervising residence hall life to. Sophomores also have the latest individual selection times, meaning Sophomores will fill all remaining spaces. After completing the Early Arrivalapplication on Residence, approved Early Arrivals will be notified of their approved move-in date via Pomona Email. Each spring semester, rising students participate in the annual Housing Selection process where students choose their rooms, roommates, and suitemates. Avis Hinkson, Vice President and Dean of Students. If the visitor does not plan to stay overnight but wishes to attend a College event, event passes are available from the Campus Center and the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Pomona College Housing and Residence Life | Claremont CA - Facebook 3. The right to a comfortable and well-maintained living environment that is reasonably safe and secure. Any person(s) found neglecting, abusing, teasing, tormenting, or inflicting any type of cruelty to an animal on campus will be held accountable by the College through the Dean of Students or by the Judiciary Council. Pomona's 16 residence halls range in size from about 60 to 250 students, with an average of 120 each, our coed residence halls are large enough to bring together students with a variety of interests and experiences, but small enough to build cohesive groups among neighbors. In collaboration with Stu- dents, Pomona College, and the Claremont community, we seek to provide a residential experience that is safe, nurturing, intellectually stimulating and inclusive for all students. Pomona College They may not install equipment or make significant alterations to a residence hall room or common area without prior permission. Classes will be defined with the following Expected Graduation Terms: In coordination with ASPC, the following buildings will be class-restricted. You must be 20 feet away from any campus building to smoke. A little bit of everywhere (except Sontag and Dialynas), however we have intended Harwood Hall, Gibson Hall, and two floors of Smiley for sophomores. Placements for Resident Assistants, Sponsors and their Suitemates. All Pomona students are issued a college ID. It is, first and foremost, the responsibility of the residents of the residence hall to clean it up. Pomona Housing and Residence Life offers limited summer housing to assist students that are employed in summer work at that College. Seeking a non-suited single room (ex/Norton)? Studentsmay face judicial sanctions. Housing Accommodations are primarily reviewed on an individual basis by Accessibility Resources and Services, and are placed on an individual basis by Housing and Residence Life. A student will be considered to have taken possession of and responsibility for a campus room when they receive a room key, resides in the room, or places belongings in the assigned room. This includes unauthorized occupancy any time before or after contract dates, termination of occupancy dates, after eligibility for housing has ceased, or during the housing closure period. Housing Selection and Processes | Pomona College in Claremont Everyone must complete a Housing Application on Residence, Housing Accommodationsare also completed with ARS, Groups must match the same number of beds in a room or suite. hall is periodically renovated and refurbished between renovations. Housing Accommodations reviewed and approved after housing selection will be waitlisted and placed as space becomes available. Please read below regarding this year's timeline, changes, and processes. Housing & Residence Life - University of Idaho No, Fall and Spring graduates will be randomized within the same pool. . Using balcony for storage, barbecuing, placement of college furniture, garbage or recyclable items, etc. Quiet Hours are from midnight to 8:00 a.m. Sunday through Friday and 2:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Willemspark apartments in The Hague are full of character, with lots of stunning 19th century architecture on display. All first-year and sophomore students are required to live in the residence halls. Students are obliged to cooperate with the residence halls staff as they perform their duties. Proper care, cleaning, and use of community area and facilities, including stairs, stairwells, laundry rooms, and grounds are a residents responsibility. Seeking a non-suited single room (ex/Norton)? Placements for Resident Assistants, Sponsors and their Suitemates. Excessive accumulation of furniture indoor and outdoor residential spaces. University Housing Services offers transfer, returning and graduate students the opportunity to live at the Residential Suites (Estrellas, Bonita, Del Sol, Montanas, & Luna). 3. 3. Campus Life - Pomona College - Acalog ACMS Meal plan service will begin on Monday morning for those arriving on Sunday. Pomona College Student Life - US News Best Colleges 5. Students will be provided check-out directions. For more information and to apply click the link below. All six of the these individuals serve as Administrators on call and live on campus to support students during their on call shifts. For example, a Sontag suite of 4 students will only be selectable by a group of 4 students. Each student will receive their Individual Selection Time. Please read below regarding this year's timeline, changes, and processes. English and French spoken. There are a number of masters level professional staff members who live on Pomonas campus, including the Director of Housing Operations, Director of Residence Life, Assistant Director for First-Year Experience and three Residence Life Coordinators (RLCs). Pomona College Josh Eisenberg. On-campus student groups desiring to solicit in the residence halls for such things as disaster relief efforts must receive permission from the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Students may not loan or give their ID to another individual, whether it be a student, visitor or guest. 