CY 2021 PFS Ratesetting and Conversion Factor. 1. Physicians services paid under the PFS are furnished in a variety of settings, including physician offices, hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, skilled nursing facilities and other post-acute care settings, hospices, outpatient dialysis facilities, clinical laboratories, and beneficiaries homes. Update the list of risk factors and conditions for which interventions are recommended or underway. Advance care planning (99497-99498). We are also finalizing separate payment for a new HCPCS code, G2212, describing prolonged office/outpatient E/M visits to be used in place of CPT code 99417 (formerly referred to as CPT code 99XXX) to clarify the times for which prolonged office/outpatient E/M visits can be reported, Policies Regarding Professional Scope of Practice and Related Issues. This is considered a covered preventive medicine service (i.e., the patient has no out-of-pocket cost) when provided in conjunction with an AWV and reported with preventive service modifier 33. 99497 (Advance care planning including the explanation and discussion of advance directives such as standard forms (with completion of such forms, when performed), by the physician or other qualified health professional; first 30 minutes, face- to-face with the patient, family member (s) and/or surrogate); CPT codes 99497 and 99498 are appropriately provided by physicians or using a team-based approach provided by physicians, nonphysician practitioners (NPPs) and other staff under the order and medical management of the beneficiary's treating physician. For the duration of the COVID-19 PHE, for purposes of limiting exposure to COVID-19, we adopted an interim final policy revising the definition of direct supervision to include virtual presence of the supervising physician or practitioner using interactive audio/video real-time communications technology (85 FR 19245). All rights reserved. Code 99483 provides reimbursement to physicians and other eligible billing practitioners for a comprehensive clinical visit that results in a written care plan . An official website of the United States government. Review potential risk factors for depression. Before you provide behavioral counseling for alcohol misuse, the patient must have received an annual alcohol misuse screening, 15 minutes (G0442) in the same 12-month period. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Alcohol screening/counseling services (G0442-G0443) may be paid on the same date of service as another visit as long as the visit is not an IPPE. h3 = b64.indexOf(encodedData.charAt(i++)) Clinicians in the course of conducting the AWV and IPPE may also determine that a referral for further evaluation and management is appropriate for patients who are identified as high risk for SUD. The providers here generally do a 2 question depression screen--I wouldn't think that would be sufficient to bill this. We also clarified that licensed clinical social workers, clinical psychologists, physical therapists (PTs), occupational therapists (OTs), and speech-language pathologists (SLPs) can furnish the brief online assessment and management services as well as virtual check-ins and remote evaluation services. Removing outdated NCDs means Medicare Administrative Contractors no longer are required to follow those outdated coverage policies when it comes to covering services for beneficiaries. } 99497 (Advance care planning including the explanation and discussion of advance directives such as standard forms (with completion of such forms, when performed), by the physician or other qualified health professional; first 30 minutes, face- to-face with the patient, family member (s) and/or surrogate); and an add-on To help ensure that section 2003 of the SUPPORT Act is implemented smoothly and with minimal burden to prescribers, in this CY 2021 PFS final rule we are finalizing that prescribers be required to use the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs, (NCPDP) SCRIPT 2017071 standard for EPCS prescription transmissions, the same standard which Part D plans are already required to support. part 414, subpart G, to reflect the revisions to the data reporting period and phase-in of payment reductions enacted in the FCAA and the CARES Act for the Medicare CLFS. In the CY 2021 PFS final rule we are maintaining payment rates for immunization administration services described by CPT codes 90460, 90461, 90471, 90472, 90473, and 90474, and HCPCS codes G0008, G0009, and G0010 at their CY 2019 payment levels in consideration of payment stability for stakeholders, public health concerns and the importance of these services for Medicare beneficiaries. CMS is adding a provision specifying that the additional primary care service codes will be applied to all months of the assignment window (as defined in 425.20), when the assignment window includes any month(s) of the COVID-19 PHE. Establish a list of current providers and suppliers regularly involved in the individual's medical care. In the March 31, 2020 COVID-19 