227 rules for buddhist monks pdf

The Patimokkha forms the core of the Vinaya Pitaka, the second division in the Tipitaka, which contains the rules Buddhist monks and nuns must live by.. "yo pana bhikkhu samaggassa saghassa bhedaya parakkameyya, bhedanasavattanika v adhiraa samdya paggahya tiheyya, so bhikkhu bhikkhhi evamassa vacanyo "myasm samaggassa bhedya parakkami, bhedanasavattanika v adhikaraa samdya paggahya ahsi, sametyasm saghena, samaggohi sagho sammodamno avivadamno ekuddeso phsu viharat" ti, evaca so bhikkhu bhikkhhi vuccamno tatheva paggaheyya, so bhikkhu bhikkhgi yvatatiya samanubhsitabbo tassa painissaggya, yvatatiyace samanubhsiyamno ta painissajjeyya, icceta kusala, no ce painissajjeyya, saghdiseso.". By informing another bhikkhu present at that meal , he can pay visit to another house in case of an important reason, for instance so as to receive a robe as an offering or have one tailored. "yo pana bhikkhu anupasampanna padaso dhamma vceyya, pcittiya.". If a bhikkhu is having a phone conversation with a woman and nobody can hear what is being said, he commits the pcittiya 45. "yo pana bhikkhu eva vadeyya "misahetu ther bhikkh bhikkhuniyo ovadant" ti, pcittiya.". However, a bhikkhu must not talk during his meal. If one (or several) bhikkhus support another bhikkhu who works to divide the sagha, the bhikkhu(s) who notice or hear him doing so, must tell him: "Do not follow this bhikkhu.". By doing the same thing to a smaera or a lay person, a bhikkhu commits a dukkaa. After having relinquished the robe, it is necessary to purge the pcittiya caused by the nissaggiya by means of desan. "yni khopana tni sekkhasammatni kulni, yo pana bhikkhu tathrpesu sekkhasammatesu kulesu pubbe animantito agilno khdanya v bhojanya v sahatth paiggahetv khdeyya v bhujeyya v, paidesetabba tena bhikkhun "grayha vuso dhamma pajji asappya pidesanya, ta paidesem" ti.". 10) that which Buddha has established has not been established; Not to spoil the confidence and the consideration that the people have for the dhamma. If a bhikkhu proceeds to the house of one of the two dyakas - none of them being relatives of his - the latter both willing to offer a robe, and this former having not been requested to do so asks them to get together to offer him a robe worth more that one of the two robes that these dyakas had thought to offer at first, by imposing specifications as to the robe's width or length, if he gets offered this robe the way he asked for, he is obliged to relinquish it and in entails a pcittiya. Not to be mistaken with the piece of square material used to cover floors (nissdana). The bhikkhus who had their robes stolen, or else destroyed in one way or another, can ask for robes from a dyaka who is not a relative of his without exceeding the maximum permitted: However, a bhikkhu who looses the only two robes that he possesses, can ask for two. A simple thirst must be quenched with water. If he has had it offered to himself, he commits la nissaggiya 30. Not to give food to naked ascetics or other persons clinging to erroneous views. Otherwise, he is at the most authorised to teach her six consecutive words of dhamma in Pali (see pcittiya 7). With the intention to kill, a bhikkhu finds a way to kill someone (hole, trap, mine, etc.). By pronouncing in pi, the sentences of taking refuge in the triple gem or the precepts, there is no fault. If, with knowledge of cause, a bhikkhu does one of the following with (or for) a bhikkhu placed outside the community for refusing to reject erroneous views, he commits a pcittiya: "samauddeso pi ce eva vadeyya "tathha bhagavat dhamma desita jnmi, yath ye me antaryik dhamm vutt bhagavat, te paisevato nla antaryy" ti, so samauddeso bhikkhhi eva massavacanyo "mvuso samauddesa eva avaca, m bhagavanta abbhcikkhi, na hi sdhu bhagavato abbhakkhna, na hi bhagav eva vadeyya, anekapariyyen vuso samauddesa antaryik dhamm antaryik vutt bhagavat, alaca pana te paisevato antaryy" ti. Substitution by force from a thief, or a brigand. "na pdukrhassa agilnassa dhamma desessmti sikkh karay.". Rules or Precepts that appear to place the nuns in a less than equal rank to the monks were probably written in later times by male dominated cultures. "samaspaka piapta paiggahessmti sikkh karay". Not to speak with a full mouth. Not to keep the clothing material meant for the tailoring of a robe more than one month at a time. It is advisable to go for the alms round holding the bowl properly on the arm(s), ahead of oneself, with a respectful and