333 N. College Way 2022-2023 Pomona College Student Handbook,, Welcome from the Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students, Academic Dishonesty Policies and Procedures, Housing and Residence Life (HRL) Policies and Procedures, Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, and Discrimination Policy and Procedures, Associated Students of Pomona College (ASPC) Information and Resources, Emergency and Safety Policies and Procedures, Student Health Services a(SHS) and Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services (MCAPS), Informational Technology Services (ITS) Policies, Office of Study Abroad Policies and Procedures, The Claremont Colleges Services - Campus Safety Policies and Procedures, The Claremont Colleges Policies and Procedures, Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS), Mudd, Blaisdell, and Gibson - Mudd Hall Front Desk, Oldenborg, Smiley, Walker, Clark I and Clark V Walker Hall, 2nd floor, Sontag, Dialynas, Clark III, Lawry and Norton- Dialynas 174. A student may not transfer, sublet, loan or assign the room to another person under any circumstances. They also participate in a number of in-service training experiences throughout the year. As members of the Pomona College residence hall community, residents may reasonably expect the following: 3. Housing and Residence Life must give permission and issue a permit for any animal kept in the residence halls. All incoming Pomona College new students are automatically put into the Sponsor Pro- gram. 11. The cost for repainting a residence hall room is $100 per wall. In general, only students soliciting for campus organizations and for non-profit groups, or those desiring to sell their own handicrafts or personal property, will be permitted to solicit. Mutual respect is the expected standard. (909) 621-8256. Pomona College Smoking is prohibited in any area, including outdoors areas, if it results in second-hand smoke entering a non-smoking area. Any trash/storage containers, furniture, personal items, cannot block fire equipment or exits from a living space (including doors and windows). light poles, railings, balconies, etc. Common Room Suites with 4 single rooms (Groups of 4 needed), Common Room Suites with 6 single rooms (Groups of 6 needed), Suites with 2 single rooms (Single-single-bath layout) (Group of 2), Common Room Suites with 2 double rooms and 1 single room (Group of 5), Common Room Suite with 2 single rooms (Group of 2), Common Room Suites with 3 single rooms (Group of 3), Common Room suites with 8 single rooms (Groups of 8 needed), Suites with 2 single rooms (Single-single-bath layout) (Groups of 2 needed), Double rooms, common bathrooms (group of 2 needed), Single rooms, common bathrooms (group of 1 needed), Students seeking housing accommodations due to a disability must apply via the. Residence Halls Staff - Pomona College However, in order to prevent damage that re- quires excessive maintenance, limits are set on student enhancements. Lost cards should be reported promptly so that they be de-activated, further protecting students from intrusion. All students are expected to keep the common areas (hallways, lounges, common rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, etc) of the residence halls in a reasonable state of cleanliness. 45 m484 ft. Room selection is conducted by Housing and Residence Life each spring for the following year. The blue tape can be obtained at the Housing and Residence Life Office. Possession of open containers is also prohibited. In the case of new students, they must notify Housing and Residence Life one month prior to move-in. Counselling services and support for anxiety, loneliness, depression, transition, relationship issues, divorce, grief. Bicycles may not be locked to trees, handrails, poles, fences, benches, or kept in hallways, stairwells, or trash closets. The Director of Residence Life provides direct supervision and support for the RLCs, and oversight of the transitional, educational, co- curricular and developmental needs of the student in the residential community. All Pomona students should note that Substance Free Opening extends from the arrival of students for pre-semester training through the Sunday after classes begin. Any student hosting an overnight visitor on campus must register the visitor with Housing and Residence Life (or the Office of Admissions if the visitor is a prospective student). The first replacement ID is free, any other copies will cost $10. When do the residence halls close in May 2016? 333 N. College Way Please read below regarding this year's timeline, changes, and processes. If a pet is found in a residence hall that is not permitted the owner will go through the Pomona College conduct process as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Senior and Junior housing Sontag and Dialynas, First year housing Wig, Mudd, Blaisdell, Lyon, Junior times April 12 (Remaining Juniors can group with Sophomores). For any additional questions, please contact Student rooms are designated spaces to study and to sleep. Housing Options - Pomona College Text - Housing Options In addition to traditional residence hall rooms, there are several options available to students. Housing & Residence Halls at Pomona College Students living on- and off-campus N/A Types of campus housing available coed dorms theme housing Housing Available to Students The College, therefore, strongly recommends that students use Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) devices to protect personal computers from being damaged by such outages. As such, they tend to be spread out, including halls that are primarily held for incoming first years, but have extra space. The College does not offer on-campus storage beginning in the 2021-2022 academic year. 7. Students seeking to live in shared spaces (more than 1 occupancy per room or suite) must create groups in Residence. Students will not be allowed to stay after their approved date.
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