interim final rule with comment (IFC), we established separate payment for audio-only telephone (E/M) services. Physicians and their staff must do the following: Determine beneficiary eligibility including age 55 to 77, no signs or symptoms of lung cancer, cigarette smoking of at least 30 pack-years, and, for former smokers, the number of years since quitting. Does anyone have advice? Medicare contractors may request the ordering physician's records to substantiate the services reported by the performing provider. In recent years, CMS has finalized payment for seven remote physiologic monitoring (RPM) codes. Effective January 1, 2023, the AMA has revised the definitions and guidelines for hospital and other E/M services, including ED visits, nursing facility services, home services, and domiciliary care codes. Advance Care Planning | AAFP The conversation has to be in-person (you cannot use the code for telehealth), but it doesn't have to be with the patient. PDF Advance Care Planning Billing Resource Guide - Respecting Choices Editor's note: This article was edited to remove incorrect information about how often intensive behavioral therapy for cardiovascular disease is covered. After consideration of public comment, we are finalizing that direct supervision may be provided using real-time, interactive audio and video technology through the later of the end of the calendar year in which the PHE ends or December 31, 2021. Billing and Coding for Advance Care Planning (ACP) Conversations . The final rule includes a revised methodology for calculation of repayment mechanism amounts beginning with the application cycle for an agreement period starting on January 1, 2022, and annually thereafter. To help inform CMSs implementation of section 2003, we issued a Request for Information entitled Medicare Program: Electronic Prescribing for Controlled Substances; Request for Information, as a separate document on July 30, available here. We sought information from commenters as to whether there should be any guardrails in effect if we finalize this policy through the year in which the PHE ends or December 31, 2021, or if we were to consider it beyond the time specified and what risks this policy might introduce to beneficiaries as they receive care from practitioners that would supervise care virtually in this way. 99497 (~$86 *) "Advance Care Planning including the explanation and discussion of advance directives such as standard forms (including the completion of such forms, when performed), by the physician or other qualified health professional; first 30 minutes, face-to-face with the patient, family members, and/or surrogate." registered for member area and forum access. We clarified that after the COVID-19 PHE ends, 16 days of data each 30 days must be collected and transmitted to meet the requirements to bill CPT codes 99453 and 99454. Preventive Services & Screenings - Novitas Solutions 3800-3974. Medicare Coverage for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Services Furnished by Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs). 202-690-6145. document.getElementById("meprmath_captcha-64a5c2421d44d").innerHTML=mepr_base64_decode("MTIgKyAyIGVxdWFscz8="); CMS is also codifying our policy of adjusting an ACOs historical benchmark to reflect any regulatory changes to the beneficiary assignment methodology in the regulations governing the benchmarking methodology. CMS is implementing section 2002 of the SUPPORT Act requirements, which complements existing requirements of the IPPE and AWV. The eligibility, frequency limitations, documentation, and bundling of preventive services may appear overwhelming. } What are the documentation requirements for ACP? PDF Quality Measures Fact Sheet - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Section 2005 of the Substance UseDisorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities (SUPPORT) Act established a new Medicare Part B benefit category for opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment services, including medications for medication-assisted treatment (MAT), furnished by opioid treatment programs (OTPs) during an episode of care beginning on or after January 1, 2020. CMS is finalizing a series of standard technical proposals involving practice expense, including the implementation of the third year of the market-based supply and equipment pricing update, and standard rate-setting refinements to update premium data involving malpractice expense and geographic practice cost indices (GPCIs). Advance Care Planning CPT | End of Life Planning | CPT Code 99497 & 99498 Review the medical and social history with attention to modifiable risk factors: History of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use, Review potential risk factors for depression or other mood disorders. We proposed implementation of the EPCS mandate effective January 1, 2022 but based on comments received, are finalizing the provision with an effective date of January 1, 2021 and a compliance date of January 1, 2022 to encourage prescribers to