Academic program. Assignments in this category customarily and regularly require the incumbent to exercise discretion and independent judgment. A specific group of students established for tracking purposes, such as calculating retention and graduation rates. Number of students enrolled in each course as of the census data for the semester. The message is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. Related term(s): Accrediting agencies, Accrediting bodies. Enrolled students are those registered in any course(s) offered by the university. Institutions report on the status of the students in their cohort as of August 31 of the reporting year. Revenues of health clinics that are part of a hospital should be included in this category, unless such clinics are part of the student health services program. Capital assets built or acquired for occupancy and use by the entity. NOTE: Even though Teacher Preparation certificate programs may require a bachelor's degree for admission, they are considered subbacalaureate undergraduate programs, and students in these programs are undergraduate students. Also includes information technology expenses related to operation and maintenance of plant activities if the institution separately budgets and expenses information technology resources (otherwise these expenses are included in institutional support). Tests prepared and administered by an agency that is independent of any postsecondary education institution. Endowed scholarships, annual gifts and tuition funded grants for which the institution determines the recipient. Prior to adopting the GASB model using GASB 34 and 35, some governmental colleges and universities used the governmental model of financial reporting. A B.S. Liquidity or nearness to cash is not the basis for classifying assets as current or non-current; thus cash or investments intended for liquidation of liabilities due beyond the one-year period would not be current assets. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. A person employed on an ongoing basis to perform assigned duties for which the individual receives salary or wages. These are structures such as classrooms, research facilities, administrative offices, and storage. These funds are for meeting current operating expenses and not for specific projects or programs. The Postsecondary Statistics Division (PSD) is the organizational unit within the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) where IPEDS is conducted. That portion of scholarships and fellowships granted that exceeds the amount applied to institutional charges such as tuition and fees or room and board. in Accessible Human-Centered Computing, Ph.D. in Critical Studies in the Education of Deaf Learners, Ph.D. in Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences, Ph.D. in Translation and Interpreting Studies, Ph.D. These schools offered at least a one-year program of study creditable toward a degree and they were eligible for participation in Title IV Federal financial aid programs. These classifications derive from the institutions perception of the employees, and such perception are reflected most accurately in the assignments made. A student taking courses creditable toward a degree or other formal award who cannot be classified by academic level. These students may or may not be enrolled in graduate programs. Decreases in net assets from an organizations peripheral or incidental transactions and other events affecting the organization, other than those that result from expenses. This function does not include non-research sponsored programs (e.g., training programs). Nonexempt under terms of Fair Labor Standards Act. These restrictions may be temporary or permanent. All rights reserved. Upon completion of the terminal degree, the instructor will be promoted to Assistant Professor for the following year at which time he/she will begin the tenure-track probationary period. Provides grant assistance to eligible undergraduate postsecondary students with demonstrated financial need to help meet education expenses. Employees who customarily receive assignments for the purpose of instruction or research (a combination of those activities is most common). Dual admit students will have the option to use UTC services (Library, ARC, etc) while enrolled at their community college and will receive priority registration for the semester after graduation from their community college. Number of external commissions for design and/or studio production (does not include pro-bono work). A person who is not a citizen or national of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely. This agreement allows institutions to participate in any of the Title IV student assistance programs other than the State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG) and the National Early Intervention Scholarship and Partnership (NEISP) programs. This component collects data annually on the number of full- and part-time students enrolled (on a census date in the fall) in Title IV postsecondary institutions in the United States and its outlying areas, by level (undergraduate, graduate, first-professional), and by race/ethnicity and gender of student. Educational programs offered by postsecondary institutions that are occupational, academic, or continuing professional that qualify as postsecondary education programs OR recreational or avocational, adult basic, remedial instruction, high school equivalency, or high school programs that are not deemed postsecondary. These funds are subject to externally imposed restrictions which are different from the internal designations imposed by the governing board on unrestricted funds. This would include programs of 5 years or longer for 4-year institutions and programs of 3 years or longer for 2-year institutions. Section 730 of the Public Health Service Act requires HEAL schools to maintain records on student loans granted under this program. Status of a personnel position with respect to permanence of the position. Fourteenth calendar date from the beginning of classes, including day on which classes begin, for spring and fall terms. These courses are not intended to be part of a program leading to a high school