With just one day to go to the elections, we will be featuring their answers and a video of their interview with Tahoe Regional Young Professionals through the day. Find out how to buy Girl Scout Cookies, explore the flavors, and see how girls learn essential life skills. Smith, 25, who died April 7, 2008, after his vehicle was hit by an improvised explosive device in Baghdad. While popular activities such as hunting, hiking, boating, and other types of general recreation are now allowed across the Tahoe National Forest, Dispersed camping and Target Shooting prohibitions have been extended throughNovember 1, 2021. Prosser Ranch Group Campground12. Its also a ton of fun and is consistently rated as the number one activity on our member survey. Goose Meadows Campground7. Scouting in Utah - Wikipedia Timothy Michael Smith, was one of three South Lake Tahoe men to die in action since the September 11 attacks in 2001. Taking time to unplug and reconnect with nature and friends does a world of good for confidence, mental health, and grit. Community Partners. Nuts, Candy, and Magazines. To protect natural resources and provide for public safety, the Tahoe National Forest has revised fire restrictions and implemented a new, temporary closure order on dispersed camping and target shooting effective Thursday September 16, 2021 at 12:00 AM through November 1, 2021. Unique, family-like sleep away summer camp in California for kids ages 7 to 16, located on a 900 acre ranch in north of Lake Tahoe. Jody Filgo and Sallie Ross-Filgo have been planning their dream for a long time, and now they have the space to do it, the old donut shop next to Raley's. Summer Camp - Girl Scouts of the USA At MMR, our main goal is to provide our campers with an exceptional camp experience where they connect, explore, horseback riding summer camp in northern california, horseback riding summer camp northern california, horseback riding summer camps in northern california, horseback riding summer camps northern california, Sleepaway Summer Camp in Northern California. Camp Glen Spey is home to campsites with tent units on raised platforms, cabins with bunks, three lodges, and a central meeting and dining room (Ferdon Hall). Resources for Girl Scout members. Except within an enclosed vehicle or building, within an exempted Developed Recreation Site, or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable material. Authorities were launching a search-and-rescue operation Wednesday night for eight girls and three adults who were reported missing from a Girl Scout camp at Lake Kirkwood.Sheriff's personnel from . Get ready for some sunshine and happiness at the "Y" area of South Lake Tahoe. Start your Girl Scout experience. Support Girl Scouts by donating locally, becoming a lifetime member, or joining the Girl Scout Network for alums and supporters. Regardless of your camper's skill level, the only . Cal Ida Campground4. Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada (GSSN) have announced this years recipients of both their volunteer awards and those for the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), and several are from South Lake Tahoe, Zephyr Cove, Truckee and the Carson Valley. Cold Creek Campground3. Not only have the Girl Scouts from Troop #143 been helping fill bags of food all year for the Bread & Broth 4 Kids program during the whole school year, they also presented the non-profit with a $250 gift card to purchase food with for local children in need. With increased demand but limited volunteer adult troop leaders some of the troops are at max capacity. Build girls with courage, confidence and character thats the goal of Girls Scouts of the Tahoe Shores. Her dad Lucius, general manager of Tahoe Keys Boat Rentals, would share stories with Sadie about the people who die in Lake Tahoe and she wanted to do something about it. Doors at 7:00 PM, Show at 8:00 PM. Fall Product. Please, check your inbox! For Volunteers, For Parents & Families You make our community stronger when you support Girl Scouts. Wheeler Sheep Camp, 1. All Rights Reserved. All Rights Reserved. Salmon Creek Campground38. Cookie Resources and Training, Fall Product Carr/Feeley Lake Campground8. Packer Lake Resort30. Become a Girl Scout, Become a Volunteer For Girl Scouts Many Utah Day and Sleepaway Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of activities, from Horseback Riding, to Computers & Technology, to Performing Arts, to Leadership. For Girl Scouts, For Volunteers These forms may ask for information such as your email address so that we can deliver to you the information you request. Come to connect. Selling cookies, said Martinez, is just a way to fund the Girl Scouts projects and activities. Resources for Girl Scout members. Hunger isn't just a third world problem. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Independent, local journalism needs YOUR support to survive and thrive. Our camps range from 3 days, 6 days, or 10 days. There are 17 different cold water shock messages in the campaign. Learn how to get involved with Girl Scouts: join a troop, go solo, or become a volunteer. 1 / 28 0 Download our 2023 Summer Fun Guide We're excited to welcome your girl to her summer home away from home as she tries new things, learns new skills, and makes friends and memories to last a lifetime. Become a Volunteer. Summer camp is a Girl Scout tradition that is even more necessary in our busy post-pandemic lives. AMERICAN RIVER RANGER DISTRICTRECREATION SITES, 1. The opt-out option will be included in any email (or other web communication) sent to any requestor. The girls selling from their table in front of the Bijou Safeway sold over 130 boxes in just their first couple of hours. South Lake Tahoe girl creates Take Care Tahoe's new cold water shock Find Cookies "It's so preventable, but nobody is listening," Sadie said of cold water shock and the education that surrounds it annually at Lake Tahoe. Deputy Secretary Cindy Marten! Exciting adventures. Camp Bette Perot is our sleepaway camp for summer 2023. Tom Davis (with Matt Panks and Curt Emrie) speaks during the ceremony. Sadie Beall and one of her cold water shock messages. girls' favorite camp activities. NowTown Network sites: White Cloud Campground45. Become a Girl Scout, Become a Volunteer For Parents & Families. Right? For Girl Scouts Donate Girl Scout Cookies to first responders, the military, and other worthy organizations. in SLT for fun and games, environmental education, and all of the Troop 419 earned an additional Global Action Award for planning the event. var obConfig = { footer: 'View All Events | Add your event' }; Residents and visitors invited to basin wide clean up of Fifth of July, Tahoes beach-cleaning robot is back in action with expanded role, NDOT releases Fourth of July construction schedule, updates on construction work, TRPA approves amendment to area plan with serious mitigations, approve extension of beach shuttle, Action in Tahoe: Piff the Magic Dragon at Ballys Lake Tahoe; Old Dominion at the Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena; Marcus Ashely Gallery Meet the Artist show. CAMPS WHO ARE LISTED IN THIS DIRECTORY: The above Privacy Policy applies only to visitors of this website. New friendships. On Friday they dropped off 120 pizzas, 75 salads and 100 pasta dishes to Bijou Community School for families there who were picking up kids' homework and other supplies to use for at-home study. Camp | Camp | Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey Use this finder to connect with your local Girl Scout council. Our council donates cookies to the Utah Food Bank; troops and individual Girl Scouts can select other organizations to gift cookies to as part of the program. co-hosts, @SenJackyRosen and Fundraising Events. 2016-2022 Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas. Join a troop, go solo, become a volunteer, or be a champion. Contact camp for the latest 2023 camp info. Petra Spring Camp31. Women of Distinction Luncheon All Rights Reserved. Ways to Camp | Girl Scouts of Western Washington Turn the next page with us. If not those two flavors, what is your favorite? The inside on May 27, 2016. To help with its recruitment efforts and in honor of founder Juliette Gordon Lowes birthday the Girls Scouts of the Tahoe Shores are hosting a Skating Night on Friday, Oct. 13, from 6-8 p.m. at the Kahle Community Center. There, viewers will find facts about cold water shock such as: - Within 15 minutes in cold water, blood flow decreases to the extremities to preserve heat at the core. VISITOR IDENTIFICATION: We currently DO NOT require visitors to give us any personal information, create a user id account, or to login to view any information on our site. While this camp is geared towards our Tahoe Girl Scouts, any girls who Evans said completing these types of projects taught her how to reach out to resources and turn an idea into a reality. Become a Girl Scout, Become a Volunteer Email us at girlscoutshelp@gssn.org For a complete List of Utah Special Interest Summer Camps & Summer Recreation Programs scroll down to the big black bar at the very bottom of this page. Go to The Best Utah Summer Camps Directory to Find More Top Summer Camps Near Provo Canyon & Lake Brimhall, Utah. Virtual