highlander stara planina

By Jovan Jari. What do I receive when I complete HIGHLANDER? Get the latest info about events, discounts, and educational content. Da neto ne propustite. HIGHLANDER - HIGHLANDER Stara Planina cudna pravila trka kojih moraju da se pridravaju ucesnici maratona irom sveta, Eliud Kipchoge prodao svetski rekord za kriptovalute i dobio 40 hiljada dolara u ETH nakon aukcije NFT-a. U 2021. godini bie odran u 15 zemalja sveta, meu kojima je i Srbija. THE ORGANIZER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE THE RULES. HIGHLANDER peat, hrana i voda mogu se preuzeti u dole navedenim terminima. So experience a night, two or four under the starry sky of Stara Planina and come to have fun, breathe to the fullest and feel freedom in a new way. Sleeping is only permitted in tents and in sleeping bags which are mandatory HIGHLANDER gear for all participants. ACTIVE is the leader in online event registrations from 5k running races and marathons to softball leagues and local events. In nature, feces must be buried at least 20 centimeters deep, and minimum 60 meter away from campsites, water sources, buildings, and backpacking trails. Uesnici/ce e na leima nositi raneve sa potrebnom opremom kao to su ator, vrea za spavanje, odea, pribor za pripremu jela, lampe, ibice, kompas i sve ostalo to je neophodno za boravak u prirodi. 3 meals per day are provided for all participants. Iskustvo koje e uesnici/ce doiveti na stazi e zaista obogatiti njihove ivote, nauie puno o sebi i prirodi. Any other transportation arrangements are your responsibility. Dragi Hajlenderi, Prijavite se za - HIGHLANDER Serbia - Facebook U sluaju da uesnik doe na cilj pre ili nakon radnog vremena KT Temska, potrebno je da obavesti organizatora putem meila ili drugim sredstvom komunikacije o svom dolasku kako bi bio upisan u slubenu listu uesnika koji su zavrili stazu. In the event of a serious injury or inability to walk, and if there is no cellular coverage, this must be reported at the nearest checkpoint through other participants or the organizers so that emergency service can be called. Please note that the Organizer is not responsible for any of your valuable items. HIGHLANDER nudi brojne rute formata 100/50/25 kilometara tokom 5/3/1 dana. HIGHLANDER Hercules is a 101 km format that is experienced over 5 days and 4 nights under the open sky. All meals are distributed at the start and campgrounds. Read about all things encompassed in the Adventure of a Lifetime. HIGHLANDER Stara Planina is a 100 $25 instant refund on this event with gift card. HIGHLANDER adventure Stara planina (100km) Avanture Srbija There can be less, but not more. Subotica dobija polumaraton trcite kroz istoriju! Make sure you can walk comfortably in your backpacking shoes and break them in prior to the event. The adventure of the shortest route HIGHLANDER Stara planina is circular and starts in the village of Dojkinci from where it leads through Arbinje, Draganov vir, Tupavica and Tri kladenca waterfalls to Beledje where the camping site is proposed. Manifestacije. Island je ostrvo neverovatne lepote i autentinosti s neogranienim mogunostima kada je u pitanju planinarenje. We recommend bringing snacks, dry fruit, and similar food in addition to the meals provided by the Organizer. . Zurich, Switzerland - Industriequartier Tour - YouTube Who do I contact in case of any questions? Participants sharing gear must reach checkpoints and finish within 30 minutes apart. HIGHLANDER e nam od 12. do 16. juna pokazati zato je ovo mesto na kome se raaju Grotaci - kae Jelena orevi iz pirotske organizacije Avanturistika mrea koja je jedan od suorganizatora ovog dogaaja. HIGHLANDER Stara Planina Serbia 2021 - Highlights - YouTube Spektakularni planinski pejzai, miks divlje, netaknute i . Na putu nee nai prodavnicu u kojoj e moi da nadomesti potroenu hranu. You need to agree with the terms to proceed. , Ohridske biserne avanture by Aktivni Odmor, Krstarenje sa biciklizmom srednjim i severnim Jadranom by Aktivni Odmor, ator* ili bivak vrea ili visea mrea (za leanje) s nepromoivim krilom, vrea za spavanje (nije obavezno ako nosi bivak vreu), podmeta