degree, nor are they part of any academic, occupational, or vocational program at the postsecondary level. Once coursework is completed, student can be awarded their Associates degree through the Reverse Transfer process. Includes monies received as a result of gifts, grants, or contracts from a foreign government. The statistical agency of the U.S. Department of Education; primary federal provider of education statistics on the condition of American education. The University has an abundance of information that is available. FASB institutions classify net assets into three categories: permanently restricted, temporarily restricted, and unrestricted. Related term(s): Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Assets are useful to the institution because they are a source of future services or because they can be used to secure future benefits. A calendar system that consists of two semesters during the academic year with about 16 weeks for each semester of instruction. A student entering the reporting institution for the first time but known to have previously attended a postsecondary institution at the same level (e.g., undergraduate, graduate). An institutional classification developed by the Andrew W. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The current version of the SLDS Data Dictionary provides a view of the K12 data being captured. The purpose of a Data Dictionary is to provide a common set of concepts and terminology for health research data users and those who play a role in collecting the data, managing the data, overseeing or using the output of the research. Academic Advisement is the plan under which each student is assigned to a faculty member or a trained adviser, who, through regular meetings, helps the student plan and implement immediate and long-term academic and vocational goals. An institutional classification developed by the Andrew W. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The maximum number of students for which an institution can provide residential facilities, whether on or off campus. In-State Student or Resident Tuition rate charged to in-state students or residents. College-funded or college-administered award from institutional, state, federal, or other sources for which a student must have financial need to qualify. Most recently, NCES began requesting information on retention rates of students from one fall to the next. A summary of groups of related instructional programs designated by the first 2 digits of its appropriate Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code. Required fees include all fixed sum charges that are required of such a large proportion of all students that the student who does not pay the charges is an exception. Employees with specialized knowledge and skills not normally acquired in a bachelors degree program but through a planned and sequential program or through experience. Private institutions generally report these grants as allowances. For example: FY 2014 would include Summer 2013, Fall 2013 and Spring 2014. Student groups are any identified subsection of total enrollment based on specific criteria, such as participation in a specific course or activity or by other demographic grouping. These data are also required to be disclosed to parents, coaches and potential student athletes when the institution offers athletically-related student aid. Sites or centers outside the confines of the parent institution where courses are offered that are part of an organized program at the parent institution. The financial need of a student is determined by the institution using the federal methodology and the institutions own standards. A students major that preceded their current one. In professional fields, it is an advanced professional degree carrying the masters designation (such as M.S. Endowments are usually the result of a gift or grant received that is required to be held in perpetuity by the donor or granting agency. A student who has above a 2.0 GPA is considered to be in good academic standing. These would include visiting scholars and other special ranks. The category includes institutes and research centers, and individual and project research. Plans may include a specific charge for a specified number of meals per week or a specified amount against which students may charge their meals. Provides grant assistance to eligible undergraduate postsecondary students with demonstrated financial need to help meet education expenses. Students who received a degree, certificate, or other formal award. Undergraduate programs that exceed the usual program length for a specific level. The location of the facility is not a determining factor. Payments made to or on behalf of an individual over and above that received in the form of a salary or wage. The lease is basically considered a form of financing used to acquire the capital asset. The overall objective of the project is to develop a data dictionary system that is used during the entire workflow of a study and that enables sharing and re-use of . Individuals employed full time for short periods of time (less than the period under review) as well as those not available to the institution for 100 percent assignment even though they may be employed for the full period. (Used for reporting on the Student Financial Aid component). Students coming into the institution for the first time (in the fall term) at the undergraduate level. The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, defines an HBCU as: any historically black college or university that was established prior to 1964, whose principal mission was, and is, the education of black Americans, and that is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association determined by the Secretary [of Education] to be a reliable authority as to the quality of training offered or is, according to such an agency or association, making reasonable progress toward accreditation. Federal regulations (20 USC 1061 (2)) allow for certain exceptions to the founding date. Faculty designated by the rank of lecturer. CIP codes are used by universities nationally to report various instructional program data to the U. S. Department of Education