Camp Open House on Zoom, May 16 5:30-7:30 p.m. Camp Togowoods in Wasilla, May 27, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Camp Singing Hills in Chugiak, May 27, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Join us for the kick-off to the camp season and meet the camp staff who will be at our in-person camps this summer, try a camp activity, and learn some camp songs. It's also a ton of fun and is consistently rated as the number one activity on our member survey. Vast is the opportunity to grow at Mountain Meadow Ranch. Indian Valley Campground19. Making a difference. For Girl Scouts Girl Scouts can also get outdoors by attending pre-planned camping events such as weekend core camps or . Visit Ways to Support Camp to find out how you can help inspire new adventurers by keeping the magic of Girl Scout camp alive for generations to come. The camp offers a variety of plants and wildlife, a large playfield, and a 70-acre heart-shaped lake. Chaplain Curt Emrie lights the candle on MIA-POW table, 564 flags were placed around Happy Homestead Cemetery, Patty Smith addresses the crowd. My Girl Scout Gold Award project is called "Easy Access Books," mini-library program. MORE On Wednesday through Saturdays, bring your family or troop to our waterfront camp for an outdoor adventure with staff-supported activities. Launched in 1999 (in the era of dial-up!) TheBestCamps.comALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Visit Our Girl Scouts of Utah-Trefoil Ranch and Camp Cloud Rim Website, Go to The Best Utah Summer Camps Directory to. When you buy a package of Girl Scout Cookies, proceeds from your purchase stay local with the Girl Scout you purchased cookies from and her troop. For Girl Scouts Find Cookies, Cookie Resources and Training There is a feature on the scouting website that alerts people to where their local cookies sales are taking place. For Girl Scouts, For Volunteers A 501(c)(3) Organization. Carson City News - Carson Now The Girl Scouts of the Tahoe Shores Service Unit gathered at Kahle to celebrate Thinking Day. Time for just the quiet, for the sounds of nature and time to process. participating in both will not be repeating activities. Find Cookies | Girl Scouts - Girl Scouts of the USA A 501(c)(3) Organization. Start your Girl Scout experience. Diablo Campground12. Some operate during the day (day camp) andsome take advantage of the cool of the evening (twilight camp). Sterling Lake Boy Scout Camp42. "Best crowd I've ever seen at this,". Silver Creek Campground, YUBA RIVER RANGER DISTRICTRECREATION SITES, 1. Become a Girl Scout About Girl Scouts. TO SEE A COMPLETE LIST OF BEST 2023 SUMMER CAMPS, HOME | SUBMIT YOUR CAMP | FIND A CAMP | 2023 CAMP GUIDE, Enter Keywords, Activities, Phrases, or Camp Names in space above to Search Entire Site. . Camp Finder Results - Girl Scouts of the USA We are not responsible for any privacy policies or the content of any ads, websites or web pages linked from our site. Come to grow. Girl Scouts of Utah Girl Scouts and Troops who donate to camp or camp financial assistance can earn their Happy Camper Patch. DISCLAIMERS, PLEASE READ: This site is for informational purposes only. Paying the transaction fee is not required, but it directs more money in support of our mission. We've all seen the recent NFL player's protest over the treatment of blacks by not standing during the playing of the National Anthem at games. Get a year of activities for your first year as a troop leader with this In today's techno-saturated, high-pressure world we all need a chance to take a step back and really rest. Camping for Girls and Outdoor Activities | Girl Scouts Just 10 minutes from Sioux Falls, this camp is a popular destination for day camping, swimming, fishing, hiking and canoeing. Resources for Girl Scout members. For Girl Scouts The means to our growth is an ancient Maidu word, Aj Yepekanbe, meaning serve-all. The land has a conservation easement on all but 18 acres, so the Girl Scouts plan to build some rustic cabins, but will mostly preserve the land. Learn how to get involved with Girl Scouts: join a troop, go solo, or become a volunteer. Find volunteer, Girl Scout, and family tools and support. 