apache junction zoning ordinance

The primary purpose is to assist Apache Junction in creating a more robust set of policies and procedures to improve city- wide solid and household hazardous waste collection. Accessible (persons with disabilities) parking and pedestrian access shall be designed and installed in accordance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended. Fifteen feet for both RVs and manufactured homes. Ancillary retail sales, special events/activities intended for park residents only. All rights reserved. Please note that the English language version is the official version of the code. PDF Zoning Ordinance of Apache County, Arizona Table of Contents Zoning defines the legally permitted and prohibited uses of a piece of land, determining if plot of land can be used for commercial, industrial, residential or agricultural purposes. No dwelling units of conventional construction shall be permitted on a park space/lot. However, within a citys zoning system individual zones can be more restrictive and less restrictive, including different single family zones. Vol. 1 0 obj CAREFREE, ARIZONA CODE OF ORDINANCES: Chapter 1. GREEN BUILDING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. Article 1-5. Residential Estate RE-43 DistrictOne-Family Residence. Only 1 RV or manufactured home shall be allowed on each approved park space/lot. STANDARDS FOR MANUFACTURED HOMES ON SINGLE-FAMILY ZONED LOTS. PDF documents are not translated. Please note that the English language version is the official version of the code. The site plan shall include the following: Driveways and areas for loading, parking and maneuvering of vehicles for multiple-family residential, business and institutional land use shall comply with Apache Junction City Code, Vol. For further information regarding the official version of any of this Code of Ordinances or other documents posted on this site, please contact the Municipality directly or contact American Legal Publishing toll-free at 800-445-5588. One unoccupied recreational vehicle or 1 large truck (e.g., semi or dump truck) less than 24,000 pounds empty weight, which is licensed and operable, may be stored or parked in a residential zoning district in the side or rear yard behind the front faade of the residence, or in a completely enclosed garage. 1-16-2. The location and height of fences and walls shall comply with. music box or other mechanical device, in violation of the decibel levels set forth in Table 1 of Apache Junction City Code, Vol. 1-16-8. Required parking spaces shall be available for parking of vehicles of residents, customers, patrons and employees, and shall not be used for inventory storage, extra signage, outside retail sales, servicing or repair unless otherwise authorized by the city. The Director may require the applicant to provide the manufacturer's standards to establish the intended use of a proposed fencing material. <> We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! The following ordinances have been adopted which affect the City Code Volume 1 but have not been incorporated in the city code yet: The primary duties of this Commission include community contact regarding items including a zoning change request, to an application from a developer for a shopping center development or housing project. Opaque wall shall be required and shall be painted or stained with an earth tone color. CONFINED ANIMALS 6-6. Section 605. ZONING BULK AND USE REGULATIONS. Please note that the English language version is the official version of the code. Home values in the most restrictive metropolitan areas grew an average of 23.4%, more than double the home value appreciation in the least restrictive metros. 4 0 obj VIOLATIONS, PENALTIES AND ENFORCEMENT. NON-RESIDENTIAL BULK REGULATIONS. The Zoning Ordinance divides the city based on zoning, land use and building regulations information. For further information regarding the official version of any of this Code of Ordinances or other documents posted on this site, please contact the Municipality directly or contact American Legal Publishing toll-free at 800-445-5588. Sign up for latest update on zoning changes across the USA. permitted uses, maximum building height, maximum floor area ratio etc. Minimum 6 foot high solid screening walls shall be constructed around the perimeter of the manufactured home park and RV park. in Apache County and to conserve public health, safety, peace, comfort, convenience and general welfare, there is hereby adopted and established a zoning ordinance for Apache County, Arizona, as amended, as provided for by Arizona State Law. Select the total with the highest value as the required minimum number of parking spaces. 