and other government and higher education organizations. A standard of measurement representing hours of academic instruction (e.g., semester credit, quarter credit, contact hour). Expenses associated with operations that are independent of or unrelated to the primary missions of the institution (i.e., instruction, research, public service) although they may contribute indirectly to the enhancement of these programs. Applicants agree to accept an offer of admission and, if admitted, to withdraw their applications from other colleges. That part of a scholarship or fellowship that is used to pay institutional charges such as tuition and fees or room and board charges. (Used for reporting Finance data for private for-profit institutions ). Amounts that represent a decline in the value of physical plant assets resulting from selling, razing, fire, and other hazards, or other disposition of the assets. College of a course, program of study or degree awarded. Any special program for very able students offering the opportunity for educational enrichment, independent study, acceleration or some combination of these. Employees assigned to activities requiring a limited amount of previously acquired skills and knowledge. Education district taxes include all tax revenues assessed directly by an institution or on behalf of an institution when the institution will receive the exact amount collected. Assignments in this category customarily and regularly require the incumbent to exercise discretion and independent judgment. The data in a data dictionary is the metadata about the database. (312) 464-5759. Conventional academic subdivisions of knowledge and training. Assets that are reasonably expected to be realized in cash or sold or consumed during the next normal operating cycle (normally one year) of the institution. All of the possible statuses a student may have during a term, such as enrolled, cancelled, withdrawn, and ineligible to enroll. Students who completed their program within 150% of the normal (or expected) time for completion. in Interpretation: Interpreting Research, M.A. Application Method refers to how the application was transmitted from the student to the university, such as hard copy or online application. Tuition may be charged per term, per course or per credit. High school students also enrolled in postsecondary courses for credit are not considered degree/certificate-seeking. Employees of an institution whose primary function or occupational activity is classified as one of the following: technical and paraprofessional; clerical and secretarial; skilled crafts; or service/maintenance. The created data definitions can be exported from the portal to be transferred to common electronic data capture systems (EDC) that can then generate CRFs using the definition. Related term(s): American Indian or Alaska Native (old definition), Race/ethnicity (new definition). Includes staff employed by or employees working in the postsecondary component of a hospital or medical center that offers postsecondary education as one of its primary missions; also includes those working in first-professional schools (e.g., law schools, dental schools, schools optometry) except medical schools. Students are not required to apply for admission to the college in order to participate. Institutional Data Dictionary - Institutional Research | Gallaudet Organizations (or agencies) that establish operating standards for educational or professional institutions and programs, determine the extent to which the standards are met, and publicly announce their findings. Transcripts often include an explanation of the marking scale used by the school. Students will also have access to personalized advising from UTC during their time at the community college to make sure their coursework is in line to transfer appropriately. The inflow of resources or other enhancement of net assets (or fund balance) of an institution or settlements of its liabilities (or a combination of both) from delivering or producing goods, rendering services, or other activities that constitute the institutions ongoing major or central operations. This component was formerly referred to as Fall Enrollment. Drawing upon existing research, this paper first introduces a novel . Included in this category are all employees holding titles such as business operations specialists; buyers and purchasing agents; human resources, training, and labor relations specialists; management analysts; meeting and convention planners; miscellaneous business operations specialists; financial specialists; accountants and auditors; budget analysts; financial analysts and advisors; financial examiners; loan counselors and officers; computer specialists; computer and information scientists, research; computer programmers; computer software engineers; computer support specialists; computer systems analysts; database administrators; network and computer systems administrators; network systems and data communication analysts; counselors, social workers, and other community and social service specialists; counselors; social workers; health educators; clergy; directors, religious activities and education; lawyers; librarians, curators, and archivists; museum technicians and conservators; librarians; artists and related workers; designers; athletes, coaches, umpires; dancers and choreographers; music directors and composers; chiropractors; dentists; dietitians and nutritionists; optometrists; pharmacists; physicians and surgeons; podiatrists; registered nurses; therapists; and veterinarians. This figure is used in calculation for student expenses during a given year. These values represent what a typical student would be charged and may not be the same for all students at an institution. Does not include bachelor's degree-granting institutions where the baccalaureate program can be completed in 3 years. Includes any contributed services recognized (recorded) by the institution. Data Dictionary | Office of Institutional Research & Strategic Analytics Amount of money charged to students for instructional services. The designations are used to categorize U.S. citizens, resident aliens, and other eligible non-citizens. Faculty