za spavanje (nije obavezno ako nosi bivak vreu koja ga sadri), meh ili boce za vodu ukupnog volumena minimalno 3 L, topla odea i obua prilagoena terenu i uslovima, prva pomo (zavoj, samoljepljiva traka, flasteri, elastini zavoj, sterilne gaze, antiseptik, repelent, tablete protiv bolova, astrofolija)*, prevoz od Pirota do Babinog zuba (Start)*, prevoz putne torbe (60 L/20 kg) od Babinog zuba (Start) do sela Temska (Cilj), 3 obroka dnevno (dehidrirana hrana, naresci, sir, hleb, gotova jela), HIGHLANDER ID detaljna uputstva sa mestom za peat svake kontrolne take, HIGHLANDER karta detaljna karta u vodootpornoj kouljici, da postoji razlika vea od 30 minuta zaostatka u vremenima na cilju izmeu uesnika koji dele opremu, da uesnik ne eli osoblju da pokae obaveznu opremu, da uesnik nema sa sobom propisanu opremu, korienja doma ili sklonita za spavanje ili kuvanje, prevoz putne torbe (samo jedna torba 60 L/20 kg), organizaciju edukativnih i zabavnih aktivnosti, START dvodnevni paket (1 dehidrirani obrok, 2 doruka, 2 dodatna obroka), KT2 Dojkinci 1 topli obrok (veera), dvodnevni paket (2 doruka, 2 dehidrirana obroka, 2 dodatna obroka). See you again next year on Stara Planina mountain!Follow HIGHLANDER Stara Planina Serbia:Website: https://highlanderadventure.com/staraplanina/en-usFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/highlanderserbia/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/highlanderserbia/Follow HIGHLANDER Adventure:Website: https://highlanderadventure.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HighlanderAdventureInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/highlander.adventure/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/highlanderadventure From marketing exposure to actionable data Dogaaj koji je s nestrpljenjem oekivan u 2020. godini, zbog globalne zdravstvene situacije odloen je za 2021. godinu. Uesnik e dobiti bed i sertifikat bez obzira u kojem roku doe na cilj, mada osoblje dogaaja ima svoje radno vreme nakon kojeg nee biti prisutno na kontrolnim takama. Tent orbivouacsack or hammock and waterproof tarp, Sleeping bag (not required if bringing bivouac sack), Sleeping pad (not required if bringing bivouac sack with a built-in sleeping pad), Hydration bladder or water bottles with a minimum total volume of 3L, Warm clothing and footwear suitable for terrain and conditions, First-aid supplies (bandages, adhesive tape, adhesive bandages, stretch bandages, sterile gauze, antiseptic, repellent, pain relievers, survival blanket), 3 hiking meals per day (dehydrated food, ready meals, spreads, cheese, bread, etc. Organizator zadrzava pravo na izmenu pravila. Datum: 12 16. jun 2021. Visinska razlika: 3621 m HIGHLANDER55 Stara planina Od Davnina. In order to see and experience Stara Planina in a different light and format, the trail intersects with the medium and longest format HIGHLANDER Stara Planina, where the energy of the participants is increased and additionally motivated to take a step and experience more. Anyone who reaches the finish line early is welcome, but there are no benefits. Dragi Hajlenderi, Prijavite se za promo paket! All participants should be physically prepared to tackle the route smoothly. 2023 HIGHLANDER Hercules Stara Planina, Serbia - ACTIVE About HIGHLANDER ADVENTURE Serbia Stara planina 17.06. Migros Museum for Contemporary Art - Sygic Will HIGHLANDER provide transportation to my next destination after the event? HIGHLANDER Stara planina - Mesto raanja Gortaka Jedinstveni dogaaj namenjen ljubiteljima prirodeHIGHLANDER STARA PLANINA 2023 Dogs are not allowed inside any buildings including the dining hall. insights, ACTIVE Works is the race management However, please note that the courses are of fixed mileage, and we expect different weather conditions during the event. Obavetavamo Vas da koristimo kolaie (eng. Sleeping arrangements may only include the required gear: tent, tarp, bivouac sack or hammock. Planinska voda je sigurna za pie, mada preporuljivo je propustiti je kroz filter za vodu ili koristiti tabletu. No, someone else can buy the entry fee for another person, but the registration must be personal. Proitajte