1-11-11. Common-use laundry facilities, maintenance buildings, and security guard house shall be allowed subject to conventional construction design. Common driveways between adjacent properties are encouraged and may be required as a condition of site plan approval. <>/Metadata 503 0 R/ViewerPreferences 504 0 R>> Two thousand square feet for RV park space and 3,500 square feet for manufactured home park space/lot (see, Thirty feet for RV park space and 50 feet for manufactured home park space (see. There shall be a minimum of one 9' x 20' paved parking space per park space. Apache Junction, AZ Laws - American Legal Publishing Latest version. Please read all instructions thoroughly before beginning the application process; answers to many of the most frequently asked questions are contained in this overview. These documents should not be relied upon as the definitive authority for local legislation. Barbed wire fencing less than 6 feet high shall be secured to posts or other supporting structure not more than 8 feet from each other. Fences or walls with barbed wire shall not be allowed within the front setback area. SWIMMING POOLS, WATER FEATURES AND SPORTS COURTS. Article 1-3. The portion of the wall(s) facing the public street shall be constructed as a decorative wall and all exterior wall surfaces shall be stained or colored with an earth tone approved by the Zoning Administrator. 1-6-11. xT=.9r?Fu~ HBF5q%A5?_/w5??~>j>~aEuC|YRD2>mU7c6E1L&O:n%6M]3~|:}9}3|GQ\C=-j,w"|v9Dg?;aw?>kijZY9'?xwVS7#;>kqY QSzP}Yaj|JK!=PgOSZlMr-F>yS|@bh:lY 4-s&. A minimum depth of 3 inches of 1/2 minus compacted decomposed granite or other dust controlling material approved by the Development Services Engineer, and which complies with the American Disabilities Act, shall be allowed. II, 1-7-6, Table 7-3 sets forth the minimum number of required parking spaces for different land use types. (1)Decorative fences include wrought iron, picket, split rail, post and rail, ornamental aluminum and ornamental plastic type fences, but do not include wire, stockade or chain link type fences. Documentation, Manufactured Home Park Planned Development, Public And Institutional Planned Development, High Density Multiple Family Residential Planned Development, Medium Density Single Family Detached Residential Planned Development, Medium Density Single Family Detached Residential, Medium And High Density Single Family Detached Residential Planned Development, Low Density Single Family Detached Residential Planned Development, Low Density Single Family Detached Residential, Medium And High Density Single Family Detached Residential, General Rural Low Density Single Family Detached Residential Planned Development, General Rural Low Density Single Family Detached Residential, Recreational Vehicle Park Planned Development. Apache Junction, AZ Code of Ordinances CHAPTER 6: ANIMALS CHAPTER 6: ANIMALS Article 6-1. Barbed wire, razor wire or concertina wire shall be allowed subject to installation at least 6 feet above the ground and only erected at the top of an approved fence or wall, and shall only be allowed on buildings if non-visible from public view. The Zoning Ordinance is Chapter One of the Land Development Code. Sign up for our email newsletter so we can keep you informed about the latest updates, changes and features. ADMINISTRATIVE RELIEF EXCEPTIONS. Zoning information can be found on the Zoning Districts Viewer on the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Division webpageServices include: land splits, subdivision and site reviews, rezonings, variances, signage, temporary and conditional use permits, letters of lawful nonconformity and property addressing. These documents should not be relied upon as the definitive authority for local legislation. The Zoning Administrator shall determine the parking requirement for uses that do not closely correspond to the categories listed in, Parking stall and aisle dimensions shall comply with, Where there are multiple uses within a structure or property, the minimum standards shall apply to each use, except as provided in. ordinance date approved description; 2023-pz-051-22: 5/24/2023: an ordinance of the pinal county, arizona, board of supervisors approving the rezoning for certain properties located north along south kings ranch road drive in gold canyon area (tax parcels: 104-66-001b; from cb-1local business zone) to cb-2 (general business zone), in . Fences with strands of barbed and razor wire shall not be permitted, except as follows: Barbed wire fencing shall be allowed for the keeping of livestock in those residential zoning districts that allow livestock, and shall not be erected or maintained within 10 feet of any public place or public right-of-way, public