appreciative attitude. A bhikkhu who spends more than three nights in the same building as a layman, but who remains in a room that does not share a common entrance way with the one where the layman dwells (in such a way that if the layman wishes to enter the room of the bhikkhu, he is first compelled to proceed outside), does not commit the pcittiya 5. In fact, bhikkhus living outside this region can freely wash, without committing a fault. (Pepper, ginseng, ginger and liquorice, etc.). Then, the bhikkhu can freely go and eat at the whereabouts of the first dyaka who gave the second invitation without committing any fault, even if the person having received the invitation does not go. Then, the bhikkhu who has committed the nissaggiya must perform the desan. To purge this fault, it is advisable to give up the robe in the presence of another bhikkhu by means of the following formula in pi or in another language: "ima me bhante aklacvara mstikkanta nissaggiya, imha yasmato nissajjmi. By ordering someone to murder someone else, by encouraging a woman to abort - and she follows this advise, by giving contraception to a pregnant woman who uses it successfully, or by requesting someone to murder an agonising person (even with the simple thought of relieving the suffering of the patient) and actually causing that person's death, in each of these cases, a bhikkhu commits prjika 3. Settling a conflict by a majority decision. After this, if the bhikkhu again pretends not to know this rule, he commits the pcittiya 73. "yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhu "ehvuso, gma v nigama v piya pavisissm" ti tassa dpetv v adpetv v uyyojeyya "gacchvuso, na me tay saddhi kath v nisajj v phsu hoti, ekakassa me kath v nisajj v phsu hot" ti etadeva paccaya kritv anaa, pcittia.". Not to proceed to a monastery of bhikkhuns in order to teach. "na pacchato gachchanto purato gacchantassa agilnassa dhamma desessmti sikkh karay.". "na hito nisinnassa agilnassa dhamma desessmti sikkh karay.". "na oguhito antaraghare gamissmti sikkh karay.". In this case, it is suitable to offer the plates one by one. If a person willing to offer a robe to a bhikkhu, sends an emissary to hand over money to the said bhikkhu, and his emissary asks him to accept it explaining that it is meant for a robe, this bhikkhu must reply to him: "I do not accept money. If a bhikkhu acts with the intention to kill an animal and succeeds in killing it, he commits a pcittiya. "Venerable, I must give up this robe that I have kept more than ten days. If this robe is accepted after the kathina, without determination, it can be stored during five months starting from the end of the vassa. Not to consume solid foods between noon and the following dawn. yo ca tass bhikkhuno padtabbo "aya te bhikkhu patto yva bhedanya dharetabbo" ti, aya tattha smc.". It is very important not to defame the teaching of Buddha through erroneous statements. "yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhussa v bhikkhuniy v sikkhamnya v smaerassa v smaeriy v sma cvara vikappetv appaccuddhraa paribhuceyya, pcittiya.". Not to play in the water. Not to lift the robes when going to inhabited areas. "na chamya nisditv agilnassa dhamma desessmti sikkh karay.". If not, the vikappan or the determination as a simple cloth (parikkhrasoa) must be done, and the robe can be put to a side. the day after. Thus, both bhikkhus can share this robe. "yo pana bhikkhu mtugmena sahaseyya kappeyya, pcittiya.". A bhikkhu must not ask for a large quantity of thread from a person who is not a relative of his or who has not invited him to tell what he needed. If bhikkhu spends more than three nights under the same roof and between the same walls as a layman or a smaera, he commits a pcittiya. He is obliged to serve himself by taking the food from the sliced side or from his side if the dish is not sliced. However, he performs one if he replies that he has had enough, that he has been served. Not to teach the dhamma to someone who walks on a footpath while one is walking to the side of this footpath (unless he is ill). Not to set a bhikkhu apart in order to make him leave. The remaining rice must be lifted beforehand (to be eventually given to beggars or to animals). The Buddha taught that there are certain rules that Buddhists should follow in order to lead a good life. If a grain of semolina can pass through a hole, the determination of the bowl is abolished; it means that the bowl can no longer be considered as such. ", "I abolish the