priu o "HIGHLANDER Stara - HIGHLANDER Serbia | Facebook Uesnik e biti kanjen diskvalifikacijom u sluaju: U sluaju da uesnik prekri neko od gore navedenih pravila, nee dobiti bed i sertifikat s dogaaja. During the purchase, you are asked to name the team and make a password. RULES - HIGHLANDER - Adventure You will also receive an email with Registration Check-in information one week before the event. HIGHLANDER Stara Planina is a 100 km long hiking challenge experience that lasts for 5 days and leads you through Serbias famous Stara Planina Nature Park. Gear that can be shared includes tent, gas/gasoline/alcohol cooker, compass, first aid kit. The 3-day adventure is proposed as a hedonistic adventure that can be more extreme in a shorter time or enjoy and connect with nature in one easy rhythm with more breaks and socializing. So experience a night, two or four under the starry sky of Stara Planina and come to have fun, breathe to the fullest and feel freedom in a new way. More information about the meals will be available on the official HIGHLANDER Stara planina website a few weeks before the start of the event. HIGHLANDER avantura na Staroj planini traje pet dana, od subote, 11. do srede, 15. juna 2022. godine na ruti dugoj 100km kroz najlepe predele nacionalnog parka. Checkpoints have specific opening hours. Preporuujemo noenje grickalica, suvog voa i ostalih meuobroka kao dodatak obrocima koje e dobiti. HIGHLANDER NA STAROJ PLANINI MOLITVA POD MIDOROM"-ETNO FESTIVAL. HIGHLANDER Serbia. Posle ovakvih tura, nita vie nije isto jer ovek nakon stapanja sa prirodom postaje preporoen. Mineral koji utice na sportske performanse. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . 3 hiking meals per day (dehydrated food, ready meals, spreads, cheese, bread, etc. Upon arrival at each checkpoint, volunteers will stamp a HIGHLANDER ID. There are recommended camping checkpoints on the trail. VANO JE BITI SIT I HIDRIRAN I IMATI SNAGE TOKOM CELE HIGHLANDER AVANTURE. Checkpoint staff is trained for such cases. For the same reason, please make sure the dog is well hydrated - you probably need to carry 1.5x to 2x your water amount for the two of you. Predispozicije Uslov za HIGHLANDER izazov je da ste punoletni i da posedujete potrebnu opremu. Here you will have access to all registered events, and you can edit some of your personal details. Poetna - TOKnjazevac A little preparation will and desire with the support of the organizers will make everything so fun and atmosphere that everyone will proudly reach the finish line and take home the Highlander title. Sva prava zadrana. Planinarski dom Midor smetaj - Hotel Stara Planina Organizator e prevesti maksimalno jednu torbu po uesniku volumena 60 litara i teine do 20 kg od Babinog zuba (Start) do sela Temska (Cilj). THE ULTIMATE HIKING ADVENTURE - - HIGHLANDER Serbia - Facebook The ultimate hiking experience - HIGHLANDER Stara Planina, Serbia - the place where Highlanders are born. How can I best prepare for HIGHLANDER Stara planina Serbia? Ostale Vesti. Knjaevac Kroz Istoriju. HIGHLANDER Stara planina Serbia is a 100 km long hiking challenge that will Proitajte priu o "HIGHLANDER Stara Planina" avanturi ivota u novom broju magazina "Moja Planeta" tapom na link:. U sluaju da osoblje nije na kontrolnoj taki u trenutku prolaska, uesnik je duan da sam stavi peat u svoj HIGHLANDER ID. What is the mandatory Check-in procedure? HIGHLANDER Orion is a challenge in nature that lasts 2 days and takes you through the most beautiful part of the Stara Planina Nature Park in Serbia along a 33 km long trail. Please contact the organizer at stara.planina@highlanderadventure.com. THE ULTIMATE HIKING ADVENTURE - HIGHLANDER STARA PLANINA - THE PLACE WHERE HIGHLANDERS ARE BORN HIGHLANDER Stara Planina is a 100 km long hiking challenge experience that lasts for 5 days and leads. For the same reason, make sure the dog is well hydrated - you'll probably need to bring 1.5 to 2 times your amount of water for the two of you. HIGHLANDER Stara planina je 100 km dugaak planinarski izazov koji traje 5 dana i vodi vas kroz uveni Park prirode Stara planina, u Srbiji. It was