28. Registrations, Forms, & Camperships, Camp Goals & Outcomes Your financial contribution supports our efforts to deliver quality, locally relevant journalism. In 2013, the Girl Scouts of Utah council officially bought 236 acres of land just south of Cloud Rim from Silver Islet Lake Partners. SECURITY: This website is secured via HTTPS and SSL which is designed to protect (encrypt) any data transmitted between your devices and our website host. We offer a traditional camp program, where our philosophy of Servant Leadership fosters character development and camp community bonding through the many activities we provide. I think the more opportunities that you have to learn and grow and know that there is a whole big world out there and that you have a part in it its such an amazing thing.. Sleepaway Summer Camps in California | Mountain Meadow Ranch Carson City News - Carson Now Whether they're swimming in Swartswood Lake for the first time at Camp Hoover, discovering the fun of the zipline at Camp DeWitt, or being a citizen scientist and brooking at The OVAL, every outdoor adventure grows a Girl Scout's "I've got this" attitude. z-index:1002; A local Girl Scout troop is looking for a spot to sell their handmade holiday decorations in order to raise money to attend International Camporee in 2015. Indian Springs Campground18. Most content submitted to website is covered under Creative Commons license: Please see Copyright Policy for more information. Packer Lake Road Girl Scout Camp29. Her son, Sgt. Help Girl Scouts dream big, explore new interests, and spark their imaginations. CAMP FACILITIES: Trefoil Ranch has amazing facilities, including a lodge, ranch house, bunk house, showers, platform tents, horse riding, a high and low ropes course, and archery. Help us achieve our mission of creating a more informed world with a one-time or recurring subscription today. Hunger affects approximately 16 million children in the United States with 3 million rural community households being "food insecure.". Enter the code you received via email to sign in, or sign in using a password. When growing up I always heard "Don't let the flag touch the ground," "The flag is only outside during daylight hours and not during rain or bad weather," and, as a Girl Scout, I learned how to fold the flag in the correct manner and learned the flag had to be burned if it was mistreated. GSEMA Camps - Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEMA) With the computer science field many dominated by men as well as all careers in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) field, Whittell High School senior Kelsey Kjer is looking to change that. About Camp | GSCNC - Girl Scouts Ways to Give Ways to Give, Community Partners Lifetime Membership. Sand Pond Day Use Area37. Find volunteer, Girl Scout, and family tools and support. There are plenty of easy ways to feed your Girl Scout Cookie cravings this season. Three Girl scouts in yellow life vests are paddling a canoe on a lake. Girl Scout camps and outdoor experiences provide opportunities for campers to discover, connect, and take action in ways that build their courage, confidence, and character. The two camps will be unique so girls Get Involved Get Involved. Camps - Girl Scouts of the USA Donate Locally, Fundraising Events For Girl Scouts, For Volunteers Explore badges, activities, and more. Lake Tahoe Girl Scouts in search of new members, troop leaders Now these young women are directors of nonprofits, firefighters, nurses and writers, said Martinez. Fuller Lake Day Use Area16. As It Was: Girl Scouts Get Their Own Camp at Lake of the Woods The ceremony is GSSN's way of thanking and celebrating their amazing volunteers and the priceless love they give girls every day through unwavering dedication to their success. Explore badges, activities, and more. Use this finder to connect with your local Girl Scout council. For Volunteers, For Parents & Families Photo by STN, Cheryl Breitwieser from Bread & Broth 4 Kids with volunteers filled 800 bags of food for kids. Whether she's looking for a week of adventure or a day of exploring, we've got you covered. An informational night for South Lake Tahoe families with girls in kindergarten and older will be held on Thursday, October 8 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at St. Theresa Church's Globin Hall located at 1041 Lyons Avenue. This is the very heart of MMR and the guiding principle of all that we do. "I thought they'd be perfect," said Sadie of the Tahoe Fund liking her campaign idea. $15.00 in advance, $20.00 day of the show 21+ PRIVACY POLICY (ALL VISITORS) - PLEASE READ. Read the four key outcomes that Girl Scouts achieve through outdoor programming, as well as how these results support the development of healthy habits and crucial leadership skills.. Camp Cloud Rim has beautiful facilities, including a lodge and shower house, cabins, platform tents, lakes, and rock climbing. Resources for Members. Local girl scouts donated boxes of cookies to hand out. They got the keys on Tuesday and popped