determination of the upper robe. Alternatively, he can sink the furnishing a little into the soil. Otherwise, the rice must be crushed so that it disappears mixed with the water. By eating rice which is impregnated - even if it is only a small particle - by oil which has leaked through the cracks of the bowl on the previous day, a bhikkhu commits the pcittiya 38. Not to teach the dhamma to someone who is inside a vehicle (unless he is ill). If a bhikkhu who has been invited at a time suitable for a meal, without eating on that invitation (or eating only a little), goes somewhere else to eat food from another person, he commits a pcittiya. Under the same conditions, by accusing a bhikkhu of having committed an offence of lesser gravity, a bhikkhu commits a dukkaa. Maintain the attention on the bowl when going to collect food. If with a lustful state of mind, a bhikkhu utters some ill-mannered speech regarding copulation or sodomy, it entails a meeting of the sagha. As an exception, a bhikkhu can accept an extra robe as soon as ten days before the end of the vassa, in case of emergency. By being isolated with a girl born on the same day, a bhikkhu is not spared from committing this fault. The bhikkhu wishing to eat again can then do so. This robe must be momentarily handed over to another bhikkhu by means of an authoritative formula, and then the latter returns the robe. Come and binge at my house", it is the improper way. [edit]Monastic life The Buddhist monastic order is theoretically divided into two assemblies, the male bhikkhu (Pali, Skt. "susavuto antaraghare gamissmti sikkh karay.". Exceptions: In the following cases, a bhikkhu does not commit a fault by having his robes incorrectly placed around himself: the robe unfastens, or slides; le bhikkhu is not paying attention; the bhikkhu wears his robes too short or too long because of a wound; the bhikkhu wears his robe too short to avoid some existing danger. A bhikkhu must completely close his robe around himself, up to the neck and covering his shoulders and arms in the following cases: In addition to cases of emergency, a bhikkhu is not obliged by this rule in the following cases: "suppaicchanno antaraghare nisdissmti sikkh karay.". A "bath robe" is a material worn by a bhikkhu while taking his shower under the rain (during the monsoon, between June and October). "na vudhapissa agilnassa dhamma desessmti sikkh karay.". On the occasion when a bhikkhu who has refused to be served again, wishes to eat again before noon , he must himself put food (including which has already been offered, of course) in a bowl, a pot or any other container, and then request another bhikkhu to offer it again to him in hands or a kappiya to hand it over to another bhikkhu so that he can then re-offer it to the bhikkhu wishing to eat again. A bhikkhu can only shake his hands if he has wiped them up beforehand. "bhikkhu paneva dubbacajtiko yoti uddesapariypannesu sikkhpadesu bhikkhhi sahadhammika vuccamno attna avacanya karoti "mma yasmanto kici avacuttha kalya v ppaka v, ahampyasmante na kici vakkhmi kalya v ppaka v, viramathyasmanto mama vacany" ti, so bhikkhu bhikkhhi evamassa vacanyo "myasm attna avacanya aksi, vacanyamev - yasm attana karotu, yasmpi bhikkh vadatu sahadhammena, bhikkhpi yasmanta vakkhanti sahadhammena, eva savaddh hi tassa bhagavato paris yadida aamaa vacanena aamaavuhpanen" ti evacaso bhikkhu bhikkhhi vuccamno tatheva paggaheyya, so bhikkhu bhikkhhi yvatatiya samanubhasitabbo tassa painissaggya, yvatatiyace samanubhsiyamno ta painissajjeyya, icceta kusala, no ce painissajjeyya, saghdiseso.". This only concerns the robes being worn, as old robes can be used as a curtain, a carpet, etc. "na pallatthikay antaraghare nisdissmti sikkh karay.". Note: In this context, the term "pastries " encompasses any food made of dough (bread, pancakes, cakes, etc.). The Patimokkha is classified into eight major groups: 1. "yo pana bhikkhu ahimaya v dantamaya v visamaya v scighara krpeyya, bhedanaka pcittiya.". Not to destroy plants. 