challenging and unforgettable at the same time. Start avanture je Babin Zub, odakle e uesnici/ce krenuti put Belea, ka selu Dojkinci, a potom preko Arbanakog kladenca i kamenog sela Gostua stii na Zavojsko jezero gde je cilj. Will you be providing transportation to the Check-in and/or Start? Stara Planina, or Old Mountain, is also called Balkan Mountain, after which the whole of the Balkan region got its name. Fotografija sa cilja je dobrodola. Stara Planina. Staze kojima e se kretati nee biti preterano teke i ne zahtevaju veliko planinarsko iskustvo, ali je dobra fizika kondicija ipak neophodna. Predstavljajui globalni kalendar HIGHLANDER 2021, izvrni direktor HIGHLANDER-a, gospodin Jurica Bara, rekao je: Imamo puno uzbudljivih vesti za planinare irom sveta, kako postojee tako i budue HIGHLANDER-e. Trenutno se HIGHLANDER dogaaji prostiru na 15 zemalja irom sveta, a ukupno ine preko 1500 km senzacionalnih staza kroz nacionalne parkove koji oduzimaju dah, du prelepih jezera i vijugavih reka - a sada ak i u pustinji! Zdrav odnos prema hrani hrana nije strah, lek za depresiju, izvor krivice. Food with meat, vegetarian and vegan food. The adventure, which lasts 5 days, evokes the beauty of the diversity and breadth of the landscape that Stara planina possesses, thus providing a unique hiking experience of this region. Sections of this page. HIGHLANDER Stara Planina - avantura koja se ne proputa - TRANJE.rs :). Cookies) kako bismo Vam omoguili najbolje korisniko iskustvo. Digitalna Mapa Knjaevca. Highlander Prua Priliku Da Se Upozna Netaknuta Prirode Stare Planine Svaki uesnik ponaosob vodi rauna da je peat kontrolne take upisan u lini HIGHLANDER ID. Osim internacionalnih uesnika/ca, prvi HIGHLANDER u Srbiji trebalo bi da okupi domae ljubitelje planinarenja i slinih outdoor aktivnosti, a sve u cilju promovisanja aktivnih ivotnih stilova, razvoja planinskog turizma i ekoloki odgovornog ponaanja. HIGHLANDER Stara planina je 100 km dugaak planinarski izazov koji traje 5 dana i vodi vas kroz uveni Park prirode Stara planina, uSrbiji. HIGHLANDER adventure Stara planina (100km) by HIGHLANDER 11.06.2022 - 15.06.2022. Mountain lodges and huts have limited space and could not accommodate all HIGHLANDER participants. Za sve ljubitelje prirode koji nisu sigurni da li mogu odmah da ispune uslove HIGHLANDER avanture, organizovane su krae i lake rute. Uesnik samostalno bira mesto za bivak na stazi. Ova planinarska avantura pogodna je i za kune ljubimce. Highlander avantura - planinarski izazov | Stara planina, Srbija Email or phone: Password: . Voda se moe preuzeti u radno vreme kontrolnih taaka. HIGHLANDER Stara planina 11-15. jun 2022. | Nedeljnik Cookie Settings. Cena e rasti kako se datum ture bude pribliavao, u zavisnosti od broja rezervacija. Neophodna polja su oznaena *. Koliko je vaan magnezijum za trkace? Meal sizes are suited to adult people. Do I have to set up my tent close to checkpoints? On the second day, the route continues at a leisurely pace to Beledje and another recommended camp. Uesnik koji obavi nudu a nije zakopao svoj izmet, bie automatski diskvalifikovan. Facebook. Also, checkpoints that do not have volunteers, the participant himself stamps his HIGHLANDER ID. THE ADVENTURE OF YOUR LIFETIME BEGINS NOW. To su najbolje osetili staroplaninci, Gortaci koji su se suoili sa svim izazovima koje ovakva priroda donosi. Jump to. HIGHLANDER Stara planina, Serbia offers meat, vegetarian and vegan options. HIGHLANDER Orion is an opportunity to test your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional limits in a safe and friendly environment. Pomno nas pratite na drutvenim mreama kako biste saznali vie detalja. Day after the Adventure of a Lifetime - HIGHLANDER Serbia - Facebook You can choose between a meat, vegetarian or vegan diet, the gluten-free option, however, is not available. Visinska razlika: 3621 m, HIGHLANDER55 Stara planina je 46 km dugaak izazov u prirodi koji traje 3 dana i vodi vas kroz uveni Park prirode Stara planina. HIGHLANDER Stara Planina Serbia 2021 - Highlights Share Watch on BECOME A PART OF THE HIGHLANDER COMMUNITY! Duina: 46 km. Ukoliko uesnik prekri ovo pravilo, bie