easement or reservation for roadway purposes. Zoneomics has the largest breadth of zoning data coverage with over 20 zoning related insights for you to integrate and expand your database. There are no reviews yet. City Council Meetings. The City of Apache Junction Planning and Zoning Division works to create opportunities for economic and community development through effective planning for future growth, and by assisting the community in developing its goals, objectives and the vision of the City's General Plan.The Division provides review of development proposals and zoning actions for consistency with the General Plan, it reviews and approves preliminary site plans for compliance with appropriate City Codes, and identifies and promotes City projects intended to increase the median standard of living and general quality of life for residents. 4 0 obj Residential Estate RE-24 DistrictOne-Family Residence. Make a Difference Stay Informed Jobs / Volunteer CHAPTER 6: ANIMALS - American Legal Publishing ARTICLE 1-4: ZONING DISTRICTS - Planning & Zoning Commission | Apache x]Kqd _@`I $ e Zoneomics operates the most comprehensive zoning database for Apache Junction Arizona and other zoning maps across the U.S. Zoneomics includes over 50 million real estate properties, each property features zoning code/district, permitted land uses, development standards, rezoning and variance data. (5)Parking for approved ancillary retail uses shall be accommodated within established and approved parking areas, or by on-street parking approved by the zoning administrator. INTENT. The design and layout of the unpaved. Skip to code content (skip section selection), APACHE JUNCTION, ARIZONA CITY CODE VOLUME I, CHAPTER 2: MAYOR, COUNCIL, AND APPOINTED BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS, Apache Junction, AZ Land Development Code, APACHE JUNCTION CITY CODE VOLUME II LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, CHAPTER 2: SUBDIVISION AND MINOR LAND DIVISION REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 3: STREET IMPROVEMENTS [RESERVED], CHAPTER 4: UNDERGROUND UTILITIES [RESERVED], CHAPTER 5: FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT AND STORMWATER REGULATIONS. FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT AND STORMWATER REGULATIONS. Additionally, the formatting and pagination of the posted documents varies from the formatting and pagination of the official copy. Location: Apache Junction, AZ Website. The City of Apache Junction, Arizona is seeking qualified Land Use and Zoning Consultants to update the zoning code. (7)Ancillary retail sales shall not exceed more than 3 days per week and shall operate between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (8)The administrative permit may be valid for multiple events. %PDF-1.7 1-1-4. CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN. GIS Zoning Map General Plan (This is a large document and will take time to download.) PDF documents are not translated. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. NOISE. Designated areas for boat and recreational vehicle storage which are used solely by the residents of the park shall be allowed, but shall not exceed 20% of the park's land area. Zillow Research found that home values grew most in markets with the strictest land use regulations. stream MANUFACTURED HOMES AND RECREATIONAL VEHICLE REGULATIONS. ZONING ORDINANCE Article 1-7. Parks that accommodate manufactured homes and RVs shall only be zoned MHP. 1-16-12. TABLE 6-2: NON-RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS FOR FENCES AND WALLS. Want the latest Real Estate Zoning news in your inbox? The official printed copy of a Code of Ordinances should be consulted prior to any action being taken. American Legal Publishing and the jurisdiction whose laws are being translated do not vouch for the accuracy of any translated versions of such laws. 1-4-3. American Legal Publishing provides these documents for informational purposes only. ALTERNATE ENERGY STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT. 1-6-3 FENCES AND WALLS. - American Legal Publishing <>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 25 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (PDR) PROCESS. Section 607. OFFENSES: Article 10-1. Be the first one to, City of Apache Junction Planning & Zoning Meeting - 3/23/2021, coajaz-City_of_Apache_Junction_Planning_Zoning_Meeting_-_3_23_2021, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQCvUvpnBko, City_of_Apache_Junction_Planning_Zoning_Meeting_-_3_23_2021.en.vtt, City_of_Apache_Junction_Planning_Zoning_Meeting_-_3_23_2021.es.vtt, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). The Internet Archive is a