Heat 1 tsp oil in pan. A strategy for some farmers especially in the central-western region is to plant a second crop such as yam, maize, cowpea, okra, and sorrel enabling them to produce two crops in one season and thereby increasing income. Sustain. There may be no other obvious symptoms. M. Konate et al., Past, present and future perspectives on groundnut breeding in Burkina Faso, no. J. Ndjeunga, B. R. Ntare, F. Waliyar, and M. Ramouch, Groundnut seed systems in West Africa: current practices, constraints and opportunities, CFC Tech. , pp. The number of workplaces offering fertility and reproductive healthcare benefits are on the rise. Groundnut is more important for women compared to men. Discuss with your doctor if this is right for you. Webbeen extracted known as groundnut meal or groundnut cake - is a useful protein-rich animal feed for pig, dairy, poultry and other types of livestock. Fertility. Groundnut Other variables like plot size and use of manure on the plot (an indication of probably poor soil fertility) were negatively and significantly correlated with groundnut yield (Appendix A Table A1). Daudi H, Shimelis H, Laing M, Okori P, Mponda O. Groundnut production constraints, farming systems, and farmer-preferred traits in Tanzania. Only the central-western region showed gender balance for the average groundnut farm size. Pap., vol. Photo, 2016. Women were reported to play an important role in groundnut production, trading, and processing in West Africa [11, 34,35,36,37]. The high proportion of farmers using fertilizer in the central-western region could be attributed to several factors such as input subsidy, the agricultural potential of the area, and access to agricultural extension services. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. read Black pepper Farming on Australian Teak. If you qualify, please, www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/05/190507080134.htm, Chef Virginia Willis Wants To Change The Way You Think About Southern Food. Such practice has been reported as an effective method to restore soil fertility and increase productivity [28, 29]. Pap. There is no recent scientific study targeting the production system and constraints in the country [9]. Haile Desmae Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 17, Article number: 2 ( 2021 ) Cite this article 4067 Accesses 5 Citations Metrics Abstract Background Groundnut is one of the major legume crops grown as food and cash crop across the different agroecological zones of Burkina Faso. These nutrients aid in regulating hormonal levels, boosting sperm production and maintaining a healthy uterus. Utilization 5. Kevane M, Gray LC, Gray L. A woman s field is made at night: gendered land rights and norms in Burkina Faso. Meanwhile, vitamins E and C may slightly increase sperm count and movement. Few researchers believe that as peanuts contain all the amino acids & protein, they could be a good supplementation to a diet for hair growth. The country is under a highly variable spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall which is sometimes uncertain and erratic [2]. March 2001; 2004. p. 61529. The main soil types in the study areas are sandy, clay, clay-sandy, and sandy-clay. Niamey, Niger: Savitr, Mohapatra Usha, Raman, 1988, pp. Add vegetable stock, boiled chickpea, and sauted broccoli in the pan. (International Fertilizer Development Center) IFDC, Agricultural producers in Burkina Faso access quality agricultural inputs through bundled purchasing, 2018. J. Agric. Besides, most of the varieties used in the study area are characterized by a small kernel size (Fig. The combination of essential fatty acids Growth, Nodulation, and Yield Responses of Groundnut Webform of EPA & DHA can improve rates of fertility and reduce oxidative stress as a cause of inflammation. This study provides a recent view of groundnut cropping, allowing a good understanding of the farmers situation. sub-Saharan Africa, no. Fatty acids Omega 6 is a type of polyunsaturated fats that contribute to the bodys development, stronger bones, and muscle buildup. It must be noted that peanuts should not be consumed in excess as it can be harmful for the body. Table 6 shows some significant correlations between farmers characteristics and farming system variables. The most important and interesting thing about groundnuts: Not only peanuts provide you health benefits but also Peanut oil and fat-free peanut flour which easily available on market. Semi-Arid Trop. In west Africa, groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) plays an important role as food crop for household consumption and also as a cash crop, source of employment and incomes for smallholders in rural households [5]. A quick fertility-fueling meal can be something as simple as a quinoa bowl topped with mixed greens, avocado, lentilsand spicy peanut sauce.. But there was no concordance of the ranking of the constraints across the regions. Daily. 