automatski diskvalifikovan i na cilju nee dobiti bed. Stara planina je 100 km dugo planinarsko iskustvo koje traje 5 dana i vodi vas kroz Staru planinu, prepoznatljivo planinsko podruje u Srbiji. There are no stores or supermarkets on Stara Planina, so stock up. It is necessary to walk 53 km, which includes 2 checkpoints + 2 alternative places to spend the night + start and finish in a maximum of three days and two nights. HIGHLANDER Pegasus is a challenge in nature that lasts 3 days and takes you through the famous Stara Planina Nature Park in Serbia with a length of 53 km. Please note that each participant is responsible for their own movement and behavior and that any risk of sleeping outside the checkpoints is not the responsibility of the organizer. Unspoiled landscapes, but also the cruelty of nature that can surprise you every second, challenges you to get to know yourself and make your own life a new adventure to remember. It is located on Limmatstrasse, near the city centre. Uesnici/ce moraju imati minimum 18 godina, dok oni mlai mogu uestvovati jedino u pratnji roditelja/staratelja. Uesnik moe koristiti toalet na kontrolnim takama Dojkinci i Temska, sklonitima, hostelima, itd. Capacity is limited, make sure you don't miss your slot and register now for the Adventure of a Lifetime! A upravo je ta priroda ini idealnom za ovu vrstu dogaaja. Stara Planina Nature Park, with its expanses, different vegetation sites, kilometers of untouched nature, contributes to being an ideal place to experience Serbia and hiking in a unique way. If you need to change other information (such as an email address), please contact stara.planina@highlanderadventure.com. Bezbedna i lagana staza zahteva minimalno planinarsko iskustvo i dobru fiziku spremnost. On the second day, over the highest parts of the Stara Planina ridge, you reach Kopren, Ponor bay, from where you return to the starting point in the village of Dojkinci with a gentle descent. Highlander Srbija odrao se o d 12. do 16. lipnja na nestvarno zelenoj Staroj planini, a na prvom srpskom izdanju, genijalne prie koja je nastala u Hrvatskoj, na startu se nalo oko 200 sudionika. It is important to stick to HIGHLANDER markings and existing trails, regardless of the orientation method used. Tu moe dase nae peaka staza za svakoga. 30% od prihoda sajta avanture.rs prosleujemo organizacijama koje se bave poumljavanjem i sadnjom! Preuzimanje HIGHLANDER medalje i sertifikata mogue je ostvariti kontaktiranjem organizatora dogaaja na stara.planina@highlanderadventure.com. Ne treba zaboraviti da se na ovoj planini jo neguje duh vremena kada se ivelo u skladu sa prirodom, tako da e uesnici/ce zaista imati pun ugoaj i u sebi probuditi pravi gortaki duh. - 21.06.2023 Register Now OVERVIEW FORMATS PRICES AT THE START THE ROUTES CHECKPOINTS PROGRAMS INFORMATION English SRPSKI GENERAL QUESTIONS Adventure Partners & Sponsors BECOME A PART OF THE HIGHLANDER COMMUNITY! Za sve uesnike predviena su 3 obroka dnevno. ivei ivotom pravih gortaka, tokom tih pet dana uesnice i uesnici e prelaziti trasu dugu 100 kilometara sa visinskim usponom na 3.400 metara. Check the prices and what they include here. Detaljne informacije o preuzimanju obroka organizator e pravovremeno dostaviti uesnicima. Always keep the map in hand and follow the signposts to stay on course and arrive safely to your destination. Dogs are allowed onboard transportation buses. Misija HIGHLANDER-a je da povee ljude sa planinama na odriv nain i u skladu sa etikom Ne ostavljaj nikakav trag iza sebe. Check your inbox and spam folders, and if confirmation is not found, please contact stara.planina@highlanderadventure.com. Veroljub Zmijanac je sport marketing menader iz Beograda. I have not received the confirmation e-mail where can I find it? Copyright Policy Read about all things encompassed in the Adventure of a Lifetime! software for managing & marketing your events. Morning temperatures on Stara Planina in June can be below 8C and during the day over 25C. Organizator obezbeuje ukupno 15 obroka koji e biti podeljeni na kontrolnim takama. Please note it might still be pretty hot and unless the dog is acclimated to the heat, overheating might be a challenge. The Organizer will only provide transportation to the HIGHLANDER Start position for participants on HERCULES and PEGASUS formats. Also, take into account when moving that checkpoints, including the finish line, have working hours. 