the sign up in the window, letting people know what is coming. Several marinas and kayak and SUP rental operators in the Tahoe Basin have already agreed to help get the word out to their customers about the campaign. Sadie started the project in the middle of her sophomore year (she will be a senior in the fall) as her Girl Scout Gold Award project. We plug back into life authentic. It features rustic camping areas and a log structure is available for group gatherings or use by Scout Leaders. The goal is simple, "Helping the youth of South Lake Tahoe to be well read and well fed. San Francisco Field Campus 34. "I put on a. Rocky Rest Campground32. About Girl Scouts If you have a store, tree lot or having a holiday activity/event, the scouts would love to join in and sell their wares. Camping at Lake Tahoe, California: Best Lake Tahoe Campgrounds 2023 The money earned during the Girl Scout Cookie Program funds new adventures, summer camp eperiences, educational trips, and community service projects. (775) 833-6333, www.crystalbaycasino.com lifetime of possibilities. A 501(c)(3) Organization. Interested girls or troop volunteers can also reach out to Martinez at teachershelly@charter.net for more information. Our agency appreciates vital funding provided this winter by the El Dorado Community Foundation, Tahoe Magic, and Reliapro Painters, along with many other community partners. VISITOR ANALYTICS: This site uses third-party website analytics (such as Google Analytics) that collect some user data that is provided by your web browser and/or browsing device. Ways to Give, Community Partners Rucker Lake Campground 33. Admit it, you've been waiting for a box of Thin Mints or Caramel Delights. Indian Valley Outpost20. Sardine Campground 35 . Granite Flat Campground8. Find out how to buy Girl Scout Cookies, explore the flavors, and see how girls learn essential life skills. School House Campground40. What is your prior experience in working with civic, community or governmental organizations? CAMP INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED: Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Team Sports, Academics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. - 55% of all open-water drownings occur within 10 feet of safe refuge. Renew. Making friends is easy when you are in a culture that celebrates uniqueness and authenticity. @usedgov By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Service. China Flat Cabins9. Corporate Partners, Planned Giving Convict Flat Day Use Area10. Camp Goals & Outcomes Camp Goals & Outcomes. .white_content { The fourth and fifth graders wanted to earn their Bronze Award and decided they wanted to find a community service project that would help other kids and found the Bread & Broth 4 Kids a natural choice. ", Hunger isn't just an inner city problem. Troops can reserve campsites to visit for the day, stay overnight, or try a high adventure activity. Find Cookies, Available Cookie Flavors LBB Discover your local Girl Scout council. Camp Cloud Rim offers canoeing, sailing, kayaking, swimming, photography, pottery, rock climbing, hiking, and backpacking. Most content submitted to website is covered under Creative Commons license: Please see Copyright Policy for more information. Boca Springs Campground4. Members can find product program resources. (from left to right) Susan Van Doren, Jordyn, Tatum, Daria, Madison, Mary, Kelsey, Kate, and Madeline Cronk. Resources for Members. Bear Valley Community Outreach Nurse, Behavioral Health Services Deputy Director, Chief Deputy Auditor/Controller-Finance, Deputy Sheriff I/II, Public Health P Socure Inc. seeks Senior Data Scientist in Incline Village, NV. Fundraising Events. We have girls that want to be part of the troops, but sometimes we end up with troops that have 20 girls to a troop, which is more challenging, said Laurel Paxton, a parent, former Girl Scout and troop leader. Ways to Give Hornswoggle Campground14. Develop entity-resolution algorithms using graph techniques on massive datasets for, Socure, Inc. seeks Director, Data Science in Incline Village, NV. There is one exception to this prohibition: No target shooting. San Francisco Field Campus34. Sign in with a password below, or sign in using your email. Find Cookies Support Us Support Us. To learn more about all of Sadie's Take Care Tahoe messages and cold water shock, visit https://takecaretahoe.org/take-action/cold-water-shock/. All - to put the then-revolutionary power of the Internet into the hands of our foothill and mountain communities, YubaNet.com delivers daily news to the Sierra, from the Sierra. Discover your local