2010;119:18394. Plant-forward eating, meaning lots of produce, whole grainsand good fats help fuel the basis of a fertility-fueling diet [1]. June 29, 2023. With this drop in mind, its not surprising that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website states in about 35 percent of couples with infertility, a male factor is identified along with a female factor ." J. Additionally, farmers mentioned post-harvest loss due to storage pests. The current study revealed that there is limited use of improved varieties in the study area with the lowest use in the Central-Western region. Agric. The average yield obtained by men was higher than the average yield obtained by women (Table 5). Some factors might be beyond your control, such as medical issues that affect the ability to conceive. fertility Groundnut yields obtained by farmers in northern Ghana are generally low due to low soil fertility resulting from continuous cropping coupled with low use of external inputs. Evidence suggests that regular physical activity positively affects female fertility and the offspring health, although this effect seems to depend on the exercise intensity [].An observational cohort study performed on 41 obese infertile women on regular physical activity (cases) and 175 obese infertile controls undergoing to in-vitro fertilization It has been reported that the proximity of the zone with Ghana offers a more interesting market for the sale of groundnut [8, 10]. 9, no. Peanuts or ground nut are known as energy-booster foods. Women farmers appear to be younger with a mean age of 37years than men farmers (mean age of 45years). A Ref. In one small tudy, researchers supplemented men with Vitamin C. Vitamin C caused the mean sperm motility for these men to increase all the way from 31.2% to 60.1%. As you all are know everything we should take in the daily routine diet has some limit therefore while consumption of peanuts make sure it should not take in excess amount as it can be harmful to the body. There was no significant difference in age across the regions, and similar proportions of each age group were observed in each region. Rome: FAO; 2015. The remaining farmers (41.94%) can read and write in either other local languages and/or the official language, French. This could be because the young farmers are more educated compared to the elders, which gives them better access to information and makes them more open to new technologies. Fertility July, p. 222 p., 2013. Sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, pecans, pine nuts, and pumpkin seeds are all fantastic fertility foods for men. For example, farmers in the central-eastern region ranked soil pest first while the short period of rainfall and drought were equally ranked first in the central-northern region. Therefore Regular intake of cold-pressed oil helps to boost brain function and reducing irritation, Ground nut or peanuts are a good source of protein, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and antioxidant also has required fats and cholesterol-free this is groundnut benefits. This practice causes a lot of damages and losses due to termite damage or pod loss from peg breakage due to the drying of soil at harvest time. USAID; 2018. A positive and significant correlation has been observed for sex and production, sex and yield, and also sex and the rank of groundnut. Taxonomy and Classification 3. In general, analysis of variance showed a significant difference only for the farm size (p < 0.0029) and pod yield (p < 0.0363) across the regions. Fertility University of Bonn, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn, p. 49, 2012. M. Ouedraogo, Impact des changements climatiques sur les revenus agricoles au Burkina Faso, no. Zougmor R, Zida Z, Kambou NF. [15] have conducted a PRA study as a pre-breeding activity to identify farmers constraints and preferences in groundnut production. A feasibility study was conducted on different fish oil supplements to compare their costs and benefits. Training farmers on disease management will help them to develop local strategies to face some of these constraints. Groundnut However, local practices of disease management generally remain limited as farmers still lack knowledge about the symptoms of most diseases in groundnut. Nyamekye C, Thiel M, Schnbrodt-Stitt S, Zoungrana BJB, Amekudzi LK. However, at the region level, the study revealed a big gap in gender participation in the survey. It is classified as both a grain legume and, due to its high oil content, an oil crop. 33. According to researchers, people who regularly eat groundnuts were far less likely to die of heart stroke or disease. Yet in the Central-Western region, some womens groundnut farm sizes are as big as mens farm sizes. Groundnut production is positively correlated to field size, yield, and sowing period with high significance. The support of the agricultural extension staff of the Ministry of Agriculture in the three regions is appreciated. Along with this additional benefit of vitamin E and vitamin C aid in the prevention of wrinkles and fine lines, to avoid