4) To express himself by means of suitable words and with a correct intonation (neutral). "dashaparama atirekapatto dhretabbo. Henceforth, methods of construction being utilised in other countries are not concerned by the pcittiya 19. taatikkmayato nissaggiya pcittiya.". The nissdana that a bhikkhu makes must have a length of four cubits and one span, a width of three cubits and nine fingers, and a fringe, fixed to a border, of two cubits and six fingers. PDF Monks' Precepts: Lay Person's Guide MONKS' PRECEPTS By refusing to be served a meal containing one of the forbidden "ten meats", a bhikkhu does not perform a pavrito. In this case, a bhikkhu is considered sick if, after having walked a distance equal to half a day's walk between five and six kilometres (3 to 4 miles) he is no longer physically able to continue. Otherwise, he commits the pcittiya 64. After having been offered to a bhikkhu, a food that has been abandoned to the laity or to the smaera, cannot either be taken back or stored by a bhikkhu, unless it has been re-offered. "yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuniy saddhi savidhya eka nva abhiruheyya uddhagminiv adhogmini v aatra bhiriya taraya, pcittiya.". When washing his bowl or other eating utensils in an inhabited area, a bhikkhu must not pour away water containing rice. For the pcittiya 6 to be committed, a woman must also be lying down (with the head lying). The Buddhist Monk's Discipline Some Points Explained for Laypeople by Bhikkhu Khantiplo Buddhist Publication Society Kandy Sri Lanka . The period of the deposit of the robe takes place during the, Undergoing an oppressive and virulent lack of, Each of these two floors has a height - from floor to ceiling - greater than that of a, Flours and cakes or noodles, made with the seven kinds of, The donor gives or organises a donation to the. (PDF) Structure of Monks Order | Rewatha Padalangala - Academia.edu If he accepts it with his hands (or his bowl), he commits a dukkaa. "sakkacca piapta paiggahessmti sikkh karay.". "yo pana bhikkhu otio vipriatena cittena mtugmena saddhi kyasa sagga sampajjeyya hatthaggha v veiggha v aatarassa v aatarassa v agassa paramasana saghdiseso.". A bhikkhu must not himself make, or have made by someone else, or accept, a needle box in bone, in ivory or in horn. It is advisable to request food only from the members of one's family or from the dyaka who have issued an invitation. "yo pana bhikkhu napacabandhanena pattena aa nava patta cetpeyya, nissaggiya, tena bhikkhun so patto bhikkhuparisya nissajjitabbo. Only a bad bhikkhu does not pay attention to this recitation. By denigrating aspects of the suttanta or of the abhidhamma, he commits a dukkaa. A piece of clothing material is considered as a "robe" as soon as it has a width of a quarter of a yard - about 20 centimetres / 9 inches - and an cubit's length - about 50 centimetres / 19 inches. It is contained in the Suttavibhanga, a division of the Vinaya Pitaka . If a bhikkhun asks someone to serve a bhikkhu who has not yet got anything to eat, the latter does not commit an offence by accepting and eating this food. However, if it concerns earth containing pebbles or fragments of pottery, the bhikkhu can dig or cause someone else to dig it without being at fault. tehi bhikkhhi s bhikkhun apatdetabb "apasakka tva bhagini, yva bhikkh bhujant" ti. If a bhikkhu accepts or receives in one way or another, gold or money, it must immediately be relinquished and it entails a pcittiya. The bhikkhu is ill; the bhikkhu has entered the period when he is allowed to ask for a robe or to make one; the bhikkhu performs a long journey (one and a half day walk, between five and six kilometres); the bhikkhu goes on a boat trip; there are many bhikkhus in the same place (and these do not succeed in obtaining sufficient food); a bhikkhu receives this food from another bhikkhu. If some dyakas go to four or more bhikkhus, and invite them for a meal by using an appropriate language such as: "Venerables, please accept an invitation for a meal", this indeed is the proper way. "yo pana bhikkhu bhikkhuniy saddhi eko ekya raho nissajja kappeyya, pcittiya.". If a bhikkhu, with an intention of theft, takes away others' possessions, has at the time and on the spot of the theft a minimum value of a quarter of the currency used during the Buddha's time (1.06 grams of gold + 1.06 grams of silver + 2.12 grams of copper, so approximately 10 euros in 2002 - 9,50), he looses his status as a bhikkhu for life. However, it is allowed to cut pieces of food with the mouth (teeth) in the case of fruits or desserts that cannot be cut otherwise. Not to make someone else wash, dye or card the wool for a bhikkhun. If there are holes where food can be stuck in, they must be sealed with graphite or resin. Remark: This rule partly corresponds to the first of the ten precepts. However, if the bowl is flat, a bhikkhu does not commit an offence by accepting food served on small dips made on the surface of the rice, or