implement EPCS as soon as possible, while helping ensure that our compliance process is conducted thoughtfully. Each person making entries in the medical record should sign and date each entry. In this CY 2021 PFS final rule, we are clarifying that physicians and NPPs, including therapists, can review and verify documentation entered into the medical record by members of the medical team for their own services that are paid under the PFS. Medicare Depression Screen G0444 | Medical Billing and Coding Forum - AAPC The PFS conversion factor reflects the statutory update of 0.00 percent and the adjustment necessary to account for changes in relative value units and expenditures that would result from finalized policies. PDF Preventive Medicine and Screening Policy, Professional - FQHCs for grandfathered tribal FQHCs submitted with dates of service on or after January 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 paid at the CY 2019 rate of $405.00 must be adjusted and paid at CY 2020 rate. Any services ordered should be specifically documented as part of the preventive service encounter. How to Document and Code Medicare Preventive Services | AAFP } while (i < encodedData.length) Based on information from commenters about creating a disincentive for in-person care and after additional consideration of how patients in the NF setting, in general, tend to have longer lengths of stay when compared to patients in the inpatient setting, we reconsidered, including considering whether the frequency limitations for subsequent visits furnished via telehealth in the NF setting should be the same as in the inpatient setting. In general, if the service descriptor in CPT includes a time (e.g., alcohol misuse screening and counseling, 15 minutes), Medicare requires that the time must be met or exceeded to report the service. The 2017-based FQHC market basket update for CY 2021 is 2.4 percent. An electrocardiogram (G0403-G0405) may be separately reported in conjunction with the IPPE, but it is not covered as a preventive service with the AWV. CMS is finalizing our proposal to make permanent following the COVID-19 PHE, the same policy that was finalized under the May 1, 2020 COVID-19 IFC (85 FR 27550 through 27629) for the duration of the COVID-19 PHE to allow nurse practitioners (NPs), clinical nurse specialists (CNSs), physician assistants (PAs), and certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) to supervise the performance of diagnostic tests within their scope of practice and state law. Sign up to get the latest information about your choice of CMS topics in your inbox. 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244, Final Policy, Payment, and Quality Provisions Changes to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule for Calendar Year 2021, Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing (CPT code 96121), Domiciliary, Rest Home, or Custodial Care services, Established patients (CPT codes 99334-99335), Home Visits, Established Patient (CPT codes 99347-99348), Cognitive Assessment and Care Planning Services (CPT code 99483), Visit Complexity Inherent to Certain Office/Outpatient Evaluation and Management (E/M) (HCPCS code G2211), Domiciliary, Rest Home, or Custodial Care services, Established patients (CPT codes 99336-99337), Home Visits, Established Patient (CPT codes 99349-99350), Emergency Department Visits, Levels 1-5 (CPT codes 99281-99285), Nursing facilities discharge day management (CPT codes 99315-99316), Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing (CPT codes 96130-96133; CPT codes 96136-96139), Therapy Services, Physical and Occupational Therapy, All levels (CPT codes 97161-97168; CPT codes 97110, 97112, 97116, 97535, 97750, 97755, 97760, 97761, 92521-92524, 92507), Hospital discharge day management (CPT codes 99238-99239), Inpatient Neonatal and Pediatric Critical Care, Subsequent (CPT codes 99469, 99472, 99476), Continuing Neonatal Intensive Care Services (CPT codes 99478-99480), Critical Care Services (CPT codes 99291-99292), End-Stage Renal Disease Monthly Capitation Payment codes (CPT codes 90952, 90953, 90956, 90959, 90962), Subsequent Observation and Observation Discharge Day Management (CPT codes 99217; CPT codes 99224-99226). For example, elements of the AWV cannot also be used to meet the requirements of another separate service. Any resource shared within the permissions granted here may not be altered in any way, and should retain all copyright information and logos. Question: How much detail do I need to include in Read More Dr. Kennedy has generously allowed me to share his Read More HCC Transition from V24 to V28 Best answers 0 Jan 15, 2016 #1 Does anyone know what ICD-10 code can be used with the new End of Life Care CPT codes 99497 and 99498? CMS is finalizing changes to the Medicare Shared Savings Program (Shared Savings Program) quality performance standard and quality reporting requirements for performance years beginning on January 1, 2021 to align with Meaningful Measures, reduce reporting burden and focus on patient outcomes.