signs of aging. A. O. Britwum and A. D. Akorsu, Qualitative gender evaluation of agricultural intensification practices in northern Ghana, no. In some areas, for example, in the central-northern and central-eastern regions, fertilizer is used with improved varieties coupled with soil and water conservation techniques to cope with poor soil fertility. D. Nikiema, Changement climatique: Inventaire des stratgies dadaptation aux changements climatiques des populations locales et changes dexpriences de bonnes pratiques entre les diffrentes rgions au Burkina Faso., in Changement climatique: Union Europenne et du Partenariat Mondial de lEau (GWP)GWP/AO, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Global Water Partnership, 2010, p. 86. Find vitamin E in mangoes, avocados and green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. 2016;5:112. Formerly considered as a cash crop because of oil extraction, varieties with small kernel were promoted because of their high oil content and are thus the most available groundnut varieties disseminated in Burkina. Res. K. Knauer, U. Gessner, R. Fensholt, G. Forkuor, and C. Kuenzer, Monitoring agricultural expansion in Burkina Faso over 14years with 30m resolution time series: the role of population growth and implications for the environment, Remote Sens., vol. Download Krishi Jagran Mobile App for more updates on the Latest Agriculture News, Agriculture Quiz, Crop Calendar, Jobs in Agriculture, and more. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13002-020-00429-6, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13002-020-00429-6. Many farmers believe that there is no need to apply fertilizer for groundnut while for some of them, the reason is the lack of money. Fertifa enables companies to offer fertility and - TechCrunch Unlike the age of farmers across regions, there was a highly significant difference in age between men and women (P < 0.0001). Most women know that good nutrition can increase chances of becoming pregnant, but theres another half of the fertility equation that frequently gets overlooked. Nuts for Fertility. Groundnut, also known as peanut and pignut is one of the best sources of protein. Groundnut is a self pollinated crop whereby flowers are produced above ground and, after fertilization, pegs move towards the soil, poor soil fertility and nutrient deficiencies. You can prefer that as well. Add In the study area, 11.29% of respondents rotated groundnut with other crops. The crop is found to be constrained by several abiotic and biotic factors that impacted its production and constitute a bottleneck for the groundnut sector. In 2022, this tapered to $1.61 billion, in keeping with a broader decline in Your US state privacy rights, Map of Burkina Faso showing the study site, the agro-ecological zones, rainfall quantity, and Isohyets. G. Bouverot, Le Sphinx, frederic.redonnet.free.fr/cours/modop/sphynx.pdf, vol. By Mayo Clinic Staff. The groundnut production has since experienced a regression following a long drought, poor soil fertility, climate change, lack of support, and lack of promotion of the crop [8]. Peanuts contain vitamin B3 or niacin content whose many health benefits include normal brain functioning as well as boosting memory power. volume17, Articlenumber:2 (2021) Gallstones are hard deposits of bile that can form in your gallbladder. You can also top your breakfast cereal with groundnuts or add it to frozen yogurt. If you take them in daily morning breakfast or evening snack then it will help you to maintain calories in your body later in the day. The proportions were 65.59% for the small kernel and 34.41% for the large kernel in 2016 and 58.51% for the small kernel with 41.49% for the large kernel in 2017. a daily consumption of 400 micrograms of folic acid before & during early pregnancy The majority of the respondents (58.06%) were illiterate and did not attend school at all. This result reflects the gender implication in groundnut production in Burkina Faso. The study indicated a significant difference within regions for the farm size by sex although the ANOVA result showed no significant difference across regions in the study area for the farm size by sex. With the new guidelines, we know mothers should not restrict their diet during pregnancy or when breastfeeding as a way to prevent food allergiesfrom developing in their children. These were closely followed by the high price of fertilizer, drought, the problem of land ownership, pest attack, and diseases. Similarly, womens access to land and production resources such as labor remains one of the challenging characteristics of agriculture in West Africa, especially in Burkina Faso [42, 43]. This on-station experiment The analysis of variance of the average yield by gender was significant (p < 0.0252). Union europenne; 2014. p. 227. Dozens of women seeking to become mothers came to a fertility clinic at Yale. The rotating mixer crushes the ground nuts completely till the oil is fully extracted and it has been collected into a container or any pot. Indeed, in Burkina Faso, land ownership and access, access to natural resources such as soil and water, are largely governed by men and land ownership is exclusively inherited through the family lineage from father to son [44]. Soil Tillage Res. A strong correlation was observed between farm size and production, and farm size and sex denoting an extensive production. Eating groundnut while you are pregnant allows for good digestion and good transit so as not to be bothered by constipation. Four villages were selected in each region based on the dynamic of groundnut farmers and platforms established by the groundnut breeding program in these regions. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. @ Copyright 2023 Agrownets | All Rights Reserved. 2016;11:482430. Besides, land accessibility to women is limited in those regions because of socio-cultural factors (inheritance by lineage, religion, social hierarchy, decision-making power, etc.) In addition to creating new guidelines for intake of peanuts during pregnancy, the NIAID also has new guidelinesregardingearly introduction of peanut foods to infants, which suggest introducing peanut foods as early as 4-6 months to help prevent a potential peanut allergy. Anal., no. The study provided recent information on groundnut production in Burkina, which is characterized by an extensive cropping system in an environment largely dominated by cereals and in a subsistence agriculture system. About 48.4% were women and 51.61% were men, suggesting a gender balance of the groundnut farmers. Northwest. Each constraint was perceived with different ranks from one region to another region. One of the best ways to increase chances of conception includes beginning a fertility-fueling, plant-forward approach which will help you lead a healthier life. 4. The butter is used in basic food preparation with cereals, tubers, and vegetables. Specific names are also given to some improved varieties: Nafa, Miou Pal, Lokr Toinwar (drought tolerant), Beeda (big grain), and Soukeba in the study area. How Peanuts Fit on J. Ethnobiol. It also avoids the risk of cataracts and gives good vision. Chambers R. Participatory rural appraisal (PRA): analysis of experience. Subscribe to our print & digital magazines now. Due to Ample amount of vitamin B3 or niacin content in peanuts there many health benefits to boosting memory power which help for normal brain functioning as well. Small changes can lead to big outcomes in reaching sustainable goals. Although the same constraints were listed across the study area, the constraints were ranked differently from one region to another. Female As compared to consuming ground nut with a meal, ground nut stimulated stronger feelings of fresh when you can eat during the snack time it helps to maintain your daily diet during lunch and dinner. June 29, 2023. HD is the in-country supervisor of BS who guided the study and has made a major contribution in revising the manuscript. Another noticeable fact revealed by this study was the higher proportion of the small kernel groundnut used in the area. This extensive farming system has been highlighted by [45]. In the central-northern region and central-eastern region, early sowing is a strategy for disease escape and to avoid drought. All the participants in the individual interview and FGD gave verbal consent and voluntarily participated in the study. K. Ouattara et al., Optimizing fertilizer use within an integrated soil fertility management framework in Burkina Faso, Fertil. Note Rech. In survey also proved that Regular consumption of ground nut provides a vibrant glow to the skin. From Serial Productions. Only 11.29% of the respondents attended primary school, 6.45% attended secondary school, and 24.20% of the participants attended local basic literacy training. where n is the number of constraints and m is the number of regions. FAO, Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends: Burkina Faso, Food Agric. Visit PreventPeanutAllergies.org for more information and check out these delicious recipes to help introduce peanutfoods early! Data collected from the FGD were used to support and validate the information obtained from the questionnaires. Basically, depression comes in human behaviors because of a decrease in the amount of serotonin chemicals released from the nerve cells in the brain. These women are mostly groundnut traders who grow groundnut for sale. Fertility Groundnut: What are the Best 10 groundnut Benefits and Side Effects of Eating Peanuts? Res. Groundnut Most people asking is ground nuts good for ladies? The best way to eat it on daily basis is in form of salad. Infertility The cause is either unknown or a combination of male and female factors in the remaining cases. West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI), University of Ghana (UG), PMB 30, Legon, Accra, Ghana, Boubacar Sinare,John Eleblu&Ofori Kwadwo, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT-WCA), BP 320, Bamako, Mali, Boubacar Sinare,Baloua