nonprofit fighting for universal access to quality information, powered by online donations averaging about $17. ZONING DISTRICTS 1-5 . Disclaimer: This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. Economic Initiatives. The official printed copy of a Code of Ordinances should be consulted prior to any action being taken. John Hauser Chapter 6 Zoning Districts | Phoenix Zoning Ordinance * For address where we don't require manual effort would have zone report for $29.95 and deliver instantly and where manual effort is required, the price for report would be $59.95 and it would be delivered in 24 hours. NONCONFORMING AND DISCONTINUED SIGNS. Table 6-1 below specifies the requirements for fences and walls in residential zoning districts, and Table 6-2 below specifies the requirements in non-residential districts. A manufactured home and park model shall be skirted in a uniform manner if located within a park for 30 calendar days or more, but shall not be required to be attached to a permanent foundation. 1-5-4. % A parking area shall be subject to the runoff, drainage and retention requirements of the Development Services Engineer. APPLICATION AND PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. Variance Application - Apache Junction, Arizona 1-1-2. (6)Ancillary retail sales shall be directed to, and be for the benefit of, park residents and their guests only. Design Guidelines Zoning Ordinance Stay Informed Jobs / Volunteer Section 606. <> The Property data comprises Zoning information by aggregating: Municipal zoning mapping Code & Ordinance Records endobj 1-16-1. For further information regarding the official software of any of this Code regarding Ordinances or other documents posted on this site, please contact the Municipal directly or contact American Legal Publishing toll-free to 800-445-5588. RFP for Zoning Ordinance Update | Planetizen Events Board PUBLIC HEARINGS, NOTICES AND CITIZEN REVIEW PROCESSES. The Apache Junction Economic Development Department is starting off 2023 with a number of new initiatives and efforts to create community-driven assistance efforts and bolster the local economy. Detached accessory structures shall be subject to the following standards: No structures shall be located within a public utility easement or drainage easement area. Suggestions & Concerns. TITLE AND AUTHORITY. Passenger vehicles, trailers, recreational vehicles, boats, all-terrain vehicles and other types of vehicles and equipment shall not be parked or stored in the front yard, except for the driveway. APPLICABILITY. (b)All electrically charged fences shall be completely enclosed within another permitted fence. PARKING, LOADING AND CIRCULATION REGULATIONS. GENERAL 10-1-12. NOISE., Article 10-1. OFFENSES; GENERAL, Chapter 10 - eLaws 1-4-2. Signs shall be limited to 2 square feet each, and an aggregate total not to exceed 20 square feet. STANDARDS FOR MUNICIPAL STRUCTURES. Common Zones, General Rural Low Density Single-Family Detached Residential - RS-GR, Low Density Single-Family Detached Residential By Planned Development - RS-54/PD, API II, Chapter 10, Engineering Design Guidelines and Policies. Members from Arizona include brokers, investors and service providers, many of whom specialize in Arizona Real Estate. 1-16-9. see ordinances from pinal county arranged by year. American Legal Publishing and the jurisdiction whose laws are being translated do not vouch for the accuracy of any translated versions of such laws. Legal actions are available by viewing meeting videos. Carefree, Arizona Code of Ordinances. 1-9-3 STANDARDS FOR MANUFACTURED HOME PARKS AND/OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARKS. Special events and/or activities hosted or sponsored by the parks (e.g., concerts, fund raisers, lectures, seminars, workshops, educational classes, recreation, food/beverage sales, sporting events and meetings) or ancillary retail uses (e.g., restaurants, personal care services, specialty retail and professional offices) shall only be allowed subject to approval of a CUP or, if applicable, compliance with Vol. AZ Apache Junction Apache Junction, AZ Land Development Code 1-6-3 FENCES AND WALLS. ZONING ORDINANCE Article 1-1. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Apache Junction Apache Junction, AZ Land Development Code CHAPTER 1: ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 1: ZONING ORDINANCE Article 1-1 . 1-6-16. CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS, ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMITS AND BUILDING PERMITS. Most More specifically, the ordinance is adopted to achieve the following objectives: 1.

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apache junction zoning ordinance