Girl Scout council: about Girl Scouts, what they do, what activities are available locally, and how to contact us. Donate Locally, Fundraising Events are not yet back in school are invited to attend. Girl Scouts of Utah-Trefoil Ranch and Camp Cloud Rim Prosser Campground11. Ways to Support Camp | Girl Scouts of Western Washington Making a difference. A new chapter in your job history will inspire the beginnings of her Its that time of year again, when uniform clad girls and their tables full of cookies line up outside local grocery stores to sell their famous cookies. Become a Girl Scout CAMPER AGES: 1st-12th grade. New friendships. Whittell High School senior Madison Evans has been a Girl Scout for 12 years and earned her Gold Award by designing curriculum for a camp to prepare children for kindergarten. - Join Vail employees and South Lake Tahoe Resource Center families to plant sugar pines behind the Lake Valley Fire Protection Station. Dispersed camping within 300 feet of the Pacific Crest Trail is allowed. Become a Girl Scout display: none; Lakeside Campground9. the #gsGoldAward @gswcf #MentalHealthAwareness. Read more We've recently sent you an authentication link. Camp Cloud Rim sits at an elevation of 9,200 feet near Park City, nestled in aspen and pine on the shores of Lake Brimhall. Use their easy locator to find sales in South Lake Tahoe, South Lake Tahoe Girl Scouts holding informational meeting, South Lake Tahoe Jail inmates win 17 awards at County Fair, Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra awards grants, New App and on-line tool helps find Girl Scout cookie sales in South Lake Tahoe, Girl Scouts looking for locations to sell their decorations, Letter: Girl Scout Gives Back to Patients in Need, Page & Sage Provides Weekly Bag of Food and a Book to South Lake Tahoe Students, Girl Scouts 100 years of creating tomorrows leaders, Girl scouts to honor founder, newborn girl. Analyze large data sets to develop multiple custom models and, Socure Inc. seeks a Lead Data Scientist, Client Analysis in Incline Village, NV. Support Girl Scouts by donating locally, becoming a lifetime member, or joining the Girl Scout Network for alums and supporters. Registrations, Forms, & Camperships, Camp Goals & Outcomes Find volunteer, Girl Scout, and family tools and support. CAMP SESSION DATES & FEES: Feel free to visit our website to see our Camp Brochure: Our Camp Website Link: www.gsutah.org. Four Ways Girl Scouts Builds Girl Leaders in the Outdoors: A Girl Scout Research Institute (GSRI) Study. Junior Girl Scout Digital Photographer Badge Program - 7/7/2023. Visit Our Girl Scouts of Utah-Trefoil Ranch and Camp Cloud Rim Website801-265-8472camp[AT]gsutah.org2 LocationsProvo Canyon & Lake Brimhall, Utah Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada (GSSN) have announced this year's recipients of both their volunteer awards and those for the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), and several are from South Lake. A typical 6 day camp starts at $255. LINKS: This website includes links that are submitted by the camps that are listed in our directory, and also some third party advertising affiliates (such as Amazon) whose ads we display. Support Girl Scouts by donating locally, becoming a lifetime member, or joining the Girl Scout Network for alums and supporters. Learn about Girl Scouts, what they do, what activities are available locally, and how to contact us. "I'm so proud of our community and this great turnout," said South Lake Tahoe City Councilman Tom Davis during Monday's annual Memorial Day Ceremony at Happy Homestead Cemetery. Find Cookies, Resources for Members Meadow Lake Shore Shoreline Sites11. The following campgrounds are open and available to use stoves with a California Campfire Permit. While I dont agree with their method, it made me think about the way people respect the flag in general. Camp Chrystalis5. Girl Scouts Nation's Capital has eight beautiful camp properties available for Girl Scout troops to use at low or no cost. MORE Day camps at The STEM Center of Excellence at Camp Whispering Cedars are more than just a place to be. Discover your local Girl Scout council: about Girl Scouts, what they do, what activities are available locally, and how to contact us. Sterling Lake Campground43. Loganville Campground25. Explore badges, activities, and more. Heavenly Mountain Resort has created Epic Discovery Kids, a program offering free access to Heavenlys new Epic Discovery summer activities to 2,000 kids from Lake Tahoe schools and non-profits as well as regional non-profits.
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