Nebi&Haile Desmae, Institut National de lEnvironnement et de Recherche Agricole (INERA), Ouagadougou, 04 BP 8645 04, Burkina Faso, Boubacar Sinare,Amos Miningou,Appolinaire Traor&Bertin Zagre, You can also search for this author in Groundnuts: What are the Benefits and Side Effects Early June appeared to be the most appropriate sowing period for groundnut according to 46.77% of farmers (Table 3). Pap. Maternal nut consumption during pregnancy linked to improvements in neurodevelopment in children. Researchers studies say that the risk of cancer reduced by up to 58% in people where people are eating peanuts at least twice a week in form of soaked or roasted. It is in this context that over 13 million [3] people owe their food to subsistence agriculture strongly dominated by cereals, legumes, tubers, and some minor crops [4]. As a result, a producer could have used an improved variety that he/she has considered as a local variety. 2). The menstrual cycle plays a central role in female fertility. Heat 1 tsp oil in pan. Episode 1: The Patients - The New York Times Q. Climatic Requirements 8. 232pp, vol. Get vitamin C in oranges, tomatoes and grapefruit, among other foods. In the central-northern region, Ballol, Miougou, and Peelega are famous local varieties used by farmers. However, the important proportion of local literature tuition farmers could be helpful to seed companies for the promotion of new varieties if the groundnut seed system was well operating. Some studies reveal that peanuts might cause allergies to some people. Despite its importance and breeding efforts to develop improved varieties, groundnut productivity remains low. Although farmers use several products, the main ones are Caiman, Pacha, Thiorol, and Calthio across the three regions. 33. There may be no other obvious symptoms. Types of varieties and characteristics of their kernel size in the study areas from 2015 to 2017. a Varieties utilized from 2015 to 2017. b Kernel size per region from 2015 to 2017. World Dev. But your lifestyle choices can have an effect on your fertility, too. Packed with a good source of omega-3s and antioxidants, these nuts have been seen in studies to have many positive The resveratrol in groundnuts also helps fight heart problems. All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article. Kendalls coefficients were determined for qualitative variables across regions for the constraints using the pairwise rank. It has been reported that the central-eastern region accounts for the largest area under groundnut cropping in Burkina Faso [8, 38]. This represents a 4. The crop is cultivated between 40N to 40S of the equator. Consumption of peanuts is also linked to a lowered risk of gallstones. The ANOVA for the average yield was significant across the regions (P < 0.0363), and the central-western region presents the highest average yield. Peanut researchers are starting with the seeds. 2019. 2). Accessible at:www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/05/190507080134.htm. Pearsons correlation was carried out to assess the relationship between variables, and the chi-square test was used to assess the difference in farmer preferences. Growth and Development of Groundnut 6. Researchers observed a nut-rich maternal diet during the first trimester of pregnancy resulting in better outcomes after birth in cognitive function, attention capacity and long-term working memory. Shuaibu H, Akinola MO, Akpoko JG, Damisa MA, Yakubu DH. Burkina Faso is a landlocked country with an economy largely based on agriculture. Peanut butter also has fiber for healthy fats, magnesium Vitamin E & antioxidants, to make your bones & muscles strong. Patancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, India Int. Groundnuts: What are the Benefits and Side Effects of Through symbiotic biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), grain legumes, such as groundnuts, can enhance soil nitrogen (N) and be an important source of N fertility, as well as a critical component of human nutrition and food security. Doing so can help companies become more competitive employers However, numerous secondary activities are practiced by people with different frequencies from one region to another. 2018;22:112. When postmenopausalwomenhaving high cholesterol were served a low-fat diet in daily consumption where included healthy fats likepeanuts, the peanutscontain phytosterols which help to reduce cholesterol. 40 Fertility Foods & the Science Behind Them | Peanut Add cinnamon, bay leaves, onion and garlic and stir fry for a minute. Introducing: The Retrievals - The New York Times Diverse crops are grown in the study area where on average 4 crops are grown by a producer with a range of minimum one crop and a maximum of 7 crops. Kindo Y, Mas Aparisi A. Analyse des incitations par les prix pour le larachide au Burkina Faso. Res. [1] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. In non-pregnant women, the main sites of progesterone biosynthesis are the ovaries and the adrenal cortices.