on the lid, or on another bowl. Do as you wish, if this pleases you, destroy yourself!". This pcittiya is committed only if the four following factors apply: "mahallaka pana bhikkhun vihra krayamnena yva dvrakos aggaahapanya lokasandhiparikammya dvatticchadanassa pariyya appaharite hitena adhihtabba. The bhikkhu who is invited at a first dyaka, and then at a second, and wishes for some reason to attend the invitation by the second without going to that of the first can, to be free from fault, transfer that first invitation to another bhikkhu, a bhikkhun or a smaera. If a bhikkhu himself sews or causes someone else to sew a robe for a bhikkhun who is not relative of him, he commits a pcittiya. "yo pana bhikkhu ratana v ratanasammata v aatra ajjhrm v ajjvasath v uggaheyya v uggahepeyya v, pcittiya. Not to eat the food offered by donors whom one has not previously warned of an existing danger in the area. "sakkacca piapta bhujassamti sikkh karay.". "yo pana bhikkhu jna navsativassa puggala upasampdeyya, so ca puggalo anupasampanno, te ca bhikkh grayh, ida tasmi pcittiya.". Note: This method of erecting a roof by means of several layers is typically Indian. A bhikkhu who consumes food after - solar - noon commits a pcittiya. Not to ask for a good quality robe from two dyakas who are saving money to offer one each. If a bhikkhu takes possession of an object left behind by his owner or belonging to an animal, he does not commit the prjika 2. This pcittiya is called a "pcittiya requiring destruction", because the acquired object must be destroyed and cast away before the purification of the fault by means of the desan. If, under the effects of anger, a bhikkhu makes a threatening gesture towards a smaera, a lay person, or an animal, he commits a dukkaa. If he plays by means of a boat, or by throwing or causing to float anything on cooking water, or within any container with water, he commits a dukkaa. When the bhikkhus review, analyse or discuss aspects of the vinaya, a bhikkhu must not say that the minor rules are of little interest, or that they are taken to extremes, or that he never worries about knowing whether such action is correct or not, nor that it is painful to have to memorise it all, or that he is plagued having to learn them. There must be sufficient space for a cow drawn cart to move around it. There are five types of robes: the lower robe, the upper robe, the double robe, the rains-bath robe and the bandage robe. Once the sagha has reached agreement to assign a robe that has been offered to the sagha to a bhikkhu, if a bhikkhu criticises those who distribute the things of the sagha by saying that this is done by favouritism, he commits a pcittiya. And on his behalf, this second bhikkhu hands over the work to a third bhikkhu and so on. "yo pana bhikkhu santa bhikkhu anpucch vikle gma paviseyya aatra tathrp accyik karay, pcittiya.". Not to frighten a bhikkhu. PDF Modern Buddhism: Issues and Challenges - Province of Manitoba A bhikkhu is found alone with a woman in an open place within the reach of others' sight, but from where one cannot hear what is being said, and about which one can imagine that the conversation bears a lustful character. Note: This rule partly corresponds with the third of the ten precepts. Whatever the offence, whether it is committed willingly or not, it must always be purified in accordance with the vinaya. When there are rests of food somewhat scattered in his bowl, these must be gathered into one pile and eaten from the same side. If, after having been stated these principles of virtuous conduct by means of a specific formula, the bhikkhu does not reject his view point, it entails a meeting of the sagha. The Vinaya, or monastic rules, nowadays observed by monks in the Theravada tradition, werefirstformulated, withhelp of theelder Upali, duringthe meetingof the First CouncilthatwasheldshortlyafterthedeathoftheBuddha. 7) that which Buddha has not repeated has been repeated; The place of the future construction must cause absolutely no harm to living beings and must not be situated on a cultivated land. "susavuto antaraghare nisdissmti sikkh karay.". Vinaya-The 227 Rules Posted on May 13, 2022 | Leave a comment " Vinaya are the 227 rules by which a Buddhist monk of the Theravada tradition must conduct himselfconspicuous in his orange robes, shaven head, and barefootthough he is free to disrobe himself of this obedience at any time.

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227 rules for buddhist monks pdf