2023 Active Network, LLC and/or its affiliates and licensors. Participants will be disqualified under the following circumstances: Organizer will provide camping food according to the diet preference each participant chose during the registration process. Pri registraciji uesnik e primiti cedulju sa startnim brojem koju treba staviti na lini prtljag. Tek u kontaktu sa poslednjim uvarima planine, u selu Dojkinci i Gostui, uesnici/ce e upoznati duu Stare planine, naboranu, ali strastvenu i ponosnu na svoje poreklo i ognjite. Event details and schedule. .. Lepota prirode vrlo brzo oara posetioca, ali njena divlja strana nas vrlo brzo podsetiti da je samo promena konstantna i da moramo da jaamo i radimo na sebi svakog dana. For example. Start the Highlander Adventure Of course! Lodging, cooking or borrowing gear from mountain lodges or huts are PROHIBITED. We are aware some of you might want to capture your Adventure of a Lifetime by using a drone, however, however, we must point out that drones are unfortunately not allowed by the organizers. Tri od 2008. godine i od tada je istrao nekoliko maratona, triatlona i Ironman. The adventure of the shortest route HIGHLANDER Stara planina is circular and starts in the village of Dojkinci from where it leads through Arbinje, Draganov vir, Tupavica and Tri kladenca waterfalls to Beledje where the camping site is proposed. Za kratko vreme prerastao je u seriju planinarskih dogaaja na duge staze koji promoviu zdrav ivotni stil, ouvanje ivotne sredine i planinarenje, a sve je to dobilo novi znaaj u ovim izazovnim vremenima. If this is your first time registering for an event on the Active.com platform, you will create an Active profile. All participants must register in person at the event before the start to collect the Participant's Kit and food. HIGHLANDER Stara planina je 100 km dugaak planinarski izazov koji traje 5 dana i vodi vas kroz uveni Park prirode Stara planina. Photo: @predragvuckovic @highlanderserbia. Dojkinci, Gostusa and Temska are the closest villages on the trail and checkpoints with trained staff are 20-25 km apart. The drone or any additional personal video/photo equipment that the law implies and a certain type of permit is the sole responsibility of the participant and is carried at his own risk. When in camping area: dogs will need to stay on a leash and must be taken outside of the camping area to relieve themselves. HIGHLANDER je prilika za brigu o sebi i povezivanje sa prirodom kao jednostavan, ali efikasan put do ovekovog blagostanja. .css-1b59apf{font-size:20px;line-height:20px;color:#6d8190;font-weight:700;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:"GTPressura",-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;}SAVE THE DATE17.06. HIGHLANDER Stara planina is a large part of the trail in the border area of Stara planina (Serbia/Bulgaria) for which special permits are required. Expect rain, fog, strong wind and sunny weather. Za Posetiti. Na svih 5 kontrolnih taaka obavezno je staviti peat kontrolne take u uesnikov HIGHLANDER ID. Probajte i sami!. HIGHLANDER Stara planina - Uzbudljivi planinarski izazov Day after the Adventure of a Lifetime on Stara Planina mountain we are still feeling the same #HIGHLANDER vibes and can't wait next year. HIGHLANDER STARA PLANINA koji je prvobitno bio planiran za 2020. godinu, odloen je za jun 2021. godine, ali je sve to samo dodatno podgrejalo matu avanturistima irom sveta koji s nestrpljenjem oekuju da se otisnu kroz divlju lepotu planine na kojoj se raaju Gortaci. During registration, the participant chooses the type of diet. The organizer will adapt the meals to the habits of hikers and the needs of the participant for this type of activity, taking maximum into account the carrying and method of preparing the meal.

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highlander stara planina