designed as research associate/assistant. The degree is awarded after a period of study such that the total time to the degree, including both pre-professional and professional preparation, equals at least six full-time equivalent academic years. Also includes collections of works of art and historical treasure and library collections; however under certain conditions such collections may not be capitalized. It is applied toward the total number of credit hours needed for completing the requirements of a degree, diploma, certificate, or other formal award. A formal award certifying the satisfactory completion of a postsecondary education program. An attribute is a database position that . The first term a student enrolled in a particular program. Includes titles such as fire fighters; law enforcement workers; parking enforcement workers; police officers; security guards; lifeguards; ski patrol; cooks and food preparation workers; food and beverage serving workers; fast food and counter workers; waiters and waitresses; other food preparation and serving related workers; building cleaning and pest control workers; grounds maintenance workers; electrical and electronic equipment mechanics; installers and repairers; radio and telecommunications equipment installers and repairers; avionics technicians; electric motor, power tool, and related repairers; vehicle and mobile equipment mechanics, installers, and repairers; control and valve installers and repairers; heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers; air transportation workers; motor vehicle operators; and parking lot attendants. An individual who has fulfilled the institutions requirements to be considered for admission (including payment or waiving of the application fee, if any) and who has previously attended another college or university and earned college-level credit. Master of Arts is a postgraduate degree that focuses on areas such as language, history, geography, humanities, philosophy, and social sciences. The survey status obtained when a keyholder has resolved all edits/errors and has decided that data are ready to submit to IPEDS. The contracted teaching period of faculty employed for the entire year, usually for a period of 11 or 12 months. FASB institutions do not use this classification; most of the equivalent net assets are considered unrestricted net assets. The survey status indicators are as follows: A student who left the institution and returned at a later date. Revenues from private donors for which no legal consideration is involved and from private contracts for specific goods and services provided to the funder as stipulation for receipt of the funds. Net assets of GASB institutions subject to restrictions that prohibit the expenditure of the net assets in perpetuity. A web tool accessed through that provides selected IPEDS data for nearly 7,000 colleges, universities, and other postsecondary schools in the United States and the outlying areas. GASB institutions do not include operation and maintenance of plant or interest, but may, as an option, distribute depreciation expense. Long-term investments should be distinguished from temporary investments based on the intention of the organization regarding the terms of the investment rather than the nature of the investment itself. Data Dictionary | Institutional Research | My Graceland Home Private institutions generally report these grants as allowances. Money or capital invested for purposes of receiving a profitable return over a period of time of more than one year. The GRS automatically generates worksheets that calculate rates, including average rates over 4 years. An individual who has fulfilled the institution's requirements to be considered for admission (including payment or waiving of the application fee, if any) and who has been notified of one of the following actions: admission, nonadmission, placement on waiting list, or application withdrawn by applicant or institution. (Higher Education Act of 1965, Title IV, Part E, as amended, Public Laws 89-329, 92-318, et al; 20 USC 1087aa-1087hh.). A student enrolled in courses for credit who is not recognized by the institution as seeking a degree or formal award. Includes occupational and vocational schools with programs of at least 1800 hours and academic institutions with programs of less than 4 years. Calculated, as required under the Student Right-to-Know Act, as the total number of completers within 150% of normal time divided by the number in the cohort after subtracting any allowable exclusions. The PPA conditions the initial and continued participation of an eligible institution in any Title IV program upon compliance with the General Provisions regulations, the individual program regulations, and any additional conditions specified in the program participation agreement that the Department of Education requires the institution to meet. The survey allows institutions to assign all faculty and staff to distinct categories. These include, but are not limited to, 5-year cooperative programs which alternate class attendance with employment. Instructional programs in personal interest and leisure categories whose expressed intent is not to produce postsecondary credits, nor to lead to a formal award or an academic degree, nor result in occupationally specific skills. Orientation typically a week in length addressing the academic, social, emotional, and intellectual issues involved in beginning college. For degrees awarded reporting, the terms included are Summer, Fall and Spring. Center with programs, activities, and/or services intended to enhance the college experience of students of color. These do not include persons who have returned from sabbatical leave or full-time faculty with less than 9-month contracts/teaching periods. to establish information context by documenting approved institutional definitions Includes:1) cash held until appropriate investments are identified; 2) repurchase agreements and other money market media; 3) equity securities and mutual fund investments; 4) debt securities; 5) real estate held for